» Horror » Top 5 Scariest Stories In Japan, Janae Snell [classic literature list txt] 📗

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I am going to be telling the top 5 scariest Urban Legends and some were jsut stories and some well let's say it happened in true life...


 1. Okiku Doll

2. The Music Box

3. The Man Who Gave his Baby Away

4. Double Spirits 

5. The Happy Fox

Okiku Doll

 This doll may sound a little like Annebell...but this is very different from her. 

This doll was named after a little girl who owned this, Okiku, Okiku died of a really bad sickness that she had suffered. 

She always had this doll with her, the picture shown above, it was always with her everywhere she went even when she was sick. 

Her heart went bad and she died of Flu, her family but they were notciing something different with her doll. 

It would sit in position that they don't remember sitting her like that, they were freaking out by this. 

So they learned that Okiku possessed (Idk if I spelled that right) the doll, however some spirits can use objects to contact with whoever or to haunt someone. 

This doll has hair that's weird cause everyone knows that hair on dolls don't grow at all. 

Okiku Doll...she is now placed in a Museum where everyone can visit her.b

The Music Box

 Ai knocks on the door of Mr. Husk with two knocks he asnwers the door with a smile "Hello Ai" he said to her "I would always like visits from my students" he said welcoming her into his beautiful white house. 

There are two long white couches and a table in the middle of them behind Mr. Husk is a Panio. 

He's a Panio to Ai well used to he retired but still gives private lessons to kids in his neighborhood. 

"So I was contacted by you" Ai said looking at him, Mr. Husk took a deep breath "This Music box was a gift well actually it was left at my door steps" he said "I looked around but nobody was near my house" he said "So I jsut took the Music Box and listened to it for a couple of times" he said turning the lever on the side "Listen" and Ai put her ear close to the Music Box "It's beautiful" she said smiling.

Mr. Husk pulled it from her "No it's evil...Listen very close" he said playing it once more and her smile turned into a frown "What is that?" she asked hearing a man screaming like he's pain....He's screaming "HELP ME!" Ai was getting scared "Mr. Husk" she siad wanting him to stop but he kept going on with sweat forming on his forehead "Mr. Husk!" she pleaded tears welling up in her eyes...Just then footsteps were running around upstairs. Everything went silent, Ai stopped crying, Mr. Husk quit playing. 

It continued to can tell very well that it was running in circles "Mr. Husk...Do you live with someone?" she asked him and he looked at her slowly "No I live alone" he said looking at the stairs. 

Ai realized that the music box was playing with the beat of the running feet above them. 

"The Musoc Box!" she screamed Mr. Husk turned around and held the lever down and when he did, a leg showed at the top of the stairs, "Oh my" Ai siad putting a hand on her mouth preventing herself from crying with fear. 

The Music box was becoming stronger than Mr. Husk that he was sweatinge everywhere. 

"Don't let go!" she cried and he tried with all his might to hold it still but his fingers slip and a tune played. 

The thing ran down the stairs killing both Ai and Mr. Husk...

The Man who Gave his Baby away

Sahra walked of her Nurse class with all her other classmates, carrying a bunch of books in her hands. 

"Ugh" she said walking, just as she was about to walk to the elevator a boy came running and bumped into her leaving her picking up books and papers all over the floor, he didn't even bother to say Sorry and help her. 

"Damn" she said picking it up. 

She got in the elevator and clicked the last floor which will about 3 minutes cause she is on the very first floor.

A mintue passed and the elevator stopped the emergency lights went on. She looked down and sighed "Anything can be worse" she said walking to the buttons and clicked "ER" 

A loud static went on that it scared her "Um is anybody there, the elevator is stuck" she said through the speaker. 

"Yes.....We'll fix it...." a deep and scary voice siad "Um...thank you" she said getting a weird feeling.

 She waited for a mintue or two and she felt like someone was in the elevator as her "Who's there" she asked looking into a dark corner....A hand struck out and choked her "Stop" she said scratching at the arm her eyes rolled the back of her head and the hand let go. 

She gasped for air "Oh my god!" she screamed banging at the door. 

"PLease, what do you want from me?" she cried and the elevator opened, she quickly ran out of there, she turned around to see of anyone was in there "Come back dear" a man with a hat and hands that had very long claws.

 She screamed turning aorund to the door but she seen something that made her frozen in her place, she tried to walk through them but tehy held her down "Please" she said. 

The man camed to her showing her his ugliest and scaries sharpiest teeth ever, Sahra screaming squirming to get away from these people and the man. 

He open his open bout to kill her but he stopped midway, Sahra tried to stay calm but she whimpered "Seems to me that you have a little one" he said putting his head to her stomach. 

She didn't understand what she meant. 

"What?" she asked trying not to cry he smiled and stuck his hand in her stomach taking the baby out of her, it was a bright light that was beautiful he threw aside like it wasn't nothing "Ahhhhhh!" she screamed in pain...her baby was being thrown away.

He grabbed something from behind him, a red light that was evil, she tried to get away from him but these people were extremly strong. 

He stuck it inside her which she didn't want it but her own that he threw aside. 

She looked to her right and seen that the light of her baby was fading away and now it was blood. 

She cried "Here's your baby" he said. 

She passed out..the next day she was found laying in the lobby with people around her, she started to back away from them "Please don't hurt me" she cried into a corner. 

"I'm going to hurt you, I'm here to help you" the man said with a smile that she didn't want to see. 

She looked at her stomach and seen that there was no scars or nothing...

She was pregant with a monster.



Sahra is now raising a monster that she has to feed with blood as at night she sneaks into a cow field to slaughter cow in order to feed him.

Double Spirits

Iris, who is only 12 at the time...Yuki who was 30 and Tadashi who was 35 or 34. 

They loved each other more than anything. Tadashi was a busy father who travels all over Japan, Yuki is the stay-hom mom who cleans and does Erans and sometimes has mommy and daughter day with Iris. 

Iris loves to explore and find new things, Tadashi had a job in Japan and he wanted to bring his family with him. 


They rented a house on a street that had an amazing view of the mountains, Iris loved the house and so did everyone. 

"I love it" Yuki siad hugging Tadashi "We'll take it" he said to the woman "Very well...May I give you a tour?" she asked Tadashi "Yes that would be fine" he said smiling. 

They walked through some rooms and the kitchen "And this is the master bedroom" she said showing it to them "Oh my god it's beautiful" Yuki said smiling at the amazing veiw of the city "Yes it is very beautiful" the woman siad she turned around and was now facing the bloodstain on the wall




"No you can't make me!" she yelled "I'm making you...I'M FORCING YOU!" he threw her against the wall and raped her right there on the floor, she felt dizzy she looked up and seen her husband thrusting inside her. 

She felt pain "Stop" she whispered, she looks up and sees blood on the wall, touches the back of her wasn't hers she looked at her husband how could it be him when he didn't even touch the wall. 

She looked up again...the blood was gone "What?" she said looking confused 
"Shut the fuck up!" he said slapping her face. 

She slowly turned her head back to him "Honey?" he said looking at her like he cared for

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