» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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the Stone Age. Roads, bridges, rail lines, etc. were destroyed and hence Germany could no longer supply the various internment camps with food and medicine. The result? A lot of people died of disease and starvation both in the camps and all throughout Germany, including huge numbers of German civilians. Regarding the gas chambers... yes, there were indeed gas chambers but they were used to disinfect the prisoners (and their clothes) as a measure to prevent typhus from spreading. Zyklon-B was the chemical used for this purpose; it was the standard disinfectant chemical used in Europe at that time. Jews have manipulated this and claim, "the Nazis gassed 6 million Jews to death." Absolute nonsense. There is no evidence of this, none. What tourists are shown at Auschwitz is easily refuted. For example, the lone "gas chamber" at Auschwitz I (i.e., Auschwitz Camp 1; there is also an Auschwitz II, called Auschwitz-Birkenau, 3 km away) was built/modified by the Soviets after the war for propaganda purposes; the Polish government has acknowledged this (Auschwitz is in Poland, not Germany)”, - Bradford Hanson – Author,

The Russian minister who signed the report about Auschwitz at the Nuremburg trials is a known liar because he also signed the official report about the Katyn massacre.

President Roosevelt and the British knew that the Russians had murdered the 22,000 Polish officer at Katyn but they covered it up. Germany was blamed for the murder of these Polish officers and many German officers were wrongly hung for this Russian murder. The murder was carried out by the Russian NKVD (formally the Cheka).

The official Russian report blaming the Germans for the Katyn massacre was listed at the Nuremburg trials as report 054USSR.

A copy of the report is below.

Nikolai Burdenko was appointed by Stalin to investigate the Katyn incident. Burdenko was the President of the Soviet Army of Medicine. So Burdenko lied about the Katyn incident. But that’s not all Nikolai Burdenko was also listed on the official Soviet report regarding the supposed gassings at the Auschwitz concentration camp. This document USSR-008 was presented at the Nuremburg trials. A copy of this document is below with Burdenko’s name on it.

This should be a big red flag for anyone who is honestly seeking the truth. Here we have this man Nikolai Burdenko, a known liar trying to tell us that the Germans gassed Jews at Auschwitz.

That such corruption was going on in the American and Russian governments at that time proves that the official Holocaust story cannot have happened the way they say it happened.

So Many in So Little Time

According to the Holocaust storytellers only 6 camps were set up as extermination camps and these were Auschwitz–Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec, Madjanek (Lublin), and Chelmno. These camps were all in Poland. After 1945 Poland was controlled by the communist Russians. The other well-known camps such as Bergen-Belsen were located in Germany. There was no evidence for gassings at the German camps so the focus was on the camps in Poland. A lot of these camps in Poland were reconstructed by the Russians after the war which was done to make people believe the gassings took place. It is generally believed that the alleged gassings took place between 1942 and 1944. So then how can 6 million be killed in 2 years in only 6 camps? Don’t forget six million is the equivalent of the population of New Zealand and Wales combined. This was supposedly done with only a limited number of staff and guards at the camps. It would literally take thousands of people to help with the extermination and disposal of 6,000,000 million bodies. This is in itself just preposterous and fantasy.

The Fantasy Gassings

Now let us focus on the method that the prisoners at Chelmno, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibór,Treblinka were allegedly killed. Although a lot of attention is given to Zyklon-B Cyanide as a method of the gassings in fact the Holocaust Storytellers say 2 million were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning by the use of diesel fumes. Tests have shown that gassing by diesel fumes is impossible and only produces a feeling of sickness and a headache. Walter Lüftl the president of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Engineers wrote an article which stated it is impossible to kill so many people so quickly using carbon monoxide and Luftl also stated “Zyklon B is utterly unsuited for the purposes of systematic mass murder”.


The Chelmno camp was open for 18 months between 1941-43. We are told that up 300,000 people were gassed here. The procedure was that 50 people were loaded into a van and gassed by diesel fumes and killed in 10 minutes, which we now know is impossible. The bodies were supposedly then drove to the forest and buried. This would mean that to kill and dispose of 300,000 the van would have to be in operation for 24 hours every day for the full 18 months without even stopping. Surely the van would need maintenance, people would need a break. Bodies were supposedly burnt in pits but no evidence has been found of this. Sorry it’s not possible. In 1962 SS guards were put on trial but none were found guilty of any gassings. They were found guilty of just working at Chelmno and were sentences to between 12 months and 13 years.


The Belzec camp was open between March 1942 and June 1943. It is claimed 500,000 died there. This would mean that 47 Jews would have to be killed every hour, 24 hours per day without stopping for the 15 months that the camp was open. Also this camp had no crematoria to dispose of the bodies. It would also need a swift execution method and thousands of staff to help carry this out. This is where it gets bizarre because extermination methods claimed included drowning prisoners in human faeces and death by electrocution. These storied where then changed to a Russian tank pumping fumes into a room to kill people. Again we notice a change of story. The truth never needs changing. As we know it is not possible to kill half a million people with diesel gas.


The Sobibor camp was operational from April 1942 until October 1943. The official version in this camp is that people were killed by diesel fumes. Some eyewitnesses claim that people were killed by chlorine fumes but this has been dismissed by historians. There are so many discrepancies about how the bodies were removed in Sobibor. Some witnesses’ say the bodies went through a trapdoor, others say they were removed manually on carts and some say they were removed by train. They are just as many disagreements about how the bodies were burned. Some witnesses say the bodies were burnt by wood, others say kerosene. Another witness claims all the bones were then crushed with a hammer. Yes that would make sense 200,000 people’s bones crushed by hand. It is just not believable.

An excavation was carried out at Sobibor in October 2007 by Isaac Gilead and Yoram Haimi from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel. Many artefacts were found but the archaeologists report did “not find anything associated with gas chambers.”


This camp was in operation from July 1942 to October 1943 and the Holocaust storytellers say that 850,000 people were gassed by captured Soviet tank fumes and cremated here. Although they did claim up until 1961 that steam was used to kill everyone but this was again changed. This means that about 55,000 people were killed every month and this killing would have had to go on every single day, 24 hours per day for 15 months to accomplish this. They story goes on to say that these hundreds of thousands of bodies were then buried outside the camp in huge pits. The Jews then claimed the Germans then dug up all the 850,000 bodies and burned them to cover up there crimes. However to burn that many bodies you would need about 150 kilograms of wood per body which would mean you would need about 12 million

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