» History » The Empire of Austria, John S. C. Abbott [android pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗

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at Aschhausen, 194.
opposition of the, to Matthias, 206.
their demands on Matthias, 207.
reasonable demands of, 211.
forces of the, vanquished at Pritznitz, 259.
secret combinations of the, for the rising of the, 267.
concessions to, revoked by Ferdinand, 276.
the, prefer the Duke of Bavaria to any of the family of Ferdinand, 279.
loss of the, in the death of Gustavus, 296.
pleasure of the, at the entry of Frederic into Silesia, 419.

PRUSSIA, inhabited by a pagan race, 20.
alliance of, with Austria, 459.
alliance of, with England, 466.
a subsidy voted to, by England, 475.
formidable preparations against, 470.

PRUSSIANS, the, driven from Bohemia, 450.

RAAB taken by the Turks, 147.

RAGOTSKY (Francis), leader of the rebellion, 333.
assembles a diet, 349.
chosen dux, or leader, 350.
outlawed, and escape of, 351.

RATISBON, diet at, in 1629, 275.
refusal of, to accept Ferdinand's word, 276.

REFORMATION, commencement of the, 103.

RELIGION, remarkable solicitude for the reputation of, 98.

REWARD offered for the head of Rhodolph, 30.

RHODOLPH (of Hapsburg), at the time of his father's death, 18.
presentation of, by the emperor for baptism, 19,
his incursions, 19.
marriage, 19.
excommunication of, 20.
engaged in Prussian crusade, 20.
a monument reared to, by the city of Strasburg, 21.
principles of honor, 21.
chosen chief of Uri, Schweitz, and Underwalden, 21.
chosen mayor of Zurich, 21.
elected Emperor of Germany, 23.
power of, as emperor, 25.
family of, 25.
gathering clouds around, 28.
address of the citizens of Vienna to, 28.
death of, 35.

RHODOLPH II., character and court of, 48.
ostentatious titles of, 51.
death of, 51.

RHODOLPH III, crowned King of Hungary, 178.
obtains the imperial throne, 180.
bigotry of, 187.
his infringement of the rights of the burghers, 188.
his blows against Protestantism, 189.
intolerance of in Bohemia, 193.
superstition of, 200.
his favor to Ferdinand; 204.
demands of the Protestants on, 205.
his encouragement of filibustering expeditions, 208.
remarkable pliancy of, 210.
his terror at the chance of assassination, 212.
political reconciliation between Matthias and, 219.
his plot with Leopold, 220.
Rhodolph taken prisoner, 221.
his abdication, 222.
required to absolve his subjects from their oath of allegiance, 223.
retains the crown of Germany, 225.
supplication of to the congress at Rothemberg, 226.
a congress at Nuremberg summoned by, 227.
death of, 228.

RHODOLPH (of Bohemia), death of, 39.

RHINE, separating Basle from Rhodolph, 23.

RICHELIEU, motives influencing, 267.
ambassadors of urge the Duke of Bavaria as candidate for the imperial
crown, 279.

RIPPERDA (Baron), the secret agent of the Queen of Spain at Vienna, 373.
rise and fall of, 375.
escape of to England, 376.

ROBINSON (Sir Thomas), interview of with Maria Theresa, 454.

ROTHENBURG, congress at, 226.

RUSSIA, growing power of, 399.
succession of the crown of, 399.
instrumental in placing Augustus II on the throne, 400.

SARAGOSSA, battle of, 343.

SAXONY, defeat of the Elector of, 128.
nobility of, 128.
degradation of, 129.
power of, 132.
the electorate of, passes to Augustus, 137.

SCHARTLIN (General), the Protestants march under, 125.

SCHWEITZ, Rhodolph of Hapsburg chosen chief of, 21.

SCLAVONIA, marriage of the Duke of to the daughter of Rhodolph, 25.

SECKENDORF, (General), the Austrian army intrusted to, 400.
his plans of campaign broken up by Charles, 402.
capture of Nissa by, 402.
condemned to the dungeon, 402.

SECRET ARTICLES of the treaty with Austria, 376.

SEGEBERG, league at, 267.

SCHMETTAU (General), the retreat of Wallis arrested by, 407.
compelled to yield Belgrade, 409.

SELIM succeeds Solyman, 177.

SEMENDRIA, defense of, 64.
its capture, 65.

SEMPACH, battle of, 55.

SERFS emancipated by Joseph II., 494.
his plan for seizing Bavaria frustrated, 495.

SEVEN YEARS' WAR, termination of the, 481.

SICILY, subjugated and attached to the Neapolitan crown, 388.

SIGISMOND (Francis, Duke of Tyrol), his alliance with Rhodolph, 195.
representation in the diet introduced by, 308.
death of, 314.

SIGISMOND (of Bohemia), power of, 60.
address of to the diet at Znaim, 61.
death of, 62.

SILESIA sold to Rhodolph, 195.
taken possession of by Frederic, 418.

SISECK, Turks routed at, 195.

SLAVATA thrown from the palace by the mob, 238.

SMALKALDE, assembly of the Protestants at, 121.

SOLYMAN (the Magnificent), victories of, 146.
reply of to the demand made by Ferdinand, 147.
his method of overcoming difficulties, 149.
his attack upon Guntz, 150.
his price of peace with Hungary, 153.
death of from rage, 176.

SPAIN decreed by the will of Charles II. to succeed to France, 331.
espouses the cause of Ferdinand II., 256.
assistance furnished Leopold by, 311.
invasion of by the British and Charles III., 354.
treaty between Austria and, 373.
the Austrians forbidden to trade in, 380.
invasion of Italy by, 388.

SPANIARDS, the, routed at Catalonia, 343.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW, massacre of, 171.

ST. GOTHARD, troops stationed at, 311.
battle of, 312.

ST. ILDEFONSO, the palace of, 370.

ST. JUSTUS, convent of, 140.

ST. PETERSBURG, rearing of the city of, 399.

STANHOPE (General), bearing of, 342.
desperate position of, 347.

daughter of married to Louis XV., 382.
receives a pension from France, 383.
elected King of Poland, 383.
his marvelous journey through Germany, 384.

STAREMBERG (General), bearing of, 342.

STATE, the independence of each German, 18.

STEPHEN, crowning of the infant as king, 152.

STEPHEN BOTSKOI, indignity offered to, 197.
his manifesto, 198.
proclaimed King of Hungary, 199.

STETTIN captured by Gustavus Adolphus, 281.

STETZIM, diet at, 349.

STRALSUND, defense of, 269.

STRICKLAND sent to London to overthrow the cabinet, 392.

STYRIA traversed by the Turks, 311.

SWEDEN roused by Gustavus Adolphus
against Ferdinand II., 280.
prudent conduct of on death of Gustavus, 297.

SWEDES, sorrow of the at the death of Gustavus, 294.

SWITZERLAND, divisions of, 40.

THURN (Count) leads the mob to the king's council, 237.
appointed commander of the Protestants, 338.
invades Austria, 247.

TILLY (Count), the imperial troops intrusted to, 282.

TITIAN, graceful compliment of Charles V to, 144.

TRAUSNITZ, Frederic I. a prisoner at the castle of, 43.

TRANSYLVANIA, rebellion in, 333.

TREASURE abandoned by the Turks, 323.

TREATY of Passau, 136.

TRENT, Council of, 124.
the second council at, 130.
council at in 1562, 164.
declarations of, 166

TRIBUNAL at Eperies, 324.

TRIESTE, arrival of troops at, 94.

TURENNE, the Palatinate devastated by, 315.
challenged by the Elector of Palatinate, 316.

TURIN, the court of bribed, 89.

TURKS, origin and increase of the, 63.
defeat of at Belgrade, 70.
spread of the, 121.
invasion of Hungary by the, 122.
the, driven from Hungary, 122.
treaty of Charles V. with the, 123.
victorious in Hungary, 136.
invasion of Europe by the, 145.
compelled to return home, 148.
the, retire from Hungary, 177.
peace made by Maximilian with the, 178.
invasion of Croatia by the, 195.
union of the with the forces of Botskoi, 199.
truce of Hungary with the, 203.
the, conclude a peace with Austria, 231.
invasion of Hungary by the, 310.
defeat of on the field of St. Gothard, 312.
favorable treaty secured by the, 313.
the invasion of Sclavonia by the, 360.
destruction of the army of the, 363.
the, implore peace, 364.
Orsova besieged by the, 404.
the, routed at Einmik, 499.

TUSCANY, subjugation of by Charles VIII, 84.
aid furnished Leopold by, 311.
death of the Duke of, 398.

TYROL, marriage of Albert to Elizabeth,
daughter of the Count of, 25.
possession of obtained by Rhodolph II., 50.
its power as the key to Italy, 313.
death of the Duke of, 314.

ULADISLAUS obtains the throne of Hungary, 66.

ULM, rendezvous of the Protestants at, 257.

ULRIC, the Protestant Duke of restored to Wirtemberg, 122.

UNDERWALDEN, Rhodolph of Hapsburg chosen chief of, 21.

URI, Rhodolph of Hapsburg chosen chief of, 21.

UTTLEBERG, capture of the castle of by Rhodolph, 22.

VALERIUS BARTHOLOMEW, the king's confessor, 248.

VALLADOLID, court of Philip established at, 343.

VENDOME (General) joins Philip, 313.

VENICE bribed, 89.
Maximilian bound by truce with, 95.
aid furnished Leopold by, 311.

VICTOR ASMEDEUS, business of, 369.

VIENNA one of the strongest defenses of the empire, 26.
the king's residence at, 27.
address of the citizens of to Rhodolph, 28.
siege of, 74.
the professors of the university at avow the doctrines of Luther, 114.
assault of, 320.
delivered by Sobieski, 322.

WALLENSTEIN made generalissimo of all the forces, 268.
arrogance of, 273.
matrimonial alliances of, 274.
his dismissal from the army demanded, 276.
he retires from the army 278.
his regal mode of living, 287.
his humiliating exactions from the emperor, 289.
superstition of, 291.
urges Ferdinand to make peace, 297.
traitorous offer to surrender to the Swedes, 298.
his assassination, 299.

WALLIS (Marshal) given the command of the army, 406.
arrested by Charles, 413.

WAR, its debit and credit account, 359.
(see also the various campaigns.)

WATERLOO, its advantage to Austria, 404.

WENCESLAUS acknowledged king, 31.
marriage to Judeth, 31.
death of, 38.

WESTPHALIA, signing of the peace of, 300.
conditions of the treaty of, 301.

WHITE MOUNTAIN, battle of, 259.

WILLIAM (son of Leopold), demand of for the government, 58.
marriage of, 59.

WINKELREID (Arnold), heroism of, 56.

WISMAR, the naval depot of Ferdinand, 268.

WITTEMBERG, procession of the students of, 109.

WORMS, diet at in 1521, 108.
the diet of inveighs Luther, 110.

ZEALAND, encampment of Charles Gustavus in, 306.

ZIGETH, heroic defense of by Nicholas, 176.
noble death of the garrison of, 177.

ZINZENDORF, remark of, 393.

ZNAIM, diet at, 61.
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