» History » The Empire of Austria, John S. C. Abbott [android pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Empire of Austria, John S. C. Abbott [android pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author John S. C. Abbott

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Ferdinand, 160.

CHARLES VI. (see also Charles III. for previous information),
limitations imposed on the power of, 356.
desertion of by his allies, 357.
addition of Wallachia and Servia to the dominion of, 364.
marriage of, 364.
his alteration of the compact established by Leopold, 364.
power of, 365.
involved in duplicity, 377.
insult to, 380.
ambition of to secure the throne of Spain for his daughters, 382.
the loss of Lombardy felt by, 387.
attempt of to force assistance from France, 390.
his first acknowledgment of the people, in his letter to Count Kinsky,
interference of in Poland, 393.
sends Strickland to London to overthrow the cabinet, 391.
troubles of in Italy, 394.
distraction of, 396.
proposal of for a settlement with France, 397.
humbled by loss of empire. 398.
a scrupulous Romanist, 400.
removal of all the Protestants from the army, 404.
fears of for the safety of Maria Theresa, 406.
anguish of at the surrender of Belgrade, 411.
letter of to the Queen of Russia, 412.
death of, 414.

CHARLES VII., death of, 451.

CHARLES VIII. informed of the league against him, 88.
death of, 89.

CHARLES XII. joins the Austrian party, 335.
death of, 368.
conquests of, 382.

CHAZLEAU, battle of, 435.

CHRISTIANA, the succession of Sweden conferred upon, 280.
abdicates in favor of Charles Gustavus, 302.

CHRISTIAN IV. (of Denmark), leader of the Protestants, declares war, 267.
conquered by Ferdinand, 268.

CHURCH, exactions of the, 102.

CILLI, influence of Count over Ladislaus, 68.
driven from the empire, 68.

CLEMENT VII. succeeds Adrian as pope, 116.

CLEVES, duchy of put in sequestration, 213.

COLOGNE, the Archbishop of joins the Protestants, 124.
deposition of the Archbishop of, 126.

CONDUCT, Luther presented with a safe, 110.

reading of, 119.

CONGRESS at Rothenburg, 226.
at Hanau, 445.
at Prague, 1618, and letter of to Matthias, 236.
of electors at Frankfort, 35.

CONSPIRACY against Albert, 36.
formed by Albert against Adolphus, 37.

CONSTANTINOPLE, capture of by the Turks, 64.

CONSTITUTION, Charles V. required to sign a, 108.

COUNCIL of Trent, 124.
of Trent in 1562, 164.
of State convened in Spain, 331.

CREMNITZ, resistance of, 148.

CREMONIA to be disposed of as plunder, 89.

CROATIA invaded by the Turks, 195.

CROTZKA. battle of, 407.

CRUSADE against the Turks, 64.

CUNEGUNDA (wife of Ottocar), her taunts, 27.
offer of to place Bohemia under the protection of Rhodolph, 31.

DANUBE, position of Austria on the, 25.

DAUN (Count), honors of at his victory, 473.

DENMARK, the King of obliged to yield to Charles Gustavus, 306.

DIEPOLD thrown from the palace by the mob, 328.

DIET, command of the of Augsburg to Ottocar, 14.
at Augsburg, 118.
at Augsburg, 130.
at Brussels. 139.
at Lubec, 269.
at Prague, in 1547, 158.
at Prague, 179.
the Protestant at Prague, 209.
decrees of the, 210.
at Passau, 137.
its agreement as to the rights of the Protestants, 138.
at Pilgram, 66.
at Presburg, accusation of Leopold by the, 309.
at Ratisbon, 179.
at Spires, 116.
at Stetzim, 349.
demands of, 350.
at Worms, 86.
refusal of the at Worms to cooperate with Maximilian, 96.
at Znaim, 61.
power of the Hungarian, 308.

DOCTRINE of the three parties, 190.
ancient and modern, contention about shadowy points of, 255.

DRESDEN, treaty of, 458.

ERNEST, death of, 202.

ELEONORA (wife of Leopold), her character, 335.
marriage of, 336.
her death, 337.

ELFSNABEN, a fleet assembled at by Gustavus Adolphus, 281,

ELIZABETH (wife of Philip V.), ambition of, 371.
demands of on Charles VI., 372.

ELIZABETH (of Russia), death of, 479.

EMERIO TEKELI invested with the Hungarian forces, 319.

ENGLAND, assistance of against the Turks, 94.
supports the house of Austria against France, 332.
curious contradictory conduct of, 346.
pledge of to support the Pragmatic Sanction, 380.
supports Austria to check France, 428.
determines to support Maria Theresa, 436.
prodigality of, 447.
war declared against by France, 448.
purchases the aid of Poland, 452.
private arrangement of with Prussia, 457.
remonstrated with for its treatment of the queen, 463.
alliance of with Prussia, 466.
a subsidy voted Prussia by, 475.
alarmed at the strides of Austria and Russia, 499.

EPERIES, tribunal at, 324.

ERNEST, conquests of, 59.

EUGENE (Prince) commands the Austrian army, 332.
his heroic capture of Belgrade, 363.
his disapproval of the war, 389.
death of, 398.
funeral honors of. 399.

EUROPE, condition of the different powers of, 269.

EXCOMMUNICATION of the Venetians, 97.

FAMILY of Rhodolph, 25.
the three daughters of the imperial, 364.

FERDINAND (of Austria) invested with the government of the Austrian
States, 113.
determines to arrest Protestantism, 114.
assumes some impartiality, 116.
chosen King of the Romans, 120.
Bohemia and Hungary added to his kingdom, 146.
demands the restitution of Belgrade, 146.
his siege of Buda, 153.
tribute of to the Turks, 153.
his attempts to weaken the power of the Hungarian nobles, 155.
conditions of his pardon of the Hungarian nobles, 157.
his punishment of the revolters, 158.
his establishment of the Jesuits in Bohemia, 158.
his inconsistencies, 158.
obtains the crown of Germany, 161.
opposed by the pope, 162.
elected Emperor of Germany, 233.
character of, 234.
rich spoils of, 273.
he assembles a diet at Eatisbon, 275.
perplexity of in regard to the demands of the diet, 277.

FERDINAND (King of Arragon) furnishes supplies for the war against the
Venetians, 95.

FERDINAND (of Naples), flight of to Ischia, 85.

FERDINAND (King of the Romans)
crowned at Ratisbon, 302.
his death, 302.

illustrious birth of, 145.
marriage of, 145.
efforts of to unite Protestants and Catholics, 164.
attempts of to prevent the spread of Protestantism, 167.
the founder of the Austrian empire, 168.
death of, 168.

manifesto of, 240.
abduction of Cardinal Kleses by, 242.
troops of defeated by the Protestants, 243.
refers the complaints of the Protestants to arbitration, 343.
unpopularity of with the Catholics, 247.
unexpected rescue of, 249.
elected King of Germany, 250.
concludes an alliance with Maximilian, 254.
secures the coöperation of the Elector of Saxony and Louis XIII., 256.
subdues Austria, 257.
barbarity of the troops of, 258.
vengeance of, 263.
meeting at Ratisbon to approve the acts of, 265.
victories of, 268.
capture of the duchies of Mecklenburg, 268.
seizes Pomerania, 268.
revokes all concessions to the Protestants, 270.
son of crowned King of Bohemia, 271.
manifesto of against Gustavus Adolphus, 283.
decorous appreciation of to the memory of Gustavus Adolphus, 296.
outwitted by a Capuchin friar, 279.
succeeds in securing the election of his son Ferdinand, 299.
his death, 299.

ascends the throne, 245.
his proposal for a truce with Prague, 246.
desire of for peace, 300.
succeeds in securing the election of his son as Ferdinand King of the
Romans, 302.
death of, 303.

FLEURY (Cardinal), ascendancy of over Louis XV., 378.

FLORENCE threatened by Louis XII., 90.

influence of in wresting sacrifices from the emperor, 279.
the dominant power, 315.
fraud by which obtained possession of Spain, 331.
condition of under Louis XIV., 357.
refusal of to engage in the Polish war, 390.
design of to deprive Maria Theresa of her kingdom, 428.
declares war against England, 448.
alliance of effected with Austria. 467.

FRANCIS (of France)
claims Austria, 106.
perfidy of, 127.
death of, 128.

FRANCIS I. (Duke of Lorraine) elected Emperor of Germany, 457.

FRANCIS II. ascends the throne, 504.

FRANCIS RAVAILLAC, the assassin of Henry IV., 215.

FRANKFORT, congress at, 35.

FREDERIC (King of Naples), doom of, 92.

FREDERIC (of Saxony)
friendly seizure of Luther by, 113.
death of, 114.

FREDERIC I. (the Handsome)
capture of 43.
surrender of, 44.
death of, 45.

FREDERIC II. (of Germany)
renown of, 18.
death of, 482.
curious occupations of, 483.

FREDERIC II. (of Austria)
treachery of, 75.
wanderings of, 77.
death of, 81.

FREDERIC V., character of, 251.
accepts the crown of Bohemia, 251.
inefficiency of, 258.
his feast during the assault, 258.
renounces all claim to Bohemia, 259.
flight of, 262.
his property sequestrated, 264.

FREDERIC (King of Bohemia, Elector of Palatine),
death of, 296.

FREDERIC (of Prussia),
demands of, 417.
seizure of Silesia by, 418.
triumphal entrance into Breslau, 419.
his defeat of Neuperg, 420.
opinions of on magnanimity, 423.
his indignation at the small concessions of Austria, 424.
implores peace, 433.
violation of his pledge, 435.
capture of Prague by, 419.
surprises and defeats Prince Charles, 454.
invasion of Saxony by, 458.
explanation demanded from Austria by, 469.
artifice of to entrap the allies, 470.
defeat of at Prague, 473.
recklessness of, 476.
undaunted perseverance of, 477.
despair of, 479.
secures an alliance with Prussia, 480.
letter of to Maria Theresa, 488.
peaceful reply of, 500.

FRENCH, the, driven out of Italy, 94.
the, routed near Brussels, 340.
rout of at Brussels, 340.
defeat of the at Malplaquet, 341.

chosen leader in the Hungarian revolution, 152.
he retires to Presburg, 253.
compelled to sue for peace, 268.

GELHEIM, battle of, 37.

GALLAS appointed commander in place of Wallenstein, 268.

GENOA, aid furnished Leopold by, 311.

its conglomeration of States, 18.
independence of each State
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