» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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their 90’s or beyond. Not believable. See how they use the perceived Jewish suffering to get money, what about the 17 million Christian Germans who died in WW2 and what about the Volga Germans who were kicked out of their homes and land? The Jews receive in their holocaust pension from Germany $382 per month which has just risen from $331 per month, not bad for free. Most of the Christian countries of Europe suffered in WW2 with many of the countries bombed, mostly by the Allies and 70 million Christian deaths but somehow the Jews are the ones who get paid for the whole of their lifetime, its sheer madness.

"Almost all survivors of the Nazi holocaust have already passed away ..." (Norman G. Finkelstein ‘The Holocaust industry. Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering’ Verso London 2000 p.138).

You were classed as a Holocaust survivor if you were a Jew and still alive and living in Europe after the Second World War and so eligible for a lifetime pension from Germany. This is just extortion. Christian survivors of the war did not get any compensation. Much of the money was used to fund the new state of Israel. Also another use of the Holocaust is that Prime Minister Netanyahu regularly invokes the Holocaust to justify Israeli attacks upon its neighbours, usually Palestine. Let’s not forget the Jews forced 750,000 Palestinians out of their villages and homes from 1947 onwards and massacring thousands on the way.

In today’s Britain, “The Holocaust” is big business, with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET)
receiving over two million pounds a year from the government and various other UK Holocaust
groups now benefitting from taxpayer money. Such as the Beth Shalom Holocaust Education Centre in
Newark in the East Midlands which got a million pounds, and the Holocaust Recalled Group in Swansea
received £791,000, while the Lake District Holocaust Project and the Holocaust Survivors
Friendship Association in Leeds have both been given around half a million.

In 2014 the then prime minister David Cameron set up the Holocaust Memorial Commission and appointed Sir Mick Davis (Jewish) to be chairman. This resulted in more public money being spent on yet another Jewish Holocaust memorial set in the Victoria Tower Gardens next to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. This will cost British taxpayers £50 million to pay homage to a race of people who are 1% of the British population and why do the British have to honor Jews who died at the hands of Germans during WW2. 17 million Germans died and 70 million Christians during WW2 but we have spent huge amounts of money building expensive monuments and memorials for the Jews who died (less than 200,000). One mile from this location is the Imperial War Museum which has its own huge Jewish Holocaust memorial but somehow they need another and another. This is no surprise coming from David Cameron and the conservatives because 80% of Tory MP’s are members of the Jewish Lobby group ‘The Conservative Friends of Israel’ and David Cameron is part Jewish. His great-great grandfather Emile Levita was a Jewish financier and Cameron’s great-great grandmother, was a descendant of the wealthy Danish Jewish Ree family on her father’s side. Also it is the wealthy Jews who fund the Conservative party, Ehud Sheleg (Jewish) provided the Conservatives with £550,000 before the 2017 general election and Sheleg will also be made the Conservative Party Treasurer which will be to replace Sir Mick Davis (Jewish) the current Treasurer. So you can see how easy it is for the Jews to influence government decisions to build Holocaust Memorials.

The memorial that the British government should really be erecting is not another one for the Jews but one for the 2 million German woman and children who were relentlessly blown to bits by the British RAF during WW2.

It is shocking. Why should Holocaust memorials make millions from taxpayer’s money in memory of people who have died over 75 years ago? Are the deaths of Jews more important than the deaths of the other people that died in the Wars? It would seem so but then again that is the power of the Jewish media and organisations.

This is an outrage and nothing but extortion when there is so much evidence now to suggest that no Jew was ever gassed in the concentration camps as the evidence here will show you. A huge amount of people will feel slightly embarrassed that they have been duped for all these years.

There is no shame in being conned, there is shame in refusing to see you were conned.

“Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon — one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy (non-Jews). Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded. Books with Holocaust themes, documentaries, feature films, TV programs, memorials and museums are a staple of America’s cultural diet.” Moshe Leshem, Balaam's Curse: How Israel Lost Its Way, and How It Can Find It Again

As mentioned earlier the Jews totally run Hollywood and they use this control to churn out year after year movies about the so called Holocaust which allegedly happened over 75 years ago. Below is a list of just a few of the dozens of Holocaust movies that the Jews try to force on us nearly every year.

Denial (2016), The Reader (2008), Son of Saul (2015), IDA (2015), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008), Enemies: a Love Story (1989), The Pianist (2003), Defiance (2008), Inglorious Basterds (2009), The Devil’s Arithmetic (1999), Amen (2002), Schindler's List (1993), Sophie's Choice (1982), Life Is Beautiful (1997), Holocaust (1978), Escape from Sobibor (1987 TV Movie) etc.., the list goes on and on.

Hollywood produced some 180 Holocaust films just during the years 1989-2004.

Many billions of dollars have surely been invested over the years to convince people that the Holocaust really did take place. After all for most ordinary people, “seeing is believing,” and how could anyone seriously doubt the reality of the Holocaust after having seen all the gas chambers and mounds of murdered Jewish corpses constructed by highly-paid Jewish Hollywood movie producers.

Again were are the Hollywood movies about the suffering of the Ukrainians (9 million died at the hands of Russians and Jews) or the Russian Christians (40 million dead at the hands of Jews) or even the Germans during WW2 (17 million deaths). You will never see movies about this non-Jewish suffering as long as the Jews own Hollywood.

You should read the book by the Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein titled “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” which denounced what he called exploiting its memory as a “ideological weapon,” enabling Israel, “one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, to cast itself as a victim state immune to criticism.”

For years Jews have been stealing millions from Germany and claiming they were Holocaust survivors. In 2010 in New York 31 Jews were arrested for fraud for stealing $40 million from a Holocaust compensation fund. The leader Semen Domnitser and his fellow Jews Oksana Romalis and Luba Kramrish, were found guilty in 2013 by the Manhattan District Court. The other 28 also pleaded guilty. These three Jewish frauds approved over 5,500 fraudulent applications, resulting in payouts to applicants who did not qualify for the programs. In exchange, these insiders kept a portion of the money for themselves and their co-conspirators.

Another Jew Werner Nachmann had defrauded about $17 million from the German government between 1981 and 1987 and this was only discovered after his death. Werner Nachmann was President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany from 1969 to 1988 and that says it all really. Half of the directors of the Central Council of Jews in Germany were forced to resign because of this swindle. These are the ones who get caught. There must be thousands of Jews who have swindled money illegally from Germany because of the Holocaust, I would suggest 4.3 million of them.

Jews continue to this day to extract money from Germany for the so called Holocaust. Why do only Jews have to be paid this money, it is a disgrace. The greatest mystery is a mystery no more about why Jews have been run out of over 100 countries in Europe of the past 500 years for their financial swindling. To prove the point a few of the Jewish money grabbing articles are below.

“The German government has agreed to pay €772 million ($1 billion) for the homecare of Holocaust survivors throughout the world. The decision was reached by the German Finance Ministry together with the Claims Conference, a Jewish fund for victims of Nazi aggression, after negotiations in Jerusalem concluded on Tuesday. The money, which will be given in stages between 2014 and 2017, will provide some 56,000 Holocaust survivors -- about a third of whom reside in Israel -- with home nursing care, medication and social services, said the Claims Conference in a statement” -

Above article from:

U.S. to Pay out New Reparations for Holocaust FEBRUARY 6, 2019 2:15 PM

The State Department announced on Wednesday that additional reparation payments would be made to victims of the Holocaust as part of its claims program covering in part Jewish people who were deported by France during World War II.

The reparations program was established by the United States with France under agreements relating to the deportation of Jews by the French government during the Holocaust.

France provided $60 million to the United States to distribute to Holocaust survivors and their living families under the agreement.

Initial payments to survivors included $204,000 for those who survived their deportation, $51,000 to living surviving spouses or those deported, and a pro rata amount if the individual died after 1948.

"Payments to date on approved claims total $30,028,500" according to the State Department. "With the additional payment of 97 percent of their prior approved claim amount, living survivors would receive in total $401,880; living surviving spouses would receive up to $100,470; and heirs of survivors and surviving spouses would receive a portion of these amounts." -

Holocaust survivors and the families of victims who were Nazi death camps during the Second World War, are to be compensated by the Dutch national railway Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS). Calling its role in transporting more than 100,000 Jews and other minorities “a black page in the history of the company”, the firm said it had accepted a recommendation to offer around €15,000 (£13,500) to each of the estimated 500 living survivors from a fund of €50m (£45m). It will also pay compensation to an estimated 5,500 relatives of victims, including €7,500 to their widows or widowers or €5,000 to their children -

For the first time since the end of the Second World War nearly 70 years ago, thousands of Moroccan Jews will be recognized as Holocaust survivors and receive compensation from the German government. According to the agreement drafted over the last few days between the Claims Conference and the German government they will each receive NIS 13,000 ($3,800) in compensation.,7340,L-4061166,00.html

The families or heirs of Jews whose possessions were plundered in Belgium during World War II will receive 55-million euros under an agreement reached late on Thursday between representatives of the Jewish community and the Belgian Banks Association (ABB), Belga news agency reported. As the government, central bank, and insurance companies signed an agreement one week ago to dole out 55.8-million euros, the total to go to the Belgian Jewish community now comes to around 111.3-million euros.

The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis said that Germany has agreed to extend compensation to their surviving spouses and to increase other payments, taking the total to be paid out in 2020 to around $1 billion. Until now, pension payments to Holocaust survivors had been stopped upon their death, but the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany said Berlin has now agreed to continue survivor pensions for nine months after a death to the spouse.

The idea that Jews should be compensated for Holocaust-era losses is only possible if we take the Holocaust completely out of its historical context. What happened to Jews did not just happen in a vacuum it happened in the middle of a world war were over 60 million people died, mostly Christians. Why should Jewish victims be compensated for all the monies and properties lost as a result of WW2 and nobody else? Tens of millions of Europeans, mostly of German descent were dehoused, deported (Volga Germans), plundered, raped and saw their assets seized if not by nationalist governments then later by postwar communist regimes which were mostly Jewish. Further back, many of the inhabitants of Eastern Europe suffered through property losses and loss of life as a result of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the four year Civil War that ensued thereafter. In reality, Jewish claims for compensation for Holocaust-era losses seem remarkably self-centered when we remember that this

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