» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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which simultaneously increased the national debt and the profits of the usurers. Significantly, most of these wars were started against countries that had implemented interest-free state banking systems, as was the case in the North American colonies and France under Napoleon. This pattern of attacking and enforcing the bankers’ system of usury has been deployed widely in the modern era and includes the defeats of Imperial Russia in World War I, Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II, and most recently Libya in 2011. These were all countries which had state banking systems, which distributed the wealth of their respective nations on an equitable basis and provided their populations with a standard of living far superior to that of their rivals and contemporaries. In the 18th century, the money mad British conducted three major wars, against Spain, the fledging U.S., and France. The principal objective of the war against France to was to destroy Napoleon’s debt- and interest-free system of finance. So too was the purpose of England’s second war against the American colonies. And so too the purpose of the Jewish bank is stunningly revealed by the sad misfortunes of the English people. In order to destroy Napoleon’s state bank, it cost the deluded British public a staggering £831 million, of which over £2.5 billion were still outstanding in 1914. The principal of £504 million had over the intervening period increased fivefold as a result of the compounding effect of interest. England is still paying Jewish bankers for the cost of the loans it took to wage their wars. At the start of World I in 1914 the national debt stood at £650 million. On March 31, 1919 it has increased to £7.434 billion, of which £3 billion is still outstanding after 95 years at an interest rate of 3.5 percent per annum. [. . .] In World War II the national debt rose by almost 300 per cent from £7.1 billion in 1939 to £20.1 billion in 1945. As of June 2014 it stands at almost £1.3 trillion. However, if one includes all liabilities, including state and public pensions, it exceeds £5 trillion. So this was the early history of the destructive practices of the Jewish money scheme. We come into modern times with the same evil antics practiced against very happy and self-sustaining countries, France, Russia, Germany, Japan, and in more modern times, Iraq, Libya and so many other innocent victims, all tortured and destroyed by the Jewish predators and the traitors they bought with their ill-gotten gain” - From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

Hitler hated communism and tried to halt it from spreading through Europe. He tried to make sure that communism did not spread or threaten Germany by removing all communists and 80% of communists in Germany at the time were Jews. Jewish Bolshevik Communists overthrew the Czar in Russia in 1917, Jewish communists the staged a coup in Hungary in 1919, then Jewish communist Amadeo Bordiga tried to take over Italy but was stopped by Mussolini. Jewish Bolsheviks attempted to take Spain in 1936, which led to the bloody Spanish Civil War. The Jews launched an orgy of mass murder, rape, and destruction. The Jew Labor Lazarevich Feldman, Soviet Red Army officer was chief of Soviet security in the Spanish Civil War. Over 20,000 churches across Spain were destroyed. 6,832 Spanish priests, three thousand monks, three hundred nuns, and 13 bishops were killed. Some 4,000 laymen were also murdered for helping, or hiding nuns, or priests. Feldman was one of the masterminds behind the massacres. In 1939 the devout Roman Catholic General, Francisco Franco, stepped up and created a united nationalist group, and managed to save Spain from a communist takeover. Franco had the support of Antonio Salazar from Portugal, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Adolf Hitler in Germany.

It was a crime that Britain and America did not join forces with Christian Germany to remove communism in Russia, instead they supplied the Soviets with masses of arms to defeat Germany. As I mentioned earlier if they had helped Germany to defeat Communism they would have been no Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam War an no takeover of half of Europe by Stalin after the war.

Britain did not gain anything from the war except debt and loss of overseas territories but you could say the Jews gained from the war. It gained a foothold in Palestine with thousands of Jews immigrating their because of the troubles in Europe and when Communist Russia was handed eastern Europe Jewish dictators were installed as leaders in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia. Also after World War 2 the Jews in Israel have extracted $89 billion from Germany as payment for the so called Holocaust which if you read the next section did not even take place, at least definitely not to the extent of 6,000,000 million dying. The Jews then took complete control of the American media and government and sends $3 billion a year from America into Israeli coffers. The Jews then use American Christian soldiers to stamp on any unruly neighbours to Israel such as Iraq and Libya, but that is another story.

Hitler had abandoned the fractional reserve banking system that was crippling post-WW1 Germany and this meant the removal of the private Jewish bankers. Rothschild and the Jewish bankers would not let him get away with this so they used the Polish Corridor incident to declare war on Germany and that is the main reason it was crushed. But they could not let the people of the world know this so they used their mouthpiece Churchill to say that Hitler was hell bent on world domination which was just a big lie. Britain and France declared war on Germany because it invaded Poland but the Soviets also invaded Poland from the East but no declaration of war was made against the Soviets and then after the war Poland and all eastern Europe was handed over to Stalin and Communist Russia. This proves that that the allies just used the excuse of Poland to destroy Germany. Don’t forget that Britain, France and the USA are controlled by the Rothschild Jewish Zionists and these Jews coerced these western governments to destroy Germany through its bombing campaign and ethnically cleanse all of eastern Germany of Germans and give this land to Poland.

“Why did the Jews start a war against Germany? Because Germany was the ONLY remaining country in Western Europe that had not been conquered by the Jews! Germans were industrious, clean, organized, intelligent, and a strong Christian nation. For all those reasons – the Jews hated the Germans! The ENTIRE WORLD has been propagandized to believe that the Germans declared war against the Jews and that the Jews were “victims.” But that is a lie! It was the JEWS who wanted to destroy Germany AND ALL Germans so they could control ALL of Europe – and DESTROY another Christian nation, something they unfortunately (for humanity) were able to accomplish AFTER World War II. The Jews now control the government of Germany completely! England had been taken over by the Jews 400 years BEFORE World War II, when the Jew, John Dee (the original 007), was the head of Security for Queen Elizabeth I and convinced her to form a partnership with the Jews (Non-Jewish Monarchs of Europe combined with International Jewry) for the conquering of the WORLD! And the Jews STILL run England, under the dictatorship (from behind the scenes) of the Rothschild’s. This Banking family is Jewish (Their real name was Meyer) who control ALL the Central Banks (money supplies) of virtually ALL the countries in the world. The JEWS had taken over France before the French Revolution in 1789 and brag about it to this day, in their own literature. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was Jewish! Lenin was a Jew. Stalin was a Jew. Karl Marx (author of the Communist Manifesto) was a Jew. Leon Trotsky (real name - Bronstein) the head of the Red Army was a Jew, as were close to 80% of ALL the Bolsheviks who murdered the Czar and his family and took over Russia by force. Italy was controlled by the Vatican. The Vatican, and the entire Catholic Church have been controlled by the Jews (from behind the scenes) for several hundred years. The head of the Jesuits, known as the Black Pope, is Jewish – and controls the Visible Pope (the one seen by society) who does the Black Pope’s bidding. Pope John Paul II was Jewish. The present Pope, Joseph Ratzinger, is Jewish. The Jews invaded, and took over, the Catholic Church over time since the Inquisition, when the Catholic Church threatened death to Jews, and others, who would not convert to Catholicism. International Jewry told the rank and file Jews to pretend to convert, then get inside the Catholic Church and eventually take it over. This they did!” - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

“Through their control of the mass media and influence in academia and our educational establishment, the Jews have managed to deceive the entire world with their false, often entirely fabricated version of history and current events. Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an “unqualified capacity for falsehood,” and he was exactly right. The Jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries over the course of history, not because people everywhere are mindless “anti-Semites” who irrationally persecute Jews, but because of Jewish behavior and actions. The Jews basically lie about everything. They lie about Adolf Hitler and WWII, portraying him and National Socialist Germany as the epitome of evil, a “racist anti-Semitic” movement who wanted to “conquer the world for the Aryan race” and systematically murder the entire Jewish population in Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth. Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany were the greatest threat to international Jewry’s global agenda of world domination, subjugation and exploitation – and the Jews know it. Hitler simply wanted the Jews out of Europe, recognizing their corrupt, degenerate, parasitic existence in the heart of Western civilization. Once Hitler legally and democratically came to power, he attempted to rectify – through diplomatic means – the unjust provisions of the various “peace treaties” which officially ended WWI, particularly the Treaty of Versailles pertaining specifically to Germany. Hitler and the German people were subjected to ridicule, disrespect and contempt by the international community, especially the French, British and American political and media establishment. Hitler was focused primarily on ending unemployment in Germany, uplifting and revitalizing the Germany people and strengthening the German nation. The last thing he wanted was to fight another World War. The entire official Jewish narrative of WWII is the exact opposite of what really happened during this critical period of time in our history. Hitler did not initiate WWII, the Jewish controlled Western democracies did; Hitler’s Germany and her allies did not “Holocaust” the Jews of Europe, the Allied nations committed genocide against the German people and their allies. Virtually all of the crimes the Jews and their puppets – the Americans, British and Soviets primarily – committed were projected onto the Germans through the Jewish control of the mass media, Hollywood and political establishment. The story of “6 million Jews” being “exterminated by the evil Nazis” is a totally fraudulent narrative that has been manufactured and perpetuated over the years by Jewish propagandists and their lackeys. Psychologically and emotionally exploitative propaganda has been effectively used to reinforce and reinstall the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative over the years, particularly in the West” - John Friend, independent journalist, and host of the and reporter for American Free Press (

Below American writer John Kaminski ( gives us a proper history lesson, a lesson the Jews have been trying to cover up for decades.

“Hitler never wanted to take over the world like the Jews say he did. He only wanted to reclaim what was stolen from Germany in World War I. There were no gas chambers in the work camps. Most of those who died were Poles and other ethnic groups. And that number is nothing in comparison to the number of people murdered by the three Jewish allies — the Soviets, and Brits and the United States — who sought to stamp out the biggest threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony ever seen. So all those writers who use Hitler as an example of the greatest arch villain of all time are merely displaying their own brainwashing, or their own contemptible corruption, to all who have eyes to see. And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to

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