» Horror » After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗

Book online «After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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blue privacy curtain behind Sky started to move. Time slowed down I moved forward and shoved her out of the way as the biggest fattest zombie I have ever seen came through the curtain. It knocked me on my arse it was over 6ft and must of been pushing 20 stone balding head but still some dark black hair in places. I rolled to my side as the zombie dropped to the floor to try and land on me instead he bounced off the floor. I approached the creature trying to get a good aim with the spike but the creatures limbs were flailing. A stray arm caught my leg and knocked me to the floor and it was my turn for my head to bounce off the floor strong arms grabbed mine the creature was pulling himself towards me. I took a few swings at the creatures head but that just seemed to piss it off, it pulled my arm to it's mouth. I tried with all my might to free myself but could not break free. Then a gunshot went off the zombie slumped. I backed away from the body to get away from the pooling blood and looked up Sky was holding the gun tears in her eyes. I slumped back against a trolley. She looked at me "I'm fine don't worry, thanks" She started to cry "Come here" I said holding a hand out she sat next to me with her head on my shoulder and sobbed. Nightmare Creatures.

It took a few minutes to motivate Sky to move, we could dwell on what she had done later now we had a job to do. I got up and opened the door to where we had come in. To many dead "O.K out the back door" "What back door?" Sky asked. I responded by picking up a medical trolley and hurling it out the window. We were on the ground floor so we simply climbed out walked over to the next window along broke it and climbed through in to another corridor "Where are we?" Sky asked "These are the service corridors, so staff didn't have to wheel medical equipment and patients through public areas" The corridor was clear as we approached the lifts "You know there is no power right?" Sky stated puzzled "I know here hold this" I handed her my bag and walked up to the lift doors. I used the spike on my baton to force the doors open a little then used my hands to push them open wider "Grab the crowbar out the bag and put it in the gap" She did. To get to the morgue we needed to go down two floors, I shined my torch down the shaft. There was the car below us on the 2nd floor "O.K were going down" "How?" "Climb down the cable it's not to far" She looked at me like I was mad "I have done it before it's easy" We put on gloves so the cable did not cut up our hands and slowly climbed down.

We stepped on to the top of the car, not dropped that would alert anything else down here to our presence. I handed Sky my torch and found the hatch door. I opened it up and shined in the torch. Empty "Wait up here" I said "But" "Wait" I said firmly. She nodded and I eased myself through the hatch. Not as gracefully as I had hoped for something damp met my feet as I landed and I tripped "Nice" Sky said stifling a laugh "Yeah very funny" I got up and held my arms up so she could lower her self down. I used the same process here to open the door and we entered another corridor. Empty.

I placed my second and final crowbar here to keep the lift door open and walked down the corridor. Deserted but something was wrong. Blood was every where old blood trolleys stretchers lay turned over smashed in to pieces. The glass in the small windows let in a little light they were mainly obscured by the blood that caked them. I waved the torch around "Stay close to me" Sky nodded. We turned a corner bodies. I pulled my gun motioned Sky to keep behind me and approached them. It looked like the partial remains of 6 maybe 10 God I don't know the amount of pieces it was hard to tell. A head rolled to my feet. Sunken eyes grey hair, it was a zombie head, but who would do this to a zombie? Kill them sure but kill them then cut them in to tiny pieces and were those teeth marks on the cheek? I examined it closer, what looked like human teeth marks were deep on the side of the creatures face. I looked at another head, this was human, this one had not turned something had torn them both apart "What did this?" Sky asked "Stay close to me we are getting the sample then getting out".

The morgue was oddly empty for a zombie apocalypse plenty of blood sure but only two bodies lay on the tables, they stank. I pulled the sheet off the first. Yuck. I pulled the sheet back it looked remarkably fresh but it had been quite cool when we entered the room that had probably helped preserve it. It's skin was a light grey scars littered it's face. Once it had been a person but now the shaven headed man was missing large portions of his chest cavity he was large tall muscular but this was not who I was here for.

The second sheet yielded the prize. The body had mostly liquefied but that was fine. Sky grabbed me a couple of sample cups from the side I filled them up then 3 more I did not want to come back here. As I was putting them in my satchel my brain started to panic. The bodies, the bodies what had done that? I tried to silence the voice as I searched for the medical records for the man who had turned to slop may be they would help, I should of asked Kane about this. I'm not sure what it was spiderman would call it spider sense maybe I heard something or caught a reflection in the glass I ducked as the cabinet above me exploded.

I dropped and rolled away. The man that had been laying on the table was now up. Standing 7ft a white shirt covered in blood and jeans. I pulled my gun and fired. The creature moved nightmarishly fast it batted away my gun and slammed me back in to the cabinet air forced from my lungs. It's hand was clamped around my throat, I banged my heel against the cabinet so the stiletto slid out and drove it at the creatures sternum to try and get some distance. The creature blocked it. I stared at the monster in shock , it's eyes were black and it smiled. It fucking smiled it lifted me up and hurled me across the room, I hit the table with the goo man and we flew over it "Sky go!" I managed to get out before the monster was on me again. I t lifted me and hurled me into another cabinet. A gun went off. I looked up and saw the monster staring at Sky with a curious look he stepped towards her. Adrenaline surged through me, the instinct to protect ones young drove me. I picked up a fire extinguisher and with all my strength drove it in to the back of the creatures knee. It had little effect, except turning his attention back to me "Oh fuck" One hell of a punch hit me on the temple and I flew back. It approached me slowly, what it was not banking on was me meeting it half way. I pulled a knife from my belt and drove it in to the creatures groin it bellowed in agony and I had to jump back to avoid a flailing limb "Gun!" I shouted at Sky. She threw it to me and I almost dropped it but caught it at the last second. I approached the creature and fired at it's head 6 times every shot hit it's mark. It slumped to the floor. I panted grabbed my knife and gun "Time to go" We were leaving the morgue when a moan came. I turned and the monster was getting to it's feet "Run!!" I shouted we turned and ran back to the lift. The creature pursued us the whole way we threw everything in it's path to slow it down but it was gaining. I stopped "Keep going" Sky kept moving. I took a bottle from my bag popped the top pulled the rag from inside it lit the rag and hurled it at the monster. Flames burst all other the monster it stopped for a moment and I turned to run before it kept pursuing. Sky had made it to the elevator and as I ran through I kicked away the crowbar as the door was shutting the monsters hands appeared either side of it. Pushing the doors slowly open. I took the cross bar and the monsters head appeared a wicked smile on it's face part of it boiled and burned from the fire "Fuck off!" I drove the crowbar in to it's eye socket. It's hands instinctively came back to protect it's face and the doors closed taking the crowbar with it. We stood there for a second hearing the shrieks of pain in the darkness, breathing hard. Then what sounded like a fist banging against the door over and over "Up up!" I boosted Sky up and we climbed out of the shaft just as the door gave way. I looked back down and could see the creatures horrible form now in the lift car, it looked up and saw me rage etched on it's features I smiled made the hand sign for wanker and pulled away the crowbar.

A few smashed windows gave us an easy escape nose was no longer a problem now. We got back to the car I called Kane told him everything the monster the samples. A helicopter sat down next to us 10 minutes later and we headed home.

The next morning my phone was ringing "Batcave" "Get up" Kane. I sat up "We going to London today?" "No we have a problem" "What" "A large horde of the creatures is approaching the Outpost" "Which Outpost?" "Yours, we lure a few away but they just keep coming" My mind spun" "Are we evacuating?" "They will be there in 24 hours all you can do is defend" "And die" "I will send a chopper for you" "And what of my friends and family?" "Space is limited I'm sorry Tom" "Then you have my answer" I put the phone down "Everyone up!" I bellowed down the stairs "What?" Ty asked opening the door rubbing his eyes" "Were going" Ty looked confused "Going where?" "I don't know"

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