» Horror » After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗

Book online «After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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asked coldly "It was fun" The laughter continued.

What happened next flashed by I stepped off Phil and went to my coat, pulled the gun, Walked over to Phil his eyes fill with shock he tries to get to his feet "Whoa hold on"He backs up against the fence, I level the gun with his head "Two enter one leaves you said" The shot echoes Phil slumps.

The hostages were taken back in two trips to the outpost Steve had to make a third trip to get me and Toby. I spoke to Kane gave him the bad news. The ride was silent Toby wanted to say something Steve started but a look from me silenced him.

I came back in to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. Sky poked her head in the door "You O.K?"I looked up "Rough day done your homework?" "Yes" "What's the time?" "Half 2" "Go grab Ryan" "Why?" " It's a Surprise"

The rest of the day was soul searching watching the kids enjoy themselves sweets toys I drew the line at makeup for Sky though no matter how much she pouted. But all to soon it was over I was home and my phone was ringing"Hello" "No clever remark" "Yes boss" "Psychiatric evaluation 9 tomorrow" "I don't need one boss" "You killed someone today" "Not the first" "The first that was not self defense" "He was a piece of shit" "Your off scavenging and GHOST duty till you go" "Oh no what ever will I do, come off it boss it punishes you the outpost Commander and the people more than me" "We will all suffer and that bothers you" "See if I care" I hung up and turned the phone off.

I did not go to the appointment I tried to go on a scavenger run but as Kane said was relieved of my duty. So I sat in the pub drinking. Why? I don't know Jon, regret for killing it didn't matter the blackness swallowed me and I didn't care


Why am I here? What is the point of this? Sane people would have put a gun in their mouth by now. The pub floor was oddly comfortable. I opened one eye the light was bright I reached out a hand and groped blindly for my drink. I propped myself up a bit and poured the horrible tasting stuff down my throat "Another!" I slammed the glass down it smashed, I lay back down and put my hand in front of my face, not to much blood "Another!" The barman lent over the bar so I could see him "Don't you think you have had enough?" "I understood what you said so no another" "You gonna pay for what you had so far and that glass you broke and the stool you threw, or we gonna have a problem?" He waved a cricket bat over the bar "I got money" I rummaged through my pocket and threw some money up to the bar "Enough?" "Yeah same again?" "Yeah and another one" He lent down and passed me another drink. I couldn't quite remember how I ended up on the floor, something about e taking someone's stool. I think I then proceeded to hit them with the stool a fight which I think I lost. I sat the drink down and wiped my hand across my face looked at it more blood, or was this the hand I cut? The door opened and some one walked in I turned my head "Fuck off were closed" The door shut and the barman appeared again "Your scaring off business" "Hey I hired this place and I still have 5 hours of my 8 left" "2 hours" "What?" He pointed at the clock "Opened at 7 it's 1 now" "Oh that's why my back hurts how long I been down here?" "Since 8""Oh sorry bout that" "You got the money gets a beer and sympathetic ear, something on your mind?" "Don't want to talk about it" "Whatever he went back to washing glasses" "Book me another 3 hours" "Cash upfront" "Do I get a discount cause I'm not using the furniture?" "Nope" "Tight fisted git" I held up more cash, he took it "You allowed to serve people this drunk?" "I have my own rule with that" "What's that?" "It's only a problem when there wallet is empty" I chuckled "Send two more down" "You got two there" I propped myself up again "Hey shut-up I'm paying aren't I? And get me some of those silly straws I'm sick of using my elbows to sit up" He started the drinks "You could do this at home a lot cheaper" "Yeah but I don't have your magical charm there""You got family?" "Yeah" "They worried about you?" "Very haven't been home in 3 days" "Kids?" "Not mine but I'm all they got" "Shouldn't you be there?" "If you really cared that much you would kick me out of here and send me home" He sets the drinks down next to me handing the me the straw "I don't just pointing it out they probably wish you were there" "Yeah well wish in one hand shit in the other see which fills up first, and put some music on"



Dead or Alive finished "Again" I yelled "That will be seven times your voice greats after a while no matter how wonderful you think it is" "Just put it on" The door opened.

"Fuck off private party" Ignoring my suggestion whoever it was closed the door, without looking I hurled one of my empty glasses in that direction. Hearing it impact it with the wall and no cry meant I missed, I downed the last of my drink so I could reload. The person walked quickly to the bar "No more for him" I sat up ""Hey are you my mother piss off!" Kane stood at the bar "Great that's all I need" I collapsed back on to the floor, banging my head a little to hard "Ow" Kane stood over me "Yeah?" "How long have you been here?" I shrugged "I dunno ask the barman"He squatted next to me "Are you going to get up?" "No need" Kane moved my last drink slightly out of my reach "That's just childish I can lay here a lot longer than you" Kane pulled up a stool and sat "You didn't see the Doctor" "Found my own the guy behind the bar said drink this till you feel better" "I don't think he is a doctor" "Well he lied to me then" "Get up" Kane said softly "Why?" I said dragging the word out "I have a job for you" "Do I look like batman?" Kane moved so quickly it was scary, he yanked my to my feet by the shirt with one hand, the force almost made me hurl my head lolled around a bit before I met his eye "Do I look like I can fight zombies I can barely stand" Kane shoved me back in to a booth seat he sat opposite me, I reached over for my drink then he booted it across the floor. I shrugged got up walked to the bar and asked for another the barman shook his head. So I reached over the bar and tried to make my own. Kane came up and yanked me back and smashed my head in to the bar the world went blurry, well blurrier than before. With out thinking I reached back over the bar and grabbed a bottle swinging for Kane's head, he ducked and backed away. We squared up I kicked a stool at him and rushed forward trying to drive my shoulder in to him trying for a body slam. The fight did not last long. Kane moved fast or maybe I was slow hard to tell, he stepped past grabbed me by the shirt and hurled me on to a table which broke, I hit the floor laughing "Well done you beat a drunk congratulations" He calmly spoke "Will you listen?" "I sighed "Can I have a drink?" He frowned "What about water can I have that?" He held out a hand I accepted and helped me up.

After a visit to the bathroom I sat opposite Kane "So what was so important you had to interrupt my drinking?" Kane placed photos on the table one of the hospital nearby and the Doc? Why him? "You have met the good doctor then?" "Yeah his son is at my house" "The good Doctor was doing research in London in to the virus" "So lots of people are" "The good doctor was close to a break through" "A cure?" "A vaccine some one who has already turned can't be changed back but this would stop any more being infected" I was shocked "Well go get it then" "Not that simple, the virus keeps mutating we need an original source of infection" "One of the first infected?" "Yes with in the first few days" "What do you need?" "A blood sample a bone anything" "And you can't just grab any old infected because you don't know if they were turned during the first few days?" "Exactly" "I know where we can find one, one of the earliest cases was taken to my hospital I killed it properly killed it should still be locked in the morgue" "We also need the Doctors samples and notes from his office in London" "Boss that place is hell no way we can get in there" "We have a plan for that don't worry" "Anything else dare I ask?" "Yes this is of most importance the new infected you found the runners?" "Yeah" "They are becoming more common we can not hope to simply outlast this we need to finish them and for that we can't lose any more people to them" He walked to the bar and got a drink and placed it in front of me "But by all means stay here and drink yourself into oblivion" "I'm in" I got up "When do I start?""Tomorrow, go sober up"

Strained Relations

"I'm going alone that's it" I put my satchel down on the table scattering some of Jack's junk on to the floor "That's suicide" Jack said calmly bending to pick up piece of a radiator. Toby was less calm "I'm coming that's it" I looked up "You don't get a say in this it's my decision just me" "Your drunk you just spent the last 3

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