» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe's Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means. After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation's life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Reich. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.

I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Fuehrer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held.

I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name”. – Adolf Hitler - 29th April 1945

The Holocaust Myth

'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it as fact' - Joseph Goebbels

“The story of the “Six Million” has, for many people, become an article of faith. It is therefore surprising for many people to be confronted with the reality that the entire story is at the very best, a poor concoction of lies, and at the worst, an utterly evil conspiracy designed to besmirch the German people”, - Peter Winter, Author, ‘The Six Million: Fact or Fiction’?

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.” – Professor Robert Faurisson, internationally renowned historical revisionist

“The alleged “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving “homicidal gas chambers” and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it. National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd. There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no “homicidal gas chambers” utilized to murder Jews and other “undesirables”. The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities — not “death camps”. Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe. These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany’s supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves? The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake “Holocaust” story, is basically the exact opposite from what we’ve been told and taught. The simple fact of the matter is that the “Holocaust” narrative — 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by “those evil Nazis” during WWII — endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and “entertainment” complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization. Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for. They were certainly not killed using “homicidal gas chambers” and other sadistic forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry”, - Rosemary Pennington, Author, National website.

We live in a democracy, with free speech and free press so why should it be a criminal offence to seek the truth about the so called Jewish Holocaust of World War 2. It is the only historical event in history that we are not allowed to question or research. They do not want anyone doing any research on the Holocaust because it might lead them to the truth and that is the only reason why research is not allowed. I find it offensive beyond belief that Jews and Zionists have persuaded governments in Germany, France, Belgium and 15 other countries to make it a crime to question the Holocaust and this is a gross infringement of article 19 in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights which says ‘everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression’ The truth does not need protecting but a lie does.  When they say it is a crime to research a part of history then the alarm bells are ringing straight away.

Why make asking an historical question a criminal offence?

Italy’s Parliament approved a bill (June 2016) making spreading Holocaust denial illegal. Why now after 70 years?  Could it be to the fact that more and more people are waking up to the fact that what they have been told about the Holocaust is not true and you find this out by doing research.  So if they can stop people doing research by making it a criminal offence then people will not find out the truth. Don’t forget Israel and the Jews built and sustain their state and life by this lie and if it was found out to be a lie then that could be the end of Israel and that is why this small country of six million people have Jewish pressure groups AIPAC, JINSA etc. that force governments to apply these laws about the Holocaust.  Governments have no backbone and are scared of standing up to the Jews, when a politician does come along who is not pro-Israel such as Jeremy Corbyn (head of Labour Party UK) they try and force him out. It is the end of free speech and free opinion.  We can debate if an American president is gay or we can debate how many millions of Russians died in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 but we can’t debate if 6 million Jews died in World War 2, why, why can’t we. Because it will lead to the truth that is why. If it is the truth then let people research it because then the research will just lead people to the truth.

The truth is even harder to come by now because in March 2017 Amazon has banned every book that shines a critical light on the so called Holocaust. About 100 books have been banned. If you had doubts about six million being gassed by the Germans in WW2 and you wanted to research it by buying a book from Amazon, then you won't be allowed to do that. That is the nature of Jewish power when they can pressure someone like Jeff Bezos (Amazon Owner) to get the truth banned. Truth is not afraid of any analysis but a lie is.

This is an assault on our freedom of information and should be treated as such. This is against article 19 of the United Nations charter which states 'Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers'.

The reason people are threatened with prison for researching the Holocaust is what if there really was no Jews gassed in concentration camps then what would that mean for Israel and the billions they have extorted from governments around the world in holocaust memorials as well the untold billions extracted from Germany as well as the guilt they have.

Ok let’s do a bit of research and see if we can find the truth to this so called Holocaust. They say the truth will set you free, but it will in Germany’s case, free of 70 years of guilt.

Constant Holocaust repetition in the media combined with endless Hollywood films, documentaries, forced indoctrination in education has convinced many people that it must be true. I would say 90% of the people who believe in the Holocaust have not researched any evidence against the Holocaust, they have just believed what they have been told on their T.V’s. I once believed in the Jewish Holocaust but then again I had never looked at any evidence against the Holocaust. It is only when you look at the evidence you realise that it can’t be true at least not in the way we have been told. I think I will do my own research. Somehow I don’t think I will rely on the Jewish controlled media to give me the truth.

Of course, no physical evidence whatsoever was shown to verify the alleged homicidal gas
chambers, despite knowledge of their existence being denied by every single defendant.
—Jason Myers, on the Nuremberg trials of 1946, Smith’s Report, July 2009.

"Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust" - Hollywood director Oliver Stone.

Among the rare public figures who have dared to question the Myth of the Holocaust are such individualists as the actor Robert Mitchum, who told an Esquire interviewer, in response to a question about "the six million", "So the Jews say?" shrieked the horrified interviewer.  "Yeah," growled Mitchum, "so the Jews say."  Another actor, Ronald Reagan, while seeking public office, told a Jewish audience in California that "It might help your cause if you would limit your claims of victims to numbers that you could actually prove." 

Lorraine Day graduated from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine in 1969 and became an associate professor and vice chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of California, San Francisco.

Mrs L.Day states in a recent article: “Well, the idea that the concentration camps were for the express purpose of killing Jews and/or other inmates is certainly a categorical lie. I don’t deny that there were millions of Jews imprisoned in these camps. But they were imprisoned because international Jewry had instructed all the Jews in Germany, that if Germany went to war with England, that every Jew in Germany would sabotage the war effort. That made them Traitors to their nation and that’s why they were put in camps. There were NO gas chambers in any concentration camp run by the Germans during World War II, not even in Auschwitz. The evidence is overwhelming. But the Jewish-owned media has learned that if you tell a lie big enough, and often enough, the people eventually will believe it. And if anyone has the audacity to

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