» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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the Chamberlain government resisted this false story for a long time, but as historians have revealed the British and American press was controlled by Zionist Jews, and these Jews had all the entrances they needed into Churchill and Roosevelt. It is difficult to believe that a world war that killed 50, perhaps 60, million people and doomed the world to permanent war and misunderstandings was the product of a few personal interests. Hitler stated many times that he did not want, or intend, war with Britain and France and only intended to recover the lost German populations stolen from Germany by the unjust Versailles Treaty. No less an important Englishman than John Maynard Keynes, the father of modern economics, denounced the Versailles Treaty as certain to lead to a new war. Keynes was correct. Never was a war as unnecessary, and only the US profited from it. Britain was ruined. Britain lost the reserve currency role and its control of world trade, which were Roosevelt’s intentions, and Britain lost its empire, also Roosevelt’s intention. David Irving describes how Roosevelt played the drunken British Prime Minister into mortgaging the British Empire to America in support for his war against Germany. Roosevelt understood how war could rescue his administration from the Great Depression. He also understood how war, by bankrupting Britain, would leave the United States as the world hegemon. Hitler had nothing to do with any of this. The war was forced on him. Viktor Suvorov has produced documented books that Hitler had no choice but to invade Russia as Stalin had assembled on Germany’s border the largest and most formidable invasion force in history. Hitler struck first before the Soviet invasion force was prepared. Consequently, the enormous early victories of German arms were a product of Soviet bases being overrun with enormous losses in men and equipment. John Wear’s findings support Suvorov’s conclusion. The war forced on Germany was too much for Germany. Faced with having to occupy defeated Europe, with the threat of an American invasion, faced with a Russian front, and faced with having to rescue Italy in Greece and North Africa, German resources, despite the magnificence of the German Army, were too thin to prevail. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, each for his own reasons, had forced Germany into a war that Hitler did not want. With Churchill having set the stage for war with Germany, Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the outbreak by exerting diplomatic pressure on the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany. The Polish government’s mistreatment of Germans in territories under Polish control forced Hitler’s hand. The joint German and Soviet invasion of Poland, with the Soviet Union taking half of Poland resulted in England and France declaring war only on Germany. It was alright for the Soviets to invade Poland, but not for Germany. Roosevelt orchestrated the Japanese “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor to take the US into the war against Germany. The Polish ambassador to the United States, Count Jerzy Potocki, described the overwhelming Jewish hostility to Germany and its impact on American attitudes toward Germany in a secret report to the Polish Foreign Minister in Warsaw”. – Extracted from

“After the Soviets entered Eastern Europe at the end of the war, Jews were installed as the ruling elite in nearly every country which fell under the Soviet Union’s control. John Gunther, in his book, “Behind the Iron Curtain,” Harper, 1949, wrote that: “Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia all have Jewish Dictators.” The three Jews at the top of the Hungarian government, according to Gunther, were Matyas Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer), and Zoltan Vas. In Poland they were the Jews, Minc, Skryeszeqski, Modzelewski, and Berman. In Romania, the Jewish ruler was Anna Pauker. In Czechoslovakia it was Rudolph Slansky. The only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain was Tito of Yugoslavia, though his right hand man was the Jew Mosa Pijade. Not only were the dictators of these countries Jewish, their administrations were almost entirely Jewish. The key positions were filled by Jews in almost all of the Soviet occupied country. The Jews controlled the Soviet Union, and Jewish elites now controlled nearly all of the countries under Soviet occupation. These ruling Jewish elites were loyal not to the countries they ruled, but to International Jewry, based in the Soviet Union. The Jews also obtained their long sought after state of Israel as a result of the war, and in the time honored tradition of winners of wars, the International Nation of Israel demanded and received billions of dollars in reparations from the loser, Germany (Germany has paid Israel $75 billion in reparations to date. The reparations demands of the ruinous Treaty of Versailles only required Germany to pay $35 billion.) Today, six and a half decades after the war, Germany is still paying lifetime pensions to half a million so-called “Holocaust survivors” ― that is, to Jews who either lived in German occupied territory during the war, or who were forced to emigrate as a result of the war. When the war in Europe came to an end, it seemed that the Jews were in control of everything. They controlled the Soviet Union, and virtually controlled Britain and the United States. They were so numerous within the Allied occupying administration in Germany that they dictated all the terms of occupation, including the Morganthau Plan. They were in total control of the Nuremberg Trials. They were even placed in charge of most of the newspapers in occupied Germany”. - From the book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ by Benton L. Bradberry

Germany’s Hermann Goering understood the true nature of the war.

“This war is not a Second World War. This is a great racial war. In the final analysis it is about whether the German and Aryan prevails here, or whether the Jew rules the world, and that is what we are fighting for out there.” (Hermann Goering, as quoted in Michael Burleigh’s book, “The Third Reich, A New History,” 2000)

Germany suffered the real Holocaust of World War 2. It had its whole country and infrastructure destroyed. 15 million of its people were expelled from their homes and it is estimated that up to 20 million Germans died during and just after World War 2.

But because the American media is owned by the Jews they paint a picture that Hitler and Germany was the villain in World War 2 when in fact they were not, they were the victims.

But hopefully this book and other like it will have gone some way towards making people think again about Hitler, Germany and World War 2 and you might now know a bit more about the real truth and not the lies and propaganda that you have been told for 70 years.

In his book, ‘The Jewish Hand in the World Wars’, Thomas Dalton examines in detail the Jewish hand in the two world wars. Thomas Dalton, PhD, is author, editor, and translator of several books and articles on Hitler, the Holocaust, and National Socialism. His books include Debating the Holocaust (2015), The Holocaust: An Introduction (2016), Hitler on the Jews (2019)

“When we examine the causal factors for war, and when we look at its primary beneficiaries, we repeatedly find a prominent Jewish presence. Throughout history, Jews have played an exceptionally active role in promoting and inciting war. With their long-notorious influence in government, we find recurrent instances of Jews promoting hardline stances, being uncompromising, and actively inciting people to hatred. Jewish misanthropy, rooted in Old Testament mandates, and combined with a ruthless materialism, has led them, time and again, to instigate warfare if it served their larger interests. This fact explains much about the present-day world”, - Thomas Dalton, Author.

Dalton’s book can be purchased at:

In the late Willis Carto’s essential pamphlet “A Straight Look at the Second World War,” originally published in the January/February 2012 edition of The Barnes Review, the legendary American nationalist and publisher clearly explains that WWII was not the “Good War” Americans and the rest of the world have been led to believe. WWII was not about checking “Nazi” aggression and designs on world conquest, or “liberating” Europe from fascism and tyranny, or even a war of self-defense against a war-mongering, imperial German-Japanese alliance – it was a fratricidal, Jewish-instigated genocidal campaign whose only beneficiaries were the clique of Jewish bankers, plutocrats, propagandists, and Communists largely controlling the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.

“There are about 50 million German men and woman within the procreation ages, and it is estimated that 20 thousand surgeons performing about 25 operations daily could sterilize the entire male population of Germany within three months and the entire female population in less than three years”, - Jewish Lawyer Louis Nizer – Time Magazine, March 24th 1941.

“The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands. They start wars between countries, and when they wish, governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and meanwhile the Jews get richer”. Theodore Herzl, Jewish Zionist and one of the founding fathers of Zionism.

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” — Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

“I am convinced nearly all wars are caused so that someone will profit and those who profited and those who are profiting now are the international financiers, the Jews. Gather together the fifty wealthiest financiers, the men who create wars for their own profits, control them and you will put an end to it all”, - Henry Ford (Business magnate and the founder of the Ford Motor Company), author – ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’ – 1921

“Adolf Hitler has no doubt in his mind that the Jewish problem is the center of all problems, not merely in Germany, but in the world. It is useless to dismiss this as an illusion because if it is, it demands explanation. But it is no illusion it is the truth. Hitler’s declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature, and his capacity to realize this is the proof of his genius”, - Rabbi Harry Waton – ‘A Program for the Jews and an answer to all anti-semites’

“Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews.” — Rabbi Harry Waton p. 99 of his book

I will leave the last word to Hitler on who was to blame for World War 2 with part of his last testament from 29th April 1945.

“More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War that was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.

Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left

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