» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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really investigate the matter, looking for the truth, they are called “anti-Semitic.” By playing the victim (of the “Holocaust”) and collecting billions in reparations from Germany, and billions in foreign aid from the U.S., they have been able to steal Palestine and slaughter the Palestinians, to build the Israeli state, from which they plan to take over the entire Middle East, and then the whole world”.

Eustace Mullins, Political Historian stated: “If the Jewish claim that they were the victims of a holocaust in Germany is true, then they were consumed entirely by fire.  This Jewish claim is unacceptable because there were so many survivors.  Not only were the Jews not consumed wholly by fire, as they claim, but, forty years after this non-event, there are more Jews claiming to be survivors of the Holocaust than there were Jews living at the time of the Holocaust.  In one small American suburb, Skokie, Ill. are now residing many thousands of healthy Jews who claim to be "survivors" of the Holocaust. For more than thirty years, American voters have mutely accepted the fact that anyone seeking public office in the United States must make a routine pledge of undying allegiance to the State of Israel.  Few of these voters realize that these office-seekers must also make a ritual obeisance to the Myth of the Holocaust and swear eternal belief in the doctrine that six million Jews were killed by the Germans during World War II”.

“Immediately after Germany's surrender, a plane load of American editors and correspondents were flown to the concentration camps, where they were shown huge piles of bones.  These were the remains of Russian prisoners of war, but they were filmed and shown all over the United States as 'Jewish bones'.  In one of the most revolting attempts to influence public opinion ever known, Jewish owned movie houses showed these gruesome photos over and over again. Once again, we are inundated by the Jewish propaganda, as the ludicrous bone pictures, some of which have been established as having been taken during World War I, become our daily fare”. Eustace Mullins, Political Historian.

“The Jews have enriched their religious legendary inheritance with the legend of the murder of six million Jews, who it is claimed were for the most part killed in German “gas chambers” during World War II. Although the number of Jews in the territories controlled by Germans did not rise above 1.5 million, the Jewish organizations, with the help of the media controlled by them, managed to turn their legend into “common knowledge.” The alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz are just one of the many propagandistic lies of the Jewish organizations against Germany. I declare categorically as one of the top military commanders of World War II that our army never murdered not even as much as one human being in any gas chamber. As a well-informed general I learned that Hitler’s plan was to free Europe from the control of the Jewish organizations. The Jews were to be relocated to Eastern Europe and Russia; in Birobidjan (in Siberia) there had been already set up a Jewish state. Hitler had categorically refused an offer of the Jewish organizations aimed at striking an alliance between the National Socialists and the Jews, whose aim would have been the immigration of the Jews into Palestine. We must not forget first and foremost that it was the Jewish organizations that repeatedly declared war against the German Reich between 1933 and 1939. The loss of human lives through the death of defenseless German women and children and of German soldiers was more than a hundred times greater than the loss of Jewish lives. During World War II there were approximately 55 million victims. No other ethnic group except the Jews demands such perennial restitutions. The Jewish pillage policy against the German people is a continuous provocation for our national feelings and for our human dignity, especially since we know that the entire aid that we give Israel is but a contribution to Israel’s war efforts against the Palestinian people and against the Islamic nation. Currently, Israel has over 200 atomic bombs that were basically built for the destruction of Muslims”, - Otto-Ernst Remer (August 18, 1912 – October 4, 1997) was a highly respected German Wehrmacht officer during WW2. Retired Major General Otto Ernst Remer was interviewed by Ahmed Rami, who is the correspondent in Europe of the greatest Islamic newspaper, Al-Shaab.

What about the Other Holocausts

The American government has wiped out about 20 million native Americans, Stalin and the Jews murdered about 9 million Ukrainians between 1930-33, Lenin and the Jewish Bolsheviks murdered at least 40 million Russian Christians, in 1920 the TurkishKhazarian Mafia massacred about 2 million Armenians, Mao Zedong massacred 40 million Chinese in the 1950's. Under the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia Pol Pot massacred 2 million of his fellow countryman. But all we seem to hear about in, movies, books, documentaries, memorials and in education is the alleged murder of 6 million Jews. Why is this? Could it be that the owners of the mass media in America and Europe are Jewish?

Lenin, Stalin and these Jewish Bolsheviks murdered over 40 million Russians in the most horrendous, evil way and yet Churchill and Stalin allied themselves with these monsters. But Hitler invading Poland to take back territory stolen from Germany after World War 1 was just too much to take.

Also why does the Jewish Holocaust have to be the central part of WW2? 70 million people died in WW2 but only a tiny fraction of them were Jewish. About 17 million Germans died during WW2 and in the months after the War ended. Other nationalities have put the WW2 behind them but not the Jews they keep there grievances even after 70 years and they are still building Holocaust museums and memorials at the expense of various governments. Is it more important when a Jew dies to when a Christian dies? They even force us to have a Holocaust Memorial day every January. They are still chasing after 95 year old German men who were soldiers in WW2 and just happen to work in the concentration camps.  Recently a 95 year old German man was sent to prison for five years because he had worked at Auschwitz in 1942. It is a disgrace and nothing but Jewish vengeance.

Why is it that the USA has nearly a dozen Jewish Holocaust museums, when the so called holocaust of Jews occurred thousands of miles away? But not one serious museum devoted to the plight of either the Red Indian (about 20 million perished) in the USA or the Black Man (millions died during slavery, in the USA)?

The Americans, British and the Jewish neocons who rule America were behind the destruction of Iraq first in the Gulf war of 1991 and secondly in the Iraq war of 2003 with the loss of 4 million Iraqis with 800,000 of them children and when questioned on national television about the grisly death toll in Iraq, the Jewish secretary of state Madeleine Albright replied that "the price is worth it". The Jews don’t care about other human beings who die, they only care about the perceived suffering of their race.

If you have not researched the events of 9/11 then you need to know that it was the Jewish neocons in America and the Jewish intelligence agency Mossad who were behind the events of 9/11 and not 19 Arab men as you have been told. Read my other book ‘The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror’ for evidence of that. As I said earlier the Jews are always the instigators of events and never the victims but they control the media so everyone perceives them to be the victims. As the information presented in this books shows it was the Jews causing the genocide of the German people (17 million deaths, country bombed back to the Stone Age) and not the Germans causing 6 million Jews to die. History has been inverted by the Jewish control of the media.

A quote from Hitler’s speech on September 19th 1939

“The world, which immediately sheds tears when Germany expels a Polish Jew who only a few
decades ago came to Germany, remained dumb and deaf toward the misery of those who, numbering
not thousands but millions, were forced to leave their home country on account of Versailles—that is,
if these unfortunates were Germans”.

Hitler had Jewish Soldiers.

Apparently at least two field marshals, 15 generals, two full generals, 8 lieutenant generals, five major generals and 150,000 soldiers in the German military were of Jewish ancestry and loyal to their country according to U.S. historian Bryan Mark Rigg who was former history professor at the American Military University in Virginia who had interviewed hundreds of former soldiers.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the German army were awarded Germany's highest military honour, the Knight's Cross. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. "Half-Jew" Horst Geitner was awarded both the Iron Cross Second Class and the Silver Wound Badge. Other Jewish men fighting for Hitler included Werner Goldberg, Commander Paul Ascher, Admiral Lütjens's first staff officer on the battleship Bismarck. Ascher received Hitler's Military awards: EKI, EKII, and War Service Cross Second Class. The Jews Admiral Bernhard Rogge and Johannes Zukertort (last rank general) received Hitler's military awards. Jewish Colonel Walter H. Hollaender was decorated with the Ritterkreuz and German-Cross.

It gives the Lie to the Americans and Jewish claim that Hitler and the German nation sought to genocide all (or any) Jews.

Volga Germans Marched to Soviet Concentration Camps

There was thousands of ethnic Germans living in Russia at the time of WW2. The Volga Germans had lived in the German colony of Norka and all other German colonies in the Volga region for 150 years. But after Hitler invaded Russia in 1941 Stalin deported the entire Volga Germans which was 446,000 to the Soviet Gulags for no other reason than their ethnicity. The Volga German colonies were abolished 174 years after their founding in August 1767 under the then Empress of Russia Catherine the Great. The deportation order was carried out by Lavrentiy Beria (Jewish), Chief of the NKVD who was responsible for the deaths of millions during Stalin’s Great Purge.

The term gulag was used to describe a vast network of hundreds of forced labour camps and prisons that were established mostly in Siberia and eastern Russia. When Stalin died in 1953 there were still 12 million prisoners in Soviet Labour camps. An estimated 20 million people died in gulags under Stalin's rule alone. The life expectancy of prisoners in many camps was about 2 years and 90 percent didn't survive. At its height the Gulag

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