» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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It is the best engineering opinion of this author that the alleged gas chambers at the inspected sites could not have been, or now, be utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.”

Fred Leuchter stated:

“Construction of these facilities further shows that they were never used as gas chambers. None of these facilities were sealed or gasketed. No provision was ever made to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floor or ceiling. No provision ever existed to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. No provision ever existed to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chamber. No explosion-proof lighting existed and no attempt was ever made to prevent gas from entering the crematories, even though the gas is highly explosive. No attempt was made to protect operating personnel from exposure to the gas or to protect other non-participating persons from exposure. Specifically, at Auschwitz, a floor drain in the alleged gas chamber was connected directly to the camp’s storm drain system. At Majdanek a depressed walkway around the alleged gas chambers would have collected gas seepage and resulted in a death trap for camp personnel. No exhaust stacks ever existed. Hydrogen cyanide gas is an extremely dangerous and lethal gas, and nowhere were there any provisions to effect any amount of safe handling. The chambers were too small to accommodate more than a simple fraction of the alleged numbers. Plain and simple, these facilities could not have operated as execution gas chambers”.

So there we have the person who had designed a gas chamber in an American prison stating that the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz were not and could not have been used to gas anyone and he states this on many videos on Youtube.

Following Leuchter, Professor James Roth, director of a chemical laboratory in Massachusetts, also took the witness stand to describe the results of his analysis of the 32 masonry samples, the origins of which was unknown to him:

“All samples taken from the gas chambers supposedly used for mass human extermination exhibited either no or only negligible traces of cyanide, while the sample from the delousing chambers taken for use as control purposes exhibited enormously high cyanide concentrations”.

A further examination was undertaken by Germar Rudolph and his conclusions where the same as Fred Leuchter. In Rudolph’s report it stated.

“In the walls of the supposed ‘gas chambers’ the concentrations of cyanide remnants are no
higher than in any other building taken at random. On physical chemical grounds, the mass gassings with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) in the supposed ‘gas chambers’ of Auschwitz claimed by witnesses did not take place.”

Faced with this evidence the Holocaust storytellers then changed their story and said the gassings took place in another out building at Auschwitz and this was after telling the people for 40 years that the gassings had took place in the buildings were the forensic tests had taken place. Yet another lie. Anyone with an ounce of common sense who looks at the evidence can see that the Holocaust is just one monstrous lie. But you are not allowed to look at this evidence in 17 European countries because you will go to prison and that’s how they maintain the lie. The Jews can’t argue against the scientific evidence so they just scare people with prison or violence so that we won’t research or dispute it.

Jewish organizations launched a vicious smear campaign to destroy not only Leuchter's reputation, but his ability to make a living. Leading the charge was Shelly Shapiro and her group, "Holocaust Survivors and Friends in Pursuit of Justice". Calling Leuchter, the most authoritative designer and constructor of execution equipment in the blood-thirsty United States, a fraud and impostor, this group claimed, despite better knowledge, that he lacked qualifications as an execution equipment specialist and had asserted the possession of professional qualifications which he had never earned.

Although these accusations were entirely unfounded and failed to survive any legal verification, the 'get Leuchter' campaign, with the cooperation of the mainstream journalists and editors, all controlled by the "Holocaust Industry", was successful.

Leuchter's contracts with various state authorities for the manufacture, installation and servicing of execution hardware were cancelled. He was financially forced out of his home in Massachusetts and had to find private work elsewhere. No American has suffered more for his defiance of the Holocaust lobby.

Between January 18 and March 10, 1972, two architects responsible for the design and construction of the crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Walter Dejaco and Fritz Ertl, were put on trial in Vienna, Austria. During the trial, an expert report on the possible interpretation of the blueprints of the alleged gas chambers of the Auschwitz and Birkenau crematoria was presented to the court. The report concluded that the rooms in question could not have been gas chambers, nor could they have been converted into gas chambers.

Dr. Charles Larson, a forensic pathologist travelled with the American and British Forces when they entered the concentration camps. Larson did autopsies on thousands of dead bodies from the camps and reported ‘not one case of death by poison was found’. Dr. Larson stated the following about the autopsies at Dachau:

“Many of them died from typhus. Dachau’s crematoriums couldn’t keep up with the burning of the bodies. They did not have enough oil to keep the incinerators going. I found that a number of the victims had also died from tuberculosis. All of them were malnourished. The medical facilities were most inadequate. There was no sanitation. A rumor going around Dachau after we got there was that many of the prisoners were poisoned. I did a lot of toxicological analysis to determine the facts and removed organs from a cross-section of about 30 to 40 bodies and sent them into Paris to the Army’s First Medical laboratory for analysis, since I lacked the proper facilities in the field. The reports came back negative. I could not find where any of these people had been poisoned. The majority died of natural diseases of one kind or another”

These autopsy reports were not entered as evidence in the Nuremburg war crimes trials.

Dr. John E. Gordon Ph.D., Harvard Professor was also with the U.S forces and he reported ‘most deaths in the camps were caused not by starvation or maltreatment but by Typhus’.

Dr. Russell Barton entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student on May 2, 1945 and volunteered to help the diseased survivors. Testifying under oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 he said: "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during WWII weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases."

A link below to Fred Leuchter describing the tests he took at one of the camps. Sometimes this is removed by the Jewish owned YouTube.

World War 2 Leaders say No Gassings

World War 2 leaders never mentioned the alleged holocaust of the Jews in gas chambers according to research by Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ulster. Professor Lynn states as follows:

‘I’ve checked out Churchill’s Second World War and the statement is quite correct – not a single mention of Nazi, ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide of the Jews,’ or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing. How can it be explained? Eisenhower’s, ‘Crusade in Europe,’ is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s, ‘Second World War,’ total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume, ‘Memoires de guerre,’ is 2,054 pages.

In this mass of writing which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi, ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide,’ of the Jews, or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.’

French anti-Nazi and resistance fighter Paul Rassinier was arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned in Buchenwald concentration camp. After the war, he was elected to the French National Assembly and awarded heroism medals. He was shocked to find that others claimed there were gas chambers at Buchenwald, something he knew was a lie because of his internment there. Rassinier spent the rest of his life exposing the lies behind the ‘Holocaust’ and, as a result, his memoirs of internment at Buchenwald are ignored by the Holocaust storytellers.”

Enigma reveals No Gassings

From 1940 onwards the British Intelligence Service was able to eavesdrop on all German military radio communications. Frederick W. Winterbotham wrote a book called the Ultra Secret and in the book he described how analysts cracked the ‘Enigma Code’ which was used by Germany to transmit messages to the German forces ,SS, SD and concentration camps. Winterbotham was a captain in the RAF and officer of the Military Intelligence Service in Bletchley Park. This information was also highlighted by cryptanalyst Francis H. Hinsley who wrote a book called British Intelligence in the Second World War.

In 1997 the British government transferred the decoded documents in Bletchley Park to the Public Records Office in London which made them accessible to the public. Not many so called Holocaust historians were interested in these documents because according to cryptanalyst and author Francis H. Hinsley that from all the messages related to Auschwitz the death of inmates mainly came from disease followed by shootings and hangings and the decoded messages contain no references to gassings.

According to the Bletchley Park documents the commandant of Auschwitz had to file a report every day. The report included camp population, arrivals and departures. As an example from one of the reports on 28 October 1942 it states that they were 25,298 inmates: 18,754 men and 6,544 women; including 10,755 Jews, 8,822 Poles, 1,369 Russians and 1,578 Germans. Notice that less than half of these people were Jews. Most people seem to think that there were only Jews in these camps but obviously this was false. On this day in October the report said that 168 had died that day from Typhus. According to these decoded documents about 8000 inmates died at Auschwitz in August 1942 from Typhus in an epidemic that ravaged the camp and it took the authorities about four months to get it under control.

In all of these decoded reports there is no mention of death by gassings which just goes to prove that the people of the world have been lied to about the causes of death at Auschwitz and all the other concentration camps.

Jews Declare War on Germany

On March 24, 1933, two months after the National Socialists took power, “World Jewry,” as it
referred to itself, declared war on Germany. As the Zionist Jews did not have their own country, it used the
only power that it knew, namely its influence on the world economy, to impose a world-wide boycott of
German goods. The German economy was already suffering with over 6,000,000 unemployed. This boycott of German goods by the Jews

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