» Horror » After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗

Book online «After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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people would only get us killed. We talked a little he showed me his toys old action men, he asked me if I had any one missing I told him about Jon, the kid gave me a pat on the back a small gesture but I appreciated it.



"Move" I pushed Ryan out of the way and started to push the bed against the door and the bed side table followed "Will that keep them out?" Ryan asked looking pathetic standing there "For about 10 minutes" He started to cry, Ah maybe not the best answer then. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder "Don't worry they aren't going to get you" He stopped rubbing his eyes "You have a plan?" I nodded "Yeah " Though my voice did not ring with confidence.


I opened the bathroom window and looked out, the window sills were quite wide enough for me to hold on guttering ran along underneath the window it was at a height that I could hold the window sill and put my feet on the guttering, but the kid on the other hand was not going to be able to do this I would have to carry him. I needed to make a decision the sky was already starting to darken the streets would be a death trap at night but staying would also result in the same. In reality this was the only good decision the dead would soon break through, I had about an hour to get the kid out find a car and escape the outpost.


"Yeah O.K like that but not to tight" I started to choke as the kid wrapped his arms to tight around my neck "To tight to tight" I gasped "Sorry" "O.K wrap your legs around my waist yeah like that and just er don't squirm or look down" "O.K" I lowered myself out the window the kid was heavier than I thought and I am not particularly strong. I followed my own advice and did not look down only across to the archway 8 meters away. As we passed windows and looked in people were barricading doors that were quickly being overwhelmed by the dead some rooms had already been overrun we quickly moved past these. Three quarters of the way there "You O.K kid?" He didn't say anything just nodded in to my shoulder "All right almost there" These words were more to reassure myself than the kid. Made it we stood on the flat surface of the archway. The street below was reasonably clear of the dead as the majority had flooded in to the hotel.


I had to keep the kid on my back for the jump to street level it was still a good drop and I had to lower myself down to avoid twisting an ankle and certain death in this environment. Ryan jumped off my back and we headed off back to the industrial estate as the son started to set.

I pulled open one of the shed doors. Perfect. A land rover diesel an awful shade of maroon probably would of been used as a scouting vehicle the shed was small nothing else was in here apart from a few tools, locks were minimal here due to a normally constant security presents but they had there own problems right now. I opened the door and checked inside, all clear "O.K jump in" Ryan jumped in the back I walked to the back of the shed and opened up the tool box pulling out a pair of bolt cutters and a crowbar. Shutting the shed door I climbed in the front of the car and proceeded to pries off the casing on the steering column and looked at the wires now how did Jon do this? I had seen him do it loads of times and he offered to show me, I would pretend to show an interest but really was not paying attention I cursed myself for it now as I started sorting wires, Ryan looked over the seat with interest "What are you doing?" Trying to hot wire the car" I replied still focusing on the wires "Why?" He followed up "Because we need to get out of here before it gets dark" "Why don't you use the keys?" "I would if I had them" Ryan reached up pulled down the sun blocker and the keys fell out landing my head as if to reiterate my stupidity, Ryan smiled "Yeah yeah very clever" The car started up with no troubles and with half a tank "O.K wait here I will be back in a second" I got out "Where are you going?" "We need fuel and something to eat for the trip home kid" I didn't need to eat it would take a couple of days max to get home but the kid would need something. I got to the shed door "Stay here stay quiet you understand?" He nodded and ducked down.


Cutting the wire fence was easy and I soon managed to peel back a space large enough for the car to drive through fuel and food next. I entered the small office of the Outpost dispatch office it was deserted all of the officers never to return paperwork was scattered across the desk various reports on supplies ammunition. I ignored theses and walked over to the fuel pump control panel it required a key but the key hole was so worn a screw driver I had taken from the tool box worked just as well. I then used the same screwdriver to pry open the locked desk drawer a pile of sweets and fizzy drinks lay here, corrupt bastard I stuffed it in my satchel and I headed back out to the pumps grabbed a couple of cans and filled them to the brim and put them in front of the shed door. Something was wrong I had shut it behind me but now it was slightly ajar. I dropped the satchel and pulled out my baton but did not extend it and pushed the door open slightly and peeked inside.

Two men in there early twenties wearing grey and black hooded tops hood up and jogging bottoms were trying to get Ryan out of the car the kid had locked the doors but the two men were not about to give up so easy "Come on kid we aint gonna hurt ya" Grey hoodie said pressing his face against the glass blue was on the other side "Just open the door" He tried the door again. The frustration was starting to show on there faces Grey slammed his fist on the glass "Open the fucking door!!!" The kid jumped "Dude he's just a kid" Blue moved to stop his friend beating on the glass "We are gonna fucking die here if he don't let us in you moron!" Greys shrieks were now bordering on the hysterical, he went to the back of the shed and picked up a hammer then returned to the window "Can I help you?" Grey stopped with his hammer in mid swing "Why don't you put the hammer down? Plenty of space for all of us in the car I'm not a great driver I have food water plenty for all of us this does not have to end badly" Grey stopped for a moment considering this "I got diesel outside more than enough to get us some where safe no need for a fight we all want the same thing to survive we can all win here, we all get what we want no hard feelings" When the human brain feels it's existence is threatened the most rational person can do the craziest thing even when there is a perfect way out with no violence when it go's it's gone.


Grey launched the hammer at my head I quickly shut the door and it bounced off, Grey came tearing out as I backed away Blue stood in shock by the car "Come on man don't be stupid our way out is right there" Blue yelled Grey ignored his friend moved towards me and threw a right hook, his rage worked in my favour as he swung his arm I ducked and punched him hard in the stomach he wheezed I tried to advance to finish the fight but his arm swung out and a 7 inch blade appeared in his hand. He steadied himself and thrust forward with the knife I jumped back waiting for the next attack this one was overhand as if trying to drive it in to my skull, I caught with my left and drove the heel of my left hand in to his nose bones cracked blood blossomed, still holding his right with my left I ducked underneath the arm twisting it striking the back of the elbow with my right he dropped the knife. He was on his knees I wrapped my arms round his throat trying to get a choke hold in place so I could KO the guy handcuff him, but he struggled free and staggered away clutching his nose in one hand the right arm hanging limply probably dislocated at his side he started to run "Where are you going you idiot you will die out there!!" I bellowed after him he made it to the industrial entrance, he turned "Fuck you!" That's all he got out, as if they were parts of the trees and weeds themselves arms shot out of the undergrowth dragging him down. I turned away and ran back to the car grabbing a can of fuel Blue was still standing there in shock his hood was down now revealing a tanned face blonde hair and deep green eyes about 19 , he looked at me "Are you coming our staying with your friend?" He looked stunned that I was giving him the choice "Well er I" "Right your coming what's your name?" "Danny" He stuttered "O.K I'm Tom that's Ryan don't stab me shoot me or push me out of a moving vehicle we will get along fine understand?" "Yeah" "Good grab that can of fuel and my bag can you drive?" He nodded, I threw him the keys "Go then" He loaded and started the engine whilst I topped u the tank I threw the it in the boot and opened the front passenger door, Ryan was sitting there "Yeah nice try get in the back" "I called shotgun" "Well I'm bigger move" He jumped in to the back "And put your seatbelt on" He did and I put mine on, I looked over at Danny who quickly did the same "Good now we are all safe drive"


Danny drove through the gap in the fence, I was tempted to ask him to stop let me out so I could search for Jon but I knew that my chances of finding him were near non existent. We had agreed in the past that if things like this happened we would not hang around if we could not find the other it had happened at the hospital he had waited for me but he left when the danger was to great but if he was alive I'm sure he would make his own way back.

Stand And Deliver.
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