» History » The Empire of Austria, John S. C. Abbott [android pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗

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subjects should know. The freedom of republican America is carefully excluded. The slavery which disgraces our land is ostentatiously exhibited in harrowing descriptions and appalling engravings, as a specimen of the degradation to which republican institutions doom the laboring class.

A few years ago, an English gentleman dined with Prince Metternich, the illustrious prime minister of Austria, in his beautiful castle upon the Rhine. As they stood after dinner at one of the windows of the palace, looking out upon the peasants laboring in the vineyards, Metternich, in the following words, developed his theory of social order:

"Our policy is to extend all possible material happiness to the whole population; to administer the laws patriarchaly; to prevent their tranquility from being disturbed. Is it not delightful to see those people looking so contented, so much in the possession of what makes them comfortable, so well fed, so well clad, so quiet, and so religiously observant of order? If they are injured in persons or property, they have immediate and unexpensive redress before our tribunals, and in that respect, neither I, nor any nobleman in the land, has the smallest advantage over a peasant."

But volcanic fires are heaving beneath the foundations of the Austrian empire, and dreadful will be the day when the eruption shall burst forth.


ADOLPHUS (of Nassau) election of over the Germanic empire, 36.
summoned to answer charges against him, 37.
deposed by the diet, 37.
death of, 37.

ADRIAN assumes the tiara, 114.

ÆNEAS SYLVIUS, remarks of, 72.

AGNES (daughter of Cunegunda) to marry Rhodolph's son, 31.
engaged in the massacre, 40.
enters a convent, 41.

AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, coronation of Albert I. at, 88.
coronation of Charles V. at, 107.
taken possession of by Rhodolph, 193.
peace of, 461.

ALBERT (fourth Count of Hapsburg), 17.
departure of for the holy war, 17.
address of to his sons, 18.
death of, 18.
the favorite captain of Frederic II., 19.

ALBERT I. succeeds his father, 35.
his character, 35.
elected Emperor of Germany, 37.
victor at Gelheim, 37.
assassination of, 40.

ALBERT III. rules with Otho, 46.
acquisitions of, 47.

ALBERT IV., succession of, 51.
improvements projected by, 58.

ALBERT V. declared of age, 59.
accepted King of Hungary, 62.
death of, 65.

ALBERT (of Bavaria) declines the throne of Hungary, 66.

ALBERT (Archduke) the candidate of the Catholics, 229.

ALLIANCE of barons to crush Rhodolph of Hapsburg, 21.
same dissolved, 22.

ALPHONSO (of Castile) candidate for crown of Germany, 23.

ALPHONSO (King of Naples), abdication of, 84.

AMURATH, conquests of, 64.

ANABAPTISTS, rise of the sect of, 115.

ANHALT (Prince of), dispatched with a list of grievances to the emperor,
address to the emperor, 212.
ban of the empire declared against, 265.

ANN (Princess of Hungary and Bohemia), marriage of to Ferdinand I., 145.

ANNA (of Russia), desire of to secure a harbor for Russia, 400.

ANECDOTES of Rhodolph, 33.
of Charles V., 144.

APOLOGY of Maximilian, 96.

ASCHHAUSEN, confederacy at, 194.

AUGSBURG, diet of, 24.
bold speech of the diet at, 102.
triumphal reception of Maurice at, 133.
Confession of, 118.

AUGUSTUS II. loses and regains his empire, 382.
death of, 382.

AULIC COUNCIL, establishment of the, 102.

AUSTRIA, a portion of given as dowry to Hedwige, 25.
nucleus of the empire of, 27.
invasion of by John of Bohemia, 49.
wonderful growth of, 52.
division of, 72.
accession of Ladislaus over, 81.
the house of invested with new dignity, 101.
becomes a part of Spain, 108.
the empire of apparently on the eve of dissolution, 286.
the leading power in Europe, 314.
dispute as to the succession to the crown of, 352.
treaty between Spain and, 373.
Maria Theresa ascends the throne of, 415.
deplorable state of at that time, 415.
defeat of by Frederic, 420.
the proposed division of, 422.
prosperity of, 444.
important territory wrested from, 453.
alliance of with Prussia, 459.
Joseph II. ascends the throne of, 491.
situation and character of, 492.
languages spoken in, 493.
Leopold ascends the throne of, 500.
acquisitions of by the battle of Waterloo, 504
present constitution of, 504.
doctrines of the government of, 503.
its future, 506.

AUSTRIANS, triumph of the at Brussels, 340.
triumph of the at Malplaquet, 341.
evacuation of Madrid by the, 345.
prohibited from trading-with Spain, 380.
the, driven from the Neapolitan States, 388.
the, defeated at Crotzka, 407.

BADEN, peace of, 359.

BAJAZET, victory achieved by, 64.

BALDER, attack of Rhodolph upon, 22.

BALLOT-BOX, its authority in Poland, 385.

BALNE (Lord), followers of put to death, 40.

BANDITTI, companies of put down by Rhodolph, 32.

BARBARIA, wife of Sigismond, 60.

BARCELONA, capture of by Charles, 354.

BASLE, attack upon the city of, 20.
demands of the Bishop of upon Rhodolph, 22.
impious remark of the Bishop of, 23
aid of the Bishop of to Rhodolph, 29.

BAVARIA (Henry, Duke of), intimidated by Rhodolph, 25.
marriage of Hedwige to Otho of, 25.
agrees to carry the edict of Worms into effect, 114.
his hatred of Wallenstein, 275.
urged as a candidate for the imperial crown, 279.
dishonorable despair of, 438.
death of, 488.

BAVARIA (Charles of), death of, 451.

BAVARIA, Maximilian Joseph ascends the throne of, 451.

BAYARD (Chevalier De), the knight without fear or reproach, 90.

BELGRADE, relief of, 69.
siege of, 360.
capture of by Eugene, 363.
surrendered to the Turks, 408.

BELLEISLE (General), heroic retreat of, 441.

BLENHEIM, massacre at, 334.

BLOODY diet, the, 158.
theater of Eperies, 325.

BOHEMIA, triumphal march of Rhodolph into, 30.
the crown of demanded by Albert I., 39.
revolt in, 89.
rise of the nobles of against Ferdinand, 127.
the monarchy of, 154.
religious conflicts in, 155.
resistance of to Ferdinand, 156.
symptoms of the decay of, 160.
Ferdinand's blow at, 263.
severity of Ferdinand towards, 270.
son of Ferdinand crowned king of, 271.
change of prosperity of during reign of Ferdinand II., 272.
rise of the Protestants in, 286.
the Elector of Bavaria crowned king of, 434.
the Prussians driven from, 450.
(King of), chosen Emperor of Germany, 431.

BRANDENBURG, reply of the Marquis of to Charles V., 118.

BRITISH MINISTER, letter of the in regard to Maria Theresa, 295.
letter of the in regard to the affairs in Hungary, 416.

BRUNAU, the Protestant church of, 235.

BRUNSWICK, marriage of Charles VI. to Elizabeth Christina of, 164.

BRUSSELS, diet at, 139.

BUDA taken by the Turks, 147.

BULL (see Pope).

BURGHERS prevented from attending Protestant worship, 188.

BURGUNDY (Duke of), ambition of the, 77.

BURGUNDY (Mary of), marriage of by proxy, 79.
death of, 79.

CÆSAR BORGIA, plans for, 89.

CALENDAR, the Julian and Gregorian, 192.

CAMPEGIO, a legate from the Pope to, 114.

CAPISTRUN, JOHN, rousing eloquence of, 69.

CARDINAL KLESES, counselor to the king, 241.
abduction of, 242.

CARINTHIA, dukedom of, 48.

CARLOS crowned as Charles III., 388.

CARLOVITZ, treaty of, 326.

CASSAU captured by Botskoi, 198.

CASTLE (Hawk's), situation of, 17.
(Oeltingen), the dowry of Gertrude of Hohenburg, 19.

CATHARINE II. ascends the throne of Russia, 480.
cooperates with Austria. 481.
desire of to acquire Constantinople, 495.
grand excursion of, 496.
places Count Poniatowski on the throne of Poland, 484.

CATHERINE BORA, marriage of to Luther, 114.

CHANCELLOR OF SAXONY, reading of the Confession of Augsburg by, 118.
reply of to the emperor, 118.

CHARLES OF BOHEMIA, succession of to the kingdom of Austria, 47.
death of, 47.

CHARLES EMANUEL (King of Sardinia) character of, 386.

CHARLES GUSTAVUS succeeds Christina, Queen of Sweden, 302.
his invasion of Poland, 303.
energy of, 305.

CHARLES (Prince), defeat of by Frederic, 254.

CHARLES (Prince of Lorraine) marriage of, 447.

CHARLES II., the throne of Spain held by, 328.
sends embassage to the pope, 329.
induced to bequeath the crown to France, 330.
death of, 331.

CHARLES III. crowned King of Spain, 332.
army of routed, 340.
arrival of at Barcelona, 342.
desperate condition of, 344.
flight of, 346.
description of his appearance, 353.
dilatoriness of, 355.
crowned king, 356.
Carlos crowned as, 388.
(See also Charles VI.)

CHARLES V. (of Spain) inherits the Austrian States, 106.
petitions to, 106.
required to sign a constitution, 108.
ambition of, 109.
apologetic declaration of, 112.
refusal of to violate his safe conduct, 112.
attempts of to bribe Luther, 113.
determination of to suppress religious agitation, 115.
interview of with the pope at Bologna, 117.
call of for the diet at Augsburg, 117.
intolerance of, 119.
appeal of to the Protestants for aid, 122.
in violation of his pledge, turns against the Protestants, 122.
secret treaty of with the King of France, 123.
treaty of with the Turks, 123.
forces secured by against the Protestants, 124.
alarm of at the preparations of the Protestants, 125.
preparations of to enforce the Council of Trent, 125.
march of to Ingolstadt, 126.
flight of to Landshut, 126.
triumph of over the Protestants, 126.
conquers the Elector of Saxony, 128.
revenge of towards the Elector of Saxony, 128.
march to Wittemberg, 128.
visit to the grave of Luther, 129.
attempts of to settle the religious differences, 129.
attempt of to establish the inquisition in Burgundy, 129.
power of over the pope, 130.
calls a diet at Augsburg. 130.
failure of to accomplish the election of Philip, 131.
confounded at the success of the Protestants. 133.
flight of from Maurice, 133.
unconquerable will of, 135.
urged to yield, 136.
fortune deserting, 137.
extraordinary despondency of, 138.
abdication of in favor of Philip, his son, 139.
enters the convent of St. Justus, 141.
convent life of, 141.
death of, 143.
anecdotes of, 144.
attempt of to abdicate the elective crown of Germany to
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