» Horror » Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #9), DeYtH Banger [best novels to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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Report #2

 by k00ni3




A few years ago we had an apparent suicide (pedestrian vs train). Hispanic male in his early 20s left a note and decided to take a nap on the tracks. It was a mess. I mean a real horror show of a mess.

And anyone who has ever worked a rail grade collision knows that your investigation really takes a backseat to getting the train moving again. So we are working like crazy to get everything in order so we can release the train.

Well, and this is the creepy part, the family claimed we missed some things out there. Personal property of the deceased. I guess, according to mom and grandma, this kid had a big gaudy gold cross neck chain he loved more than life itself. We searched for it and never found it. We even came back out with a K-9 (before I made the PSD unit) and tried to pick it up on an area search. No dice.

At this point it's just gone. Disappeared into thin air.

Well this guy's little brother is a 17 year old kid with a chip on his shoulder. He goes out there at night a few hours after we clear to look for himself. Before he went out he told his friends and family the cops were worthless and we weren't trying to help.

I shit you not, you could not make this up, he gets hit by a different train in almost the same damn spot on the tracks. You could still see the blood stains on the shale.

So sure as shit we go out (I was on the red eye 12 shift from 1900-0700) and I'm not even kidding: we find this poor kid over a hundred feet off of the tracks and he's GOT THE GOLD CHAIN CLUTCHED IN HIS HAND.

That's some Final Destination shit.

(Edit: grammar)

(Edit again: I can't hardly discern actual questions from other comments. I was just a uniform on the scene, not the lead investigator or anyone important. I was that guy putting up yellow tape and waiting to go home. Most of what I learned was after the fact back in the squad room when my partners gave me the "you're never gonna believe this shit" story.)

Report #3

by NotATroll4



I am interning with a Sheriff's police department so most of my time is spent on patrol.

We got called out to do a wellness check which the Deputy thought was going to be a piece of cake like she was out of town or something. We get there and are met by the neighbors who told us that the mail is pilling up in the mail box and that there are several untouched packages on the porch. Ok so we go up the house and the front door is unsecured, so we crack open the door a couple of inches and the Deputy calls inside, but the door wont move any more. The house was one of those split houses where the stairs meet at the front door and the upstairs and downstairs are offset so we concluded that there might be stuff behind the door. Its about this time that the deputy tells me that she is a known hoarder and that could be why the door was stuck. He also mentions that if we see flies on the inside of the windows she is most likely inside and deceased. As we walk around the side of the house we notice a lot of flies on the windows. The back door was locked and as we looked in we noticed bags on bags of garbage diapers and misc shit all over the place.


We head back to the front and attempt to make entry. He pushes the door open, this time with more force, and from underneath I see a grease like liquid spreading out from under the door. The deputy stops, closes the door and calmly tells me that the lady was indeed dead, and wedged behind the door. From the dates of the packages We concluded that she had been gone about two months. Once we did make entry into the house I was allowed inside.


After two months she didnt even look like a human corpse. Her skin and body had sagged and melted to the floor and her face...her face was all black and had been eaten to the bone by maggots. I'll never forget the smell when the coroners moved her and she popped. It was like a physical presence. Whatever those people get paid to deal with that shit, its not enough. The thing that really got to me though, was wondering if she had fallen down the stairs and died there, or if she fell and was unable to move and waited for help that would never come.


Report #4

 by OverlyGermanMan



I was a Parks Officer for a downtown metropolitan out in the Pacific Northwest. I saw my fair share of weird stuff on my 1700-0100 shift. Naked Bike ride after party at midnight with about a thousand or so naked people chilling out, the occasional couple having sex, homeless person masturbating or shooting up heroin and the occasional dead body were all a normal part of the job.


Anyways, this one night we were sent to investigate a tent set up relatively near the waterfront, which was generally a homeless person that was trying to stay dry for the night. So we get there around 2330 and tell the lady inside that she has to go a few hundred yards away to an area that isn't patrolled. She fusses and bitches about having to move then mentioned a man living in a "cave" at the bottom of a shallow ravine nearby that's been killing small animals and eating them. We ask her for more information and she points to a general area about 50 yards away through some thick brush, the general area most people wouldn't wander past.


My partner and I start to walk through the thick brush with just our flashlights and eventually stumble upon the ravine, and sure enough there is a small opening on the side enough for a person to fit in. I scale down about 20 feet and peek inside the opening and see what seems like a massive pile of magazines, torn pages, articles of clothing, a sugar cookie tin, a gorilla costume hand, some crude looking tools including a makeshift bow, a few knives and other generally weird shit. Being curious, and that the "cave" was empty, I opened the sugar cookie tin and found a large amount of what seemed like raw animal meat. At this point I was thoroughly freaked the fuck out and decided to un-ass the area and inform the police of what I had found (we didn't carry weapons). We never found out what came of the guy who was staying there or what was going on there. But definitely freaky at around midnight in pitch black conditions.

Pizza #1

 by ihatetwizzlers


About 12 years ago in a suburb of Baton Rouge there was a suspected serial killer on the loose. The running joke in our store was that it was one of us because the murders were happening in and around our delivery area. There was a seedy motel by a remote industrial complex right off the highway. Everyone hated having to deliver there because it was mostly truck drivers, pimps, ho's, and druggies and none of them tipped. I got stuck going there around 11pm on a Friday night. As I approached the room I could see the door was open slightly. I knocked and said "Hello?" and there was no answer. Through the crack I could see a person sitting so I nudged the door open a little. It was a frumpy middle-aged naked woman tied to the chair, blindfolded and gagged. She nodded as if to acknowledge my presence and turned her head in the direction of the nightstand. There was a note and some money on it. I scanned the room and didn't see any sign of anyone else, i.e. the person that tied her up. I read the note and it was something to the effect of "This is our 20th anniversary and this was my fantasy. Please look all you want, but don't touch and keep the change! p.s. my husband is hiding and watching so don't try anything" There was a $20 tip. I thought for sure this was the last delivery I'd ever be making. I snatched the money and left the pizzas on the bed and backed out slowly. I have never been more creeped out in my life. Fortunately there was no murder at that hotel that night.



tl;dr creepy naked lady tied up in hotel room paid me $20 to look at her bush and there may or may not have been a hubby lurking somewhere

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