» History » Roumania Past and Present, James Samuelson [best novels to read to improve english .txt] 📗

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Roesler on the origin of the Roumanians, 164 note .
Romans invade Dacia under Domitian. 120.
invade Dacia under Trajan, 122-27.
second invasion under Trajan, 127-30.
rule in Dacia, 131-34.
at war with the Goths, 134, 135.
evacuate Dacia, 135-37.
Rosetti, C.A., his participation in the rising of 1848, 223;
his career, 263-265 (see also 'Biography').
Madame, liberates the Roumanian patriots from the Turks, 262, 263 (see also 'Biography').
Roumania constituted a principality under Couza, 229.
its provisional government after the fall of Couza, 231, 232.
under Prince Charles, 233-57.
erected into a kingdom, 255.
review of its history, 255.
the future of, 269, 270.
Roumanian alliance with Russia against Turkey, 237.
army, 237, 238 and note , 245.
neutrality in 1877, 236.
policy, 267-70.
soldiers, Russian contempt of, at the commencement of the war, 242.
praised for their coolness, 242.
bravery at Grivitza, 248.
sufferings of, after the capture of Grivitza, 248.
securities, rise in the value of, 270 note .
Russian invasion of Moldavia under Peter the Great (1709), 203, 204.
of the Principalities under Anne (1755), 216.
under Catherine IV. (1768), 216.
rule in Wallachia (1774), 217.
Russian consuls sent to Bucarest, 217.
rule in the Principalities (1789-92, 1806-12), 220.
intervention and Russo-Turkish war of 1829, 221.
invasion in 1848, 224.
intervention, review of benefits to Roumania therefrom, 224-25.
designs in 1853, 225.
war with England, France, and Turkey (1853), 226, 227, 228.
action in 1877, 235, 236.
indebtedness to Roumania in 1877, 237, 238.
invasion of Bulgaria (1877) 240.
disasters in Bulgaria and Asia, 240, 241, 246.
contempt for the Roumanian soldiers, 242.
recognition of their bravery, 243.
ingratitude after the conclusion of the war, 242, 243.
San Stephano, treaty of, 253.
Sarmatians, rule in Dacia, 142.
defeated by Valentinian, 142.
Serban (Cantacuzene), 202.
betrays the Turks at Vienna, 202.
Shipka Pass, fighting in, between Turks and Russians, 240, 241.
Skobeleff, his success at Loftcha, 245.
disaster at Plevna, 246, 247.
Slavonians, 144.
Stephen, called the Good, Voivode of Moldavia, 171.
overruns Wallachia, 171.
story of his flight to Niamtz (verses by Bolentineanu), 172.
his cruelty and fanaticism, 173.
his wars with the Turks and Tartars, 171-73.
Tacitus, his comments on the Roman defeats in Dacia, 119, 120.
Tartar conquest of the Principalities, 160.
ravages, and defeats by Michael the Brave, 182, 184.
Teutonic knights and knights of St John, 156.
Traditions of Radu Negru and Bogdan, 162.
Trajan, his first expedition into Dacia, 122-27.
his second expedition into Dacia, 127-30.
his triumph after the reduction of Dacia, 129.
his method of colonising Dacia, 131-33 and note .
Treaties of Nicopolis (1393), 165 and Appendix II.;
between Bogdan and Selim (1513), Appendix II.;
of Belgrade (1789), 216;
of Kainardji (1774), 217;
of Jassy (1792), 218;
of Bucarest (1812), 218;
of Adrianople (1829), 221;
of Balta-Liman (1849), 224;
of Paris (1856), 227, 228;
of San Stephano (1878), 253.
Turkish invasion of the Principalities (first), 165.
suzerainty enforced upon Mircea, 165.
wars with Johann Corvin von Hunniad, 168.
wars with Moldavia, 171.
supremacy established in Moldavia, 172.
inhabitants of Wallachia massacred by Michael, 183.
defeat at Kalugereni, 186, 187.
expulsion from Wallachia, 188.
exactions after Michael's death, 200.
army betrayed at Vienna, 202.
war with Peter the Great, 203, 204.
appointment of Greek voivodes, 208.
war with Anne and Charles VI., 216.
defeat the allies at Belgrade, 216.
war with Catherine, 216.
with Russia (1806), 218;
(1829), 221;
(1853), 225-28.
obstacles to the union of the Principalities, 228.
to the accession of Charles I., 234.
war with Russia and Roumania (1877), 235-53.
victories in Bulgaria and Asia, 240, 241.
defeats at Plevna, 243.
victory over Skobeleff before Plevna, 246, 247.
defeat at Grivitza, 248, 249.
Ungri (Hungarians, or Magyars), their origin, 148.
Ungri, Hallam's description of them, 149.
German account of their savagery, 149, 150.
their career in the Principalities and settlement in Hungary, 150.
Vlad, the Impaler, fights the Turks in alliance with John Corvinus, 168.
his wars with the Turks, 170.
his horrible cruelties, 170.
submission to the Turks, 170.
Vladimiresco, his career and death, 219.
Vladislaus, King of Poland and Hungary, fights the Turks in alliance with John Corvinus, 168.
killed at Varna, 168.
Voivodes, early, in Wallachia, 163 et seq. , 200 et seq.
in Moldavia, 170 et seq.
their short rule and usual fate, 200, 213.
Phanariote, 208 et seq.
native, restored, 220.
Wallachia, early traditions of, 162.
historical records of its foundation, 163.
bans, voivodes, and khans in, 163, 164.
first capitulation to the Turks, 165 and Appendix II.
state of society under Michael the Brave, 176-81.
under the Phanariotes, 208-14.
under Russian protection, 217, 221, 224.
Greek rising in, 218, 220.
national regeneration by Heliade, 221, 222.
revolution of 1848 in, 223, 224.
junction with Moldavia, 228.
Wallachs, their origin, 151, 153.
opinions of mediæval historians regarding their Daco-Roman descent (Bonfinius, Anna Comnena, Æneas Sylvius), 152, 153.
their first rule, 154.
Wallacho-Bulgarian Empire, founded by Peter, Asan, and John, 155.
allied with the Kumani, 155.
duration of the Empire, 155.
correspondence between Innocent III. and John, Emperor of, 156-60.
fall of, 160.
Wilkinson on the Phanariotes, 180 note , 210.
Ypsilanti, his leadership of the Greek rising, 219.
treachery against Vladimiresco, 219.
lights the Turks at Dragosani, 219.
defeat, flight, and ultimate fate, 220.
Zallony on the Phanariotes, 210.


Law and Jurisprudence:
capital punishment abolished, and its substitutes, 101, 102, 106.
courts of justice, 100.
crime, statistics of, 103.
Doftana, visit to salt mine of, 104, 105.
expenditure for judicial and penal purposes, 112.
prisons of Roumania, 102-10.
prisoners, treatment of, 102, 104, 106, 110, 111.
Vakareschti, visit, to prison of, 104, 105.


Manufactures (see 'Commerce').

climate and seasons of Roumania, 28.


language, constitution of the Roumanian, 95-97.
comparison of Latin, Roumanian, and English, 96.
Greek and other derivatives, 97.
Magyar words in Roumanian, 97.

Austria and Roumania, and the Danube, 32-35, 267.
domestic, in Roumania, 267, 269.
English interests on the Danube, 34, 35.
foreign, in Roumania, 267-69.
future, 269.
land question, the, in Roumania and Ireland, 82-85.
leaders in, 257-67 (see also 'Biography').
Liberals, efforts of the, 267-70.
parties, state of, in Roumania, 235 note .


amusements of the people, 46.
divorces in Roumania, 213, 214 note .
funerals, 56.
gipsies, their history, condition, and occupations, 49-54.
hospitals, 44-46, 68.
Jews, the, 57, 58.
land and houses, cost of, 47.
Lipovans, the, 54.
octroi duties and poll-tax, 57.
peasant proprietary, 82-6, and Appendix IV.
peasantry, types of, 7.
costumes of, 7, 8, 48, 49.
women, occupations of, 8, 48.
subterranean huts of, 10.
diseases of, 10.
police des moeurs, 45.
prisons and prison system, 101-10 (see 'Law').
upper classes, 46.
working classes, customs, wages, and condition in Bucarest, 46-49.


Bucarest, 5, 37-56.
Curtea d'Ardges, 58-64.
Danubian towns, 21.
Galatz, 67-70.
Ibrail, 72.
Jassy, 71, 72.
Roumanian towns, chief, 36, 37.
Sinaïa, 7, 15, 16.


buffaloes, 78.
fishes, 25.
sheep and cattle, 79.







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