» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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came at the worst possible time and the Jews must have known they would be repercussions.

Above Newspaper article from 1933

Above a mass Jewish rally in New York 1933 with a call to boycott German goods.

Germany had not done anything against the Jews at this point. But the Zionist Jews knew that Hitler wanted to remove Jewish influence on the banks in Germany which was helping to cripple the German economy. It was the headlines in many newspapers of the time. International Jewry declared itself at war with Hitler and Germany. It tried to influence and persuades many countries to boycott German goods. Therefore there was a basis under international law for the Germans to intern the Jewish population as a hostile force. As I stated earlier the Americans did the same thing with the American Japanese in America after Pearl Harbour, that is lock them in the concentration camps. Even though the American Japanese had done nothing wrong.

In retaliation Germans boycotted Jewish shops on April 1st 1933 for one day and they have been slated and demonised for it ever since.

Germany Transfers Jews to Palestine

The Jews were identified by the Third Reich as a racially-alien group engaged in political, social and moral
subversion of Germany. The founder of communism Karl Marx was a Jew, Hitler knew the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution where millions died where Jews, the majority of the post WW1 communist leaders in Germany where Jews such as Rosa Luxemburg, the vast majority of the media and banking in Germany where Jews and where responsible for the financial swindles in the 1920’s that ruined many a German. Because of the above mentioned the Jews have been removed from nearly every European country over the past 2000 years. This was even mentioned in the English Magna Carta of 1215. It was for these reasons that Hitler wanted the Jews removed from Germany.

A regulated agreement was set up between leading Jewish Zionists and Nazi leaders for the transfer of Jews from Germany to Palestine. This was called the Haavara Agreement. The accounts of Jews fleeing
Germany in secret by night across some border are just lies and propaganda. The Zionist leaders realised to make Palestine their own they needed Jewish people to emigrate their and the German leaders did not want the majority of the Jews in their country. The agreement stated that Jews could put their money into a Jewish German bank and then retrieve the money form a bank in Palestine. The Jews were allowed to take all their household goods with them. Additional rules and special privileges benefited the immigrant Jews from Germany in Palestine, among them that all social security and pension payments could be transferred without deductions. Although the Jews had to find one thousand pounds to immigrate to Palestine the Haavara agreement provided loans which did not have to be paid back for years. Camps where also set up by the SS and Gestapo which trained the German Jews about their new life in Palestine.

A coin was even minted to commemorate this Haavara transfer agreement.

According to official figures, there were approximately 523,000 Jews in Germany as of
January 1933, the year Hitler came to power. By 1940, official figures showed that 131,800 Jews remained in Germany, the vast majority, about 100,000 went to America and about 70,000 immigrated to Palestine. Others went to countries such as Britain and the South American countries.

The Haavara Agreement lasted from 1935 until 1941 when it was stopped with America’s entry into the war. The German leader’s final solution for the Jews was to remove them from the country and not gas them.

Below is the cover of the book written by Edwin Black about this Haavara agreement and Mr Black was a Polish Jew whose parents had been in the concentration camps.

The Internment Camps

“During World War II, Germany rounded up millions of civilians (both Jews and non-Jews) who could potentially become wartime: saboteurs, belligerents, spies, informants, messengers of the enemy, subversives, etc. Germany then relocated these people to various camps; they would remain in such camps whilst the war was going on. At the end of the war, Germany planned to move all camp internees somewhere outside of Europe (assuming Germany had won WWII). With regard to the Jews, Hitler had considered moving them to Madagascar (yes, you read that correctly, Madagascar). With that said, and despite what Jewish dominated Hollywood has been peddling for the past several decades, there was never, I repeat never, a plan to kill the Jews of Europe. Hitler's "Final Solution" was a plan to relocate all Jews out of Europe - it was not a plan to exterminate them. This distinction cannot be emphasized enough. As it turned out, the vast majority of such potential subversives were, in fact, Jews. Why? Because Jews were overwhelmingly leftist, communist, Marxist, etc. and thus many were naturally sympathetic to the USSR (which was of course communist and at war with Germany). For these reasons, Jews couldn't be trusted. Hence they were put in secured camps along with anyone, of any religion/creed/ethnicity/race/nationality, who may potentially engage in subversive activities. Homosexuals were put in not because they were homosexual but rather because homosexuals are almost universally, politically speaking, leftist. Thus homosexuals were put in the camps because of their subversive politics, not because of their sexuality. Incidentally, the USA did the exact same thing with the Japanese and to a lesser extent German and Italian Americans. FDR put them in camps because they couldn't be trusted during the war (the U.S. was of course fighting against Japan, Germany, and Italy). Further, the practice of rounding up potential belligerents and holding them in camps is extremely common during war - you will find this to be true when studying the history of warfare: from the ancient Greeks, the ancient Chinese - you name it - rounding up potential belligerents has always been a common practice during war, all throughout recorded history”. – Bradford Hanson – Author,

I am not disputing the fact that the German authorities place thousands of Jews and some non-Jews into concentration camps. I believe these were workers camps were they were made to work to help the German war effort. Let’s not forget that in recent history it was the British who first placed civilians into concentration camps during the Boer war (1899-1902) in which 25,000 women and children died of malnutrition and diseases such as Typhus. Also the American government placed 100,000 American Japanese into concentration camps after Pearl harbour. Yet these American Japanese were innocent and had not done anything wrong. I will state again that German leaders got lambasted and demonised for doing the same thing to the Jews, and I would suggest that if they had placed only Polish or Russian Christians into these camps then we would have heard of nothing about this. We only constantly hear about this in the media because they were Jews that were placed into the camps. That is the power of the Jewish media. But it was not only Jews that were placed in to the camps, when Dachau was captured in 1945 80% of the prisoners were not Jews and less than half of the prisoners at Auschwitz were Jews.

They were work Camps and that is why the prisoner's had a tattoo to keep track of the workers. Prisoners couldn't switch identity cards with a permanent tattoo. Nor could the "ID card" be lost or stolen or traded. Think about it, why should the Germans bother to take the time to tattoo people they were going to kill?

None of the Western Allies (Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France etc.) liberated any camps that had gas chambers, or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia. The Western Allies liberated a total of 12 main camps and the Soviet Russians 8 main camps. Can we really believe the Soviets after we know they lied about the Katyn Massacre?

Contrary to the popular belief life in the SS-run internment camps was not a brutal existence of slave
labour followed by extermination, the Germans went to great lengths to keep the people in the camps well fed, well-housed and even entertained. Officials from the International Red Cross visited the camps
regularly and right up until the end of the war. There were orchestras, soccer leagues and activities for children. There were weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, hospitals, and even maternity wards for pregnant women. The Auschwitz camp even had a swimming pool.

Soccer in the camps with scorecard.

Below the Camp Orchestra. Wait a minute I thought they immediately got gassed on entering the camps?

There was even fencing tournaments in Auschwitz. Wait I thought this was a death camp?

Watch the following videos to hear the real testimony of Jews who were interred in the camps.

Below a Swimming Pool in Auschwitz. You can see the steps leading to the diving board which has been removed.

Throughout the war, prisoners and workers in the concentration camps received medical treatment and were even compensated for their labour. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music, and play sports. If the Germans were determined to murder these people, why would they provide medical care and entertainment for them? Why would they set up hospitals and ensure sanitary working and living quarters for people they planned to “genocide”?

Workers in one of the concentration camps which suggests they were workers camps.

Some of the concentration camps where near industrial factories (such as I.G.Farben and Seimens) which were supplying the German War effort. Workers at these camps were paid with special banknotes which were printed especially for the use in camps. Prisoners could buy extra rations.

Why would the Germans go to the trouble of printing banknotes if they were just going to gas the prisoners?

Otto Friedrich, a senior editor of Time Magazine, wrote an article in Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, which he stated was based entirely on the writings of survivors of the camps, and which could hardly be accused of painting a rosy picture of their existence.  In "The Kingdom of Auschwitz", Friedrich writes, "Auschwitz was a society of extraordinary complexity.  It had its own soccer stadium, its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra ... There was no reason that a death camp should have a hospital at all, yet the one at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses."

Friedrich ignores the implications of his own writing, that a "death camp" with a large modern hospital is not a death camp at all, but a health camp.  All of the camps had their own symphony orchestras, an amenity which was not provided by any of the twenty two military stations at which this writer served in the United States Air Force throughout World War II.  Friedrich also writes that Auschwitz had its own brothel for the workers.  And a photo lab, in which the inmates could develop their snapshots of the millions of Jews being herded into the gas chambers?  No such photos have ever been exhibited.  Later in his article, Friedrich writes that Auschwitz actually was developed throughout the war into a vast industrial complex, with a network

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