» Horror » After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗

Book online «After The Rising, T.D Jackson [books recommended by bts .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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to you if you decide to go I wont stop you but you will not have any support" "Thanks boss I can always count on you when are you going to start paying me back for all the things I do for you" "I will recommend you for employee of the month" "Oh what do I get for that?" "A hearty hand shake a pat on the back and keep up the good work" "Not even a plaque or my photo on the wall" Kane allowed himself a rare chuckle "Do what you will, these rebels have been declared as enemy combatants" "Why did you mention that you want me to wipe them out?" "No one would shed any tears if you did" "Thanks boss" I hung up "Danny!" I yelled down the stairs, he appeared in just shorts "Get dressed get the car" He rubbed his eyes "Why?" "Because your sleeping in my house and eating my food so unless you want to go to one of the hostels get the car and get dressed" He moved to get changed.

I grabbed my stuff got dressed. Purpose ran through me strongly I can still fix this.

End Of All Hope

I sat in the car, Danny gripped the steering wheel so hard I can hear it creaking. I flicked my fag out the window "Dude you are hurting the car" He looked at me "What?" I point at the steering wheel "You are about to break the steering wheel" The back door slammed shut, and Danny almost crapped himself. Toby slapped him on the back "Calm down son" Toby nodded at me, the long coat he was wearing was loose but look closely and you could see the outline of the SMG under it "Ready to go?" I ask "Yeah but Jon owes me about 8 drinks now for saving his arse" I laugh "You owe me 4 by the way" I rummage through my bag "Sky made me a Sandwich will that do?" He takes the Sandwich and tucks in "Were even then?" He nods. Danny pulls the car out of the outpost and we head to the unknown.

You have to look very carefully to see the family resemblance between me and Toby, he go's about 6 foot and about 15 stone compared to my slight 5'9 and 10 stone. He has long straitened black hair which is naturally curly and a douche bag beard. But look closely at us and you see the eyes are alarmingly similar, so much energy and emotion flows through them. But Toby is not a fool the TRF training has made him a skilled marksman strategist and turned the extra pounds he was carrying in to muscle he is like a brick wall. We all had firearms training but Toby's far surpassed that he was a squad leader for a rapid response team. He didn't get that high by niceness, brutal efficiency against the dead and when the threat is to severe for the police occasionaly the living. If it was not Jon backing me up I am glad it's him.


We pull up to the outskirts of a caravan park. The originally 4ft high fence had been increased with more wood sheet metal and topped with barbed wire. A large coach with metal skirting, was parked at the front blocking the entrance. I opened the glove compartment and took out the Glock handgun and 3 15 round magazines. Me and Jon have never used the gun, we never go out with the intention of taking a living life the dead are fair game but our own personal melee weapons are generally more effective and quiet. I pull a shoulder holster out from under the seat and put it on, then put my coat back on but leaving it unbuttoned. I check the gun and load a magazine then place it in the holster. Danny is dreading that we are going to ask him to come in with us "When we get out pull the car back up the drive just behind the trees" "But they will have seen us already" "Yes but they wont be able to shoot you from there" He gulps "If we need to get out quick, we will give a signal" "Whats the signal?" "Dunno but you will know it when you see it" He nods "If we are not back in an hour wait a bit longer" "If your still not back?" "Well you can charge in or go beg the outpost Commander to come save us" "But you said he wouldn't" "Well then probably just best to forget we exist"


As we approached a voice shouted down from "What you want?" I looked up and saw a dirty man with a stained green t-shirt "Who go's there is there more traditional challenge" I shouted back up "What?" "Never mind" I muttered "We are here for the hostages" The man glared at us for a moment and disappeared from sight. I casually clasped my hands behind my back, Toby adjusted his position and moved the smg under his coat. The lookout returned with a taller man long greasy hair tied back in a ponytail, a what I assumed was once a white vest was stained with various unidentifiable substances. He was skinny but you could tell he had a wirey strength to him. He looked at us and spat down, The glob landed next to my foot, charming "Where's the guns?" And I'm Tom" "What?" I sighed "I want to see the hostages first" "No" "O.K bye then" We turned to leave "Where you going?" I looked back over my shoulder "I'm not giving you gun's for corpses" We kept walking for another 10 feet "Wait!" We stopped "Open the gate"

Phil as we found out his name was met us as we entered there compound. 12 caravans circled a fenced in piece of tarmac about 4 meters by 4 meters. We were informed by Phil this is where the groups disputes were settled in brutal fights two entered one left. You could not refuse the challenge to do so would be weak. We followed Phil to a small caravan with bar's on the windows we looked in. 3 women 2 children 2 men, but no Jon "This all of them?" "Yeah" I turned quickly and glared at Phil the two people with him raised there wooden clubs in surprise "Are you sure?" He spat again "Looking for someone in particular?" "Answer the question" "We had one escape couple days ago probably dead by now" "Whys that" I asked casually Looking back in to the caravan "Boy's roughed him up pretty bad then climbing over that fence cut him to pieces" I clenched the bars, the caravan smelt of human waste the people in there looked terrified, one of the women held the children close she mouthed to me "Help us" I wont go in to detail further about there condition but abuse was fairly obvious "Describe him" My voice sounding oddly calm "Bout your height bald built like a brick shit house" Jon, he was here "Where's our guns?" Anger swept through me "I have a better idea" "Oh?" I turned and walked over to him "You and me in that ring " He looked considering me then laughed "Get him outta here" The two guards moved forward "That's fine if your scared!!" I yelled this part, faces poked out of the caravans. Phil's face twitched with annoyance. I had him, if he backed down yeah he could kick us out but people would see he was weak they would turn on him. I smiled "Simple terms 1 on 1 I win the hostages leave with me" "And when I win?" he cuts in "You have two government officials as hostages a lot more valuable than what you have now" "1 your friend there you will be dead"


I vaulted the low fence discarded my coat keeping the gun concealed inside it handing it to Toby "I could just shoot them you know" "They are not all guilty people" About 20 more people had appeared from the caravans men women children all looking rough. Phil was not a leader he was a bully he ruled with fear, as he approached the fence he slapped a woman to the ground for crossing his path, she feel calling out in shock hate welled up inside me. He had a slight height advantage but had similar builds, I took off my jumper leaving me in jeans and a long sleeved grey t-shirt. 

The two of us were in the mini arena now, he made a bit of a show slapping his head punching the air giving me the evil eye I stood there calmly "Any rules I should know about" "No weapons no outside interference" "So is there a bell or a countdown?"

He responded by lunging towards me swinging a vicious right hook as I ducked I yanked back on his ponytail and his legs flew out from under him. As he fell I twisted and drove my fist in to his stomach, backing off as he swung a leg up to try and take my head off. He was on his feet suprisingly quickly advanced faked with his right then swung his left for my face the blow was fast and powerful I got half a block in taking the sting out of it but it caught me in the mouth splitting my lip, I recoiled and he swept my legs. The air was driven out of me and I immediately had to roll sideways as Phil's foot came down where my face was. I over estimated how much space I had to maneuver and hit the fence Phil followed up with a kick to the kidneys and pain shot through me he hauled me to my feet "Should of just came with the guns kid now your gonna die here" "I'm not scared of you I have met bigger well maybe not uglier" A blow to the stomach "I know what you did to those people" Phil smiled several teeth missing "What are you going to do about it?" My response was simple , I swung my head back then used it as a battering ram in to his nose blood poured. He stepped back as he did I punched once twice on to the nose cracking bones, he backed off till he reached the fence I used my knee and drove it in to the stomach booted his knee so he landed face first on the tarmac. I kicked him on to his back and put my foot on his throat "We are leaving with the hostages is that all of them?" He sneered up at me blood pouring "One more in my caravan"

Toby went to the caravan I kept Phil where he was. After a wait Toby came out carrying a blanket over to the fence he held it out to me the size and shape of it it was obvious what was inside. I pulled it back slightly, a girl dead naked cold no more than 20 years old. Laughter echoed around me I looked back down it was Phil "Anything to say for yourself?" I

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