» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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power, Hitler outlawed Freemasonry and shut down many lodges. Many were arrested and sent to the concentration camps. Freemasons lodges were also shut down in countries invaded and occupied by the Nazi's (Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Poland, Hungary, Greece etc.)

Hitler believed that there was a FreemasonJewish plot to try and control the world. This was difficult to believe 70 years ago but in the present day we can see this plot unfold month after month.

Hitler had removed the Freemasons from Germany and removed the RothschildJewish grip on the German banks. Hitler printed his own money like JFK did and any leader or country that does this ends up dead or destroyed. Another nation that tried to do away with the Illuminati banking system was Libya under Muammar Gaddafi. The IlluminatiFreemason owned media told you Gaddafi was a bad leader who was killing his own people, all lies. He was generally well loved by most of his people and there was much that he was doing that was quite good. Gaddafi was busy implementing a plan to create a new, gold-based, economy for his nation and for Africa. If he was permitted to do that, he would instantly reverse decades of Illuminati control. Potentially destroying their plans world-wide. So he was killed, his government overturned and a suitably nervously obedient puppet regime implemented that would continue to support the Illuminati banking system.

The list of evil deeds perpetrated upon your world in the name of Illuminati banking is very, very long. By a very wide margin it is the greatest cause of misery, destruction, bloodshed and evil upon the earth in modern times.

Hitler somehow knew that Jewish Freemasons controlled Germany and large parts of Europe but what he did not know was that they also controlled America, Britain and France as they do today. The FreemasonsIlluminati then used its control of these countries to reduce Germany to almost rubble. After Hitler removed the Freemasons grip on Germany especially through the banks they assigned Hitler and Germany for destruction.

This information will be difficult for people to believe but the power of international Jewry and the Freemasons is their ability to falsify history and use the written history to serve their short and long term plans. Through their control of the media in the western world a mountain of lies then gave Jewry the ability to brainwash people. Just look at Hollywood which they control. Have you ever wondered why every World War 2 movie ever made portrays German soldiers as the evil ones? The media in the western world is under the control of these Jewish FreemasonsIlluminati so you are not likely to get the truth about World War 2 from the media corporations that they control. Don’t you ever wonder why they pummel Hitler and the Nazis day after day on the DiscoveryHistoryBBC channels even after over 70 years since the war has ended? We hear about Hitler’s drug problem, Hitler Henchman, Hitler’s UFO’s, Nazi Gold, Nazi Treasures etc. it is all absolute nonsense and Jewish propaganda. Do you ever see a movie about the 1.7 million German prisoners starved to death by Eisenhower or about the 2 million German civilians who died because of allied bombs or about the 15 million Germans kicked out of their lands and homes with 3 million of them dying, no you won’t see movies like this but you will see movies like the ‘Piano’ or ‘Defiance’ or ‘Inglorious bastards’ about how the Jews supposedly suffered or about how evil the Germans were, allegedly. Why don’t they pummel the Bolshevik revolution in which 40 to 100 million Russian Christians were murdered? I’ll tell you why? This Bolshevik revolution was financed by JewishFreemason bankers and all the leaders of the revolution were Jewish and that’s why they don’t show it on the controlled Jewish media channels. The Jews like to see themselves as victims and not the leaders of these barbaric murders.

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell.

Hitler was right and the Holocaust is a total propaganda hoax designed to prevent all non-Jews from finding out that Hitler found a way to create a fairer and better world free from being slaves to the Jews and their Usury debt money system that is destroying all our countries today economically, socially and morally. So the Jews demonise Hitler and Germany with the media that they control so that no one will want to look at the system that he had brought to the German people, a system that the German people idolised Hitler for. That is why Jewish hegemony and the Jewish banksters who controlled definitely American and British politicians to destroy not only Hitler but Germany and the German people. The evidence for this is irrefutable.

The Holocaust has been proven to be a hoax by scientists and revisionists such as Fred Leuchter, Dr. Faurisson, Germar Rudolf and Ernst Zundel. See my other book for the full story of WW2 and the Holocaust. There is also a lot of information on my website at

“Have you noticed how often a WWII era European Jew is designated a “holocaust survivor?”, If you consider how many millions of “holocaust survivors” there are, as evidenced by the millions of Jews who claim that they are due restitution from the German and Swiss governments alone, they all couldn’t have been freed from concentration camps by the advancing allied armies entering German occupied territory at the close of WWII because there weren’t many of Europe’s 6,000,000 Jews left... right? Evidently if you were a Jew and you were anywhere in Europe during WWII, then you survived the holocaust whether or not you were incarcerated... What Bullshit”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

WW2 - Conclusion

The winners write history. Our view of Hitler and the Second World War is largely a Jewish view. Hitler was manipulated and destroyed by the same IlluminatiFreemasonCommunist organization that runs the world today. The same Zionist Jew organization that pulled of 9/11 and destroyed Iraq, Syria, Libya and now wants to destroy Iran.

“Why did the Jews start a war against Germany? Because Germany was the ONLY remaining country in Western Europe that had not been conquered by the Jews! Germans were industrious, clean, organized, intelligent, and a strong Christian nation. For all those reasons – the Jews hated the Germans! The ENTIRE WORLD has been propagandized to believe that the Germans declared war against the Jews and that the Jews were “victims.” But that is a lie! It was the JEWS who wanted to destroy Germany AND ALL Germans so they could control ALL of Europe – and DESTROY another Christian nation, something they unfortunately (for humanity) were able to accomplish AFTER World War II. The Jews now control the government of Germany completely! England had been taken over by the Jews 400 years BEFORE World War II, when the Jew, John Dee (the original 007), was the head of Security for Queen Elizabeth I and convinced her to form a partnership with the Jews (Non-Jewish Monarchs of Europe combined with International Jewry) for the conquering of the WORLD! And the Jews STILL run England, under the dictatorship (from behind the scenes) of the Rothschild’s. This Banking family is Jewish (Their real name was Meyer) who control ALL the Central Banks (money supplies) of virtually ALL the countries in the world. The JEWS had taken over France before the French Revolution in 1789 and brag about it to this day, in their own literature. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was Jewish! Lenin was a Jew. Stalin was a Jew. Karl Marx (author of the Communist Manifesto) was a Jew. Leon Trotsky (real name - Bronstein) the head of the Red Army was a Jew, as were close to 80% of ALL the Bolsheviks who murdered the Czar and his family and took over Russia by force. Italy was controlled by the Vatican. The Vatican, and the entire Catholic Church have been controlled by the Jews (from behind the scenes) for several hundred years. The head of the Jesuits, known as the Black Pope, is Jewish – and controls the Visible Pope (the one seen by society) who does the Black Pope’s bidding. Pope John Paul II was Jewish. The present Pope, Joseph Ratzinger, is Jewish. The Jews invaded, and took over, the Catholic Church over time since the Inquisition, when the Catholic Church threatened death to Jews, and others, who would not convert to Catholicism. International Jewry told the rank and file Jews to pretend to convert, then get inside the Catholic Church and eventually take it over. This they did!” - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

“The outcome of WW2 decided the fate of our civilization. Countries didn’t lose the Second World War but humanity as a whole. Over 60 million people dies in the most horrific war in human history. After Germany’s defeat, Europe was placed back again under the heal of the bankers where it remains to this day. The old debt payments originating from the post Treaty of Versailles was reinstituted in 1948, and was not paid off until 2010. Germany is now totally controlled by the Rothschild, Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve. These same forces of International Jewry are the very same about which Adolf Hitler tried to forewarn the German people. All of Germany’s gold reserves are now held in the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now the German people find themselves in the same state of economic servitude of which Hitler tried to correct. Germany is still paying off war reparations for World War 2. On 23rd May 1949 the Western Allies ratified a new German constitution known as ‘The Basic Law’. Two days prior a secret state treaty was also signed, it granted complete allied control over education and all license media (press, radio, television and publishing houses) until the year 2099. Germany is still in occupied land with over 100,000 foreign troops stationed on her soil and the Jews have not made peace with her. No peace treaty has been concluded with any of the allied powers. Free speech and freedom of thought have gone, not only in Germany, but in many parts of Europe. Guns are illegal today in Germany and many other European countries so the law abiding citizens can’t even defend themselves anymore”, - From the video Europa-The Last Battle - Part 8

“Given the heavy Jewish involvement in financing Churchill and his allies and also steering the American government and public in the direction of war against Germany, organized Jewish groups probably bore the central responsibility for provoking the world war, and this was surely recognized by most knowledgeable individuals at the time. Indeed, the Forrestal Diaries recorded the very telling statement by our ambassador in London: “Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the Jews had forced England into the war.” The ongoing struggle between Hitler and international Jewry had been receiving considerable public attention for years. During his political rise, Hitler had hardly concealed his intent to dislodge Germany’s tiny Jewish population from the stranglehold they had gained over German media and finance, and instead run the country in the best interests of the 99% German majority, a proposal that provoked the bitter hostility of Jews everywhere. Indeed, immediately after he came into office, a major London newspaper had carried a memorable 1933 headline announcing that the Jews of the world had declared war on Germany, and were organizing an international boycott to starve the Germans into submission. In recent years, somewhat similar Jewish-organized efforts at international sanctions aimed at bringing recalcitrant nations to their knees have become a regular part of global politics. But these days the Jewish dominance of the U.S. political system has become so overwhelming that instead of private boycotts, such actions are directly enforced by the American government. To some extent, this had already been the case with Iraq during the 1990s, but became far more common after the turn of the new century. Although our official government investigation concluded that the total financial cost of the 9/11 terrorist attacks had been an absolutely trivial sum, the Neocon-dominated Bush Administration nonetheless used this as an excuse to establish an important new Treasury Department position, the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. That office soon began utilizing America’s control of the global banking system and dollar-denominated international trade to enforce financial sanctions and wage economic warfare, with these measures typically being directed against individuals, organizations, and nations considered unfriendly towards Israel, notably Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria. Perhaps coincidentally, although Jews comprise merely 2% of the American population, all four individuals holding that very powerful post over the last 15 years since its inception—Stuart A. Levey, David

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