» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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system contained 476 camp complexes, within which there were often dozens, sometimes hundreds of individual camps. Some of the most notorious camps were in Magadan, Karaganda and Kolyma in the Russian Far East. 3 million prisoners died in the Kolyma camps alone.

The people of Norka, like all the ethnic Germans living in the Volga region, were forced to leave their homes, furniture, most personal items and all of their livestock. Most would never see their homes again. The consequences for the Volga Germans were devastating. Tens of thousands are believed to have died during the journey to Siberia, which lasted up to two months.

On February 14, 1942, the Soviet government required that all deported German males (ages 17 to 50) were to be separated from their families and sent from the Special Settlements to the NKVD's Gulag’s for forced labour. The Soviets also ordered in October 1942 that the deported German women from age 16 to 45 also be sent to labour camps. Each individual worked under a regime of forced labour, often with inadequate housing and food. Harsh climatic conditions and overwork led to a high mortality rate.

One of the prisoners at the Usollag camp provided this description:

“There were more than a hundred of us in the barrack. The best places on the wooden bunks where taken by thieves. To the right of the door a few bunks were occupied by syphilitics. There was only one water tank, and a common aluminium mug was chained to it. It was a very cold winter (-40 to -49 F), we had no appropriate clothing. A prisoner should work cutting trees in the forest 12–16 hours a day to earn his bread ration (1.5 lb). People were dying; the corpses were taken away to the cemetery after the beep at 12:00 midnight. I remember a case when 29 people died in one day in the barracks… When we were going to work, we were counted, and the same amount of people was expected to come back. Because of the scarcity of food, we had the disease – “chicken blindness:” people couldn’t see at night. Winter, cold … Go back, and search for the missing men, until you find them. Many of them were found dead… Among inmates there were a lot of military wives and ethnic German women with little children, imprisoned without a trial. They, too, were forced to work. There was a nursery in the camp. When the baby turned 7 years old, it was taken from the camp and sent to an orphanage.”

It is believed that up to 200,000 Volga German’s perished in these camps.

The Volga Germans were falsely told that the relocation was temporary and they would be able to return home at the end of the war. In fact they were not allowed to return until at least 12 years later after Stalin’s death. But they had no homes or land to return to as the Volga region had been taken over by Russians.

The Stalin regime justified the deportation of nearly half a million ethnic Germans from the Volga region by claiming that they actively harboured tens of thousands of spies and saboteurs loyal to Germany which obviously was not the case. Louis de Jong, a Dutch historian who extensively studied the claims of German "fifth columns", concluded that the German intelligence agencies did not rely on the assistance of the ethnic German minority living in the Soviet Union because they lived in such remote areas of Russia that establishing contact with them was impossible. Germany similarly started to remove Jews and Jewish communists to concentration camps when the Jews declared economic war on Germany in 1933. This was to remove thousands of Jewish spies and saboteurs loyal to the Jewish economic war against Germany.

But unlike the German concentration camps which had hospitals and recreation facilities the Soviet Gulags were a place of death, disease and 16 hours a day of forced labour. The Gulags in Russia were a place where up to 50 million may have perished over a 30 year period at the hands of mostly Jews who were in charge of these Gulags. But Hollywood and the Jewish media don’t want people to know that they only want the world to know of the alleged 6 million Jews that supposedly perished in the German concentration camps.

The Jewish run Death Camps

The phony "six-million" holocaust further serves as a distraction from and a cover for the real crimes against humanity committed under Jewish communism. Nearly everyone has heard of "Auschwitz," but how many have heard of the atrocities committed against Gentiles at Kolyma, the most notorious Gulag slave labour camp, run and operated by Jews in extreme north eastern Siberia? Or the systematic genocide of the people of the Ukraine perpetrated by Jewish communism, the Holodomor were 9 million Ukrainians perished.

If you want to investigate the Jewish run death camps perhaps you should read the book by DR. Herman Greife.

The Jews who ran the Soviet Gulags were Jagoda (Jew, Chief of the G. P. U.), Lazar Kaganovitch (Jewish brother-in-law of Dictator Joseph Stalin), Jew, Simon Firin and Jew Lazarus Josephsohn Kagan (Chief of constructions in the Camps). The Jew, Grigorij Davidsohn Afanasjew was Chief engineer of the concentration camps.

The G.P.U was the secret police.

Other Jews in control of the concentration camps were Matwej Davidsohn Berman a high G. P. U. official and The Jew, Jacob Davidsohn Rappoport, assistant chief of G. P. U.

Below the Jew Jagoda (Hershel Jehuda) Chief of the Cheka. All concentration camps were under his supervision.

“Millions of people have already vanished in the first Marxist state of the world. And millions will have to sacrifice their lives under the Jewish domination as long as this devilish system is allowed to exist”, - DR. Herman Greife.

“Nearly all the chiefs of the concentration camps were Jews. The most infamous of these were: Naftali Frenkel, Matvei Berman, Aaron Soltz, Yakov Rappaport, Lazar Kagan. According to the Jewish researcher and publicist Arkadi Vaksberg, eleven out of twelve chiefs of camps in the Gulags were Jews”, - Lina Juri – ‘Under the Sign of the Scorpion’.

The gulag systems of the former USSR were the real death camps. Millions died at these death camps: Orotukan, Polyarny Spring, Svistoplyas, Annushka and Kolyma. Over three million people were systematically murdered by the Jewish Communist Regime in Kolyma alone, and Kolyma formed only one such camp of many across the Soviet Union.

Everything the Jews are and do, they cleverly blame upon Gentiles. If one does enough in-depth research, one will find that slave labor/death camps are actually a Jewish idea and Jewish invention, and existed long before the alleged Nazi camps. This acts as a distraction and diverts the attention of the populace from the real crimes. Through all of the years following the end of the Second World War, we are forever being bombarded on a regular basis, straight from Jew Hollywood, film after film, documentaries, and other media depicting the alleged "holocaust" of the Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany. This has acted as a major distraction amongst many other things over the years and has diverted attention from the real death camps, which were all run and operated by Jews, under Jewish communism. Long before Adolf Hitler even came to power, these slave labor death camps were in full operation. In addition, everything the Jews accuse the Germans of, they, themselves put into action in the 1920's. If one does the necessary research, one's eyes will be opened to the truth.

The victims of the Jew controlled communist slave labor death camps have received nothing. No reparations, no help, and the surviving families have gotten nothing. What is even worse it the fact that none of the Jewish criminals has ever been brought to justice. While the Jewish controlled media is buzzing away with story after story of so-called "Nazi war criminals" being "brought to justice," there has been no justice whatsoever for the gulag victims which totalled in the many millions around the world from the communist countries. In addition, the ignorant public is focused on Nazi this and Nazi that and does not even know of the real victims. This kind of Jew indoctrination is also forced in the schools where communism is taught as something good and favourable by Jewish college professors and their Gentile stooges. It is all lies Communism is a Jewish program of slavery and death.

Historian Texe Marrs states:

"Their greatest hatred, their most vicious spewing of venom, is reserved for the fearless few who dare to reveal to the world the heinous crimes committed by the Jewish Power in the Communist Gulag, especially the Zionist murder of 66 million men, women, and children, many of them Bible-believing Christians.

Equally hated are men like Ernst Zundel of Canada, who have questioned whether six million Jews actually died in a Nazi Holocaust. But even if six million died in a Nazi Holocaust, what of the sixty-six million who perished in the Jewish Gulag? And remember: Thousands of Nazis have been tracked down and punished for their reported crimes against humanity. Why is it that not even one Zionist Jew has ever been brought to justice for the heinous crimes committed in the Jewish Communist Gulag? Why?

For almost six decades, America and the planet have been preaching to the Germans, reminding them of the terrible crimes of their Nazi ancestors. It is only fair and just that we all now turn our attention to the Communist Gulag Holocaust that we expose the Jews' role in its monstrous crimes and remind the Jews of what their criminal ancestors did to these sixty-six million innocent victims, most of whom were Christians.

Isn't it also time we demand construction of a Christian Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., to be erected next door to the existing taxpayer-funded Jewish Holocaust Museum? Is only the suffering of Jews worthy of being memorialized? What about the pain and suffering endured by so many other ethnic and religious groups, including that of Russian and Eastern European Christians during the Jewish Bolshevik era? Don't these tens of millions of Gentiles killed and tortured deserve to be remembered as well”?

Holocaust is Big Money

"In recent years, the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket." - Jewish Professor Norman G. Finkelstein.

Norman Finkelstein is a Jew whose parents survived Auschwitz, survived not gassed.

Over half a million Jews living in Israel and America have been able to extort lifetime pensions from Germany because they are classed as a ‘Holocaust Survivor’. Germany was forced to sign the Luxembourg agreement in 1952 and pay massive reparations to any Jew who survived the so called Holocaust. This has cost Germany about 89 billion dollars and I got that figure from the timesofisrael website itself.

"The World Jewish Congress (WJC) treasury has amassed no less than roughly $7 billion in compensation monies from Germany." - Jewish Professor, Norman G. Finkelstein.

In 2012 another agreement between the Jews and Germany was reached for 80,000 Jews who we are told fled Eastern Europe to Russia because of the advancing German army. These 80,000 Jews have received a one of payment of $3,253 with a total cost to the German government of $260 million. Germany moved across eastern Europe in 1942 to attack Russia which would mean even if one of these Jewish persons was 10 years old that would make them 85 years old now. But obviously there was not 80,000 Jewish 10 year olds so they must be quite a few of them now in

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