» Horror » After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗

Book online «After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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Leaving Home

It was like it was happening all over again. The panic on the streets, the crying shouting screaming. The dead had not even arrived yet and people were already at each others throats. Toby arrived he should be reporting for duty but most of the guard had not shown up for duty. I pushed all the junk off the table and slapped down a map "How many?" Toby asked as I hunched over the map "To many" "What about the guard we get everyone together on the walls?" I sighed "To many to kill" "How many?" "Thousands, tens of thousands low hundred's of thousands not sure" Toby lent on the table "Options?" "They are approaching fro the north, it means they are going to hit the front gate by the bridge" "Er aren't we near there?" Steve pointed out "Yeah just round the corner" Toby said reaching for a fag and passing me one, I light it and inhaled thinking "We have a couple of choices, the first we stay put wait for them to hit then when it settles down we leave and find a new place" "Why not head to another Outpost?" Danny asked "The reason the dead are heading here is because they are following the trail of refugees from the capital, we head some where else we put them in danger" "Other options" "We stay cross our fingers possibly die or we leave now probably get caught up in the stream of people leaving they attract more dead to us we get clogged up in traffic and become lunch" "Can I come in?" Ryan appeared at the doorway "Not now mate why don't you have the rest of that candy?" He ran off happy "So stay go?" Toby asked. I sighed "No idea" "What about supplies?" He said turning to Ty "For the 6 of use we have enough food for two weeks or so" "We also have two handguns 300 rounds" I finished" Toby lifted up a large duffel bag and pulled out a smg and then poured out a mountain of ammunition "This good for the guns we got?" I asked "Course it does" I put my fag out "We have fuel food transport weapons we can leave now" "So we are going?" Ty asked. I folded the map up "Yeah we are going but not yet, they will be here in about 22 hours, we leave 2 hours before they get here that way we don't get caught up in the rush and panic"

Me and Toby started to load up the jeep, Toby stayed with it at all times to deter any one with sticky fingers. I stopped by to see Jack he was packing up to but agreed to leave with us.

We All Fall Down

Hope is a valuable thing. To have it snatched away from you and then be kicked in the nuts again is devastating little did I know there was more shit to be piled on top.

I went to the shopping centre a couple of items were needed. Well I say needed, fags were hardly an essential but I just needed to get out of the house. So much shouting crying panic. The streets were no different, I don't know what I was looking for outside. I got my smokes and stood outside the shopping centre inhaling. People raced past, kids cried. I don't know what it was something about the chaos soothed me, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cool stone wall. Some thing caught my eye as I opened them. I stood up straight. The mass of people were pushing each other to get in or get out. I turned to keep my eyes on the man forcing his way through the crowd. I put my cigarette out and started to shove my way in to the crowd. People yelled and protested as I pushed through them and was in what was at one time the food court. The man went up the stairs how had he got so far ahead? I shoved through the crowd not moving my eyes from the man, one guy turned around to give me a choice comment but the look on my face stopped him half way. We went up two flight of stair to the top level mainly old clothes stores up here, not many people. I followed behind the man, walking quickly still pushing the odd person out of the way. I reached him and tapped him on the back.Radio man turned around "Surprise mother fucker!" And punched him in the mouth

Radio man recoiled from the blow and opened himself up for a kick to the nuts, his voice if it was not high enough before would now reach the Soprano level. A few people turned to look as he dropped to his knees, but no one wanted to get involved good choice on there part. I booted him in the chest and he fell back "Where is he!?" I bellowed as I kicked him in the ribs radio man groaned. I dragged him up by the hair, he smirked and spat blood to the floor "You wont find him" I yelled and slammed his head in to the floor, he laughed "Am I under arrest?" Anger was rising up in me I reached for my handcuffs, radio man took that opportunity to fight back. An uppercut caught me in the rubs and spun me back. With him being so close I could not pull the baton so I pulled my kukri knife. He reached in to his boot and pulled a 6 inch camillus knife. I am not a knife fighter, if he had any kind of experience I was screwed "My backup is coming you may as well give up" I said as we circled each other. A complete lie but then wouldn't you know it a whistle blew. A police officer comes running up and in between us pulling a baton "Put the knives down now" Neither of us moved the officer started to speak in to his radio his eyes on me. Radio man moved quick, within two strides he was behind the officer and stabbed him in the back. I was to slow I moved forward, radio man withdrew the knife and hurled the officer at me, his weight knocked me off my feet and we hit the deck. Radio man took off as I pushed the cop off me.

I watched as I saw radio man disappears in to a service corridor. I rolled the officer on to his back he was still alive. The wound location was close to the right kidney, the lack of blood though made me think it was not to serious. The officer looked me in the eyes "Help me" Dam I can't just leave him. I got some first aid supplies from my satchel and reached for his radio "Officer down officer down top floor of shopping centre agent in pursuit of suspect approximately 6ft wearing a green coat and lack trousers suspect armed with a knife and suspected terrorist" A reply came over the radio but I ignored it they would come. I gently turned the officer on to his stomach and placed the dressing on the wound and place his hand there "What's your name?" I asked "Kyle" "O.k Kyle I'm Tom the wound is not to bad it has missed the kidney easy fix O.K?" He nodded. I reached in to my pocket and showed him my GHOST I.D "I need to go after that guy when help comes send them after me O.K?" He nods. I took off "Oh and one more thing" I shouted back "I would appreciate it if they didn't shoot me" He nodded.

I burst in to the service corridor. Transport cages were against the white walls. One of the cages was pushed at me, radio man behind it. I jumped on to the cage and kicked it back so it turned over on to radioman but over balanced and rolled out of it to my feet aiming a stomp p for his head. He pushed the cage up to stop the stomp, then grabbed my standing foot pulling me to the floor, my knife falling from my grip. We wrestled for a moment before I head butted him breaking a couple of his teeth, also cutting me above my eye. He scampered out from under the cage and made for the door. I pursued him grabbing my knife and tackling him through the doors and we fell through. Hitting the two TRT members on the other side, they were knocked aside, me and radio man were to busy involved in our own little battle. I used the grip of the knife to bulk up my fist and used it to rearrange the right side of his face. I grabbed his throat and pushed him back to the balcony, a quick slash of the knife sent blood trickling to the floor his hands grabbed the flesh wound to his chest.I pushed his head and torso over the railing "You wouldn't be the first person I chucked off this balcony" "Oh yes I know all about Graham" "What?" He smiled again "Who are you?" He laughed and wheezed "Should of killed you in the alley that night" "You? It was you in the alley the fire station?" I lifted up his coat, a small scar where I had stabbed him the first time "Why?!" I demanded "We need a change humanity is facing extinction if we don't change then we will cease to be" "So your a cultist nut job?" "Just kill me and get it over with" I hauled him back on to the balcony he tried to pull himself back over but failed. It was at this time I took notice of the four man TRT team with weapons pointing at me"You know who I am right?" I said not making any sudden moves "Yes Sir step away from the suspect" "This man is being held under special order 6 and is not to be removed from my sight do you understand the special order?" "Yes Sir" I started to move away from radioman when I noticed the phone in his hand.

Time slowed radio mans lips said boom. I think I said get down. I threw myself over the balcony as flames erupted around me and the world above exploded.

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