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I wasn't normal and my life was different. Cursed and evil, I hide myself from the world outside, forever waiting for the darkness to consume me. I hoped for change, a saprk in the darkness.

Turns out that monsters really exist! They live in the neighboring world and periodically visit our to resolve family problems.

it's a horror story, family drama about the man, who is trying to save his family from the cockroaches and who knows, that everything began by one washed cockroach.

This is about a girl that lost her mom when she was a little girl and had 'incidents' in her old schools that got her expelled.She decides to enroll to the school her brother is at at freshman year. But little does she knows that a person at her school is waiting for her.

Four friends on halloween decided to go to a haunted mansion with 3 dead and one alive. Every day a creature is released to kill them in cold blood

Please come and meet my crew and get a breif look at my family and the people who killed my mother. i hope that you guys enjoy my book. Please leave comments below.

Bryn was a normal NYPD Sgt. in Homicide, until disaster struck close to home. After leaving her small town of Chapel, Texas to live in New York, leaving behind the man she thought she loved, and her hopes of a future. She changed her phone number, email and disappeared, running from heartbreak, while her family struggles to stay together. But as much as Bryn does not want to go, she has no choice, after a family member was killed. There she meets old flame Chase Sullivan who is engaged to a

My name is Jorja, and for years now i have terrorized by a ghost that lives under my bed. do you believe me?If you don't, read this story and it might just change your opinnion.

A girl named Melinda Shaw goes through life being possessed by a demon she knows as Morfran. She has been possessed since she was six, and instead of trying to rid herself of the entity, she has since developed an almost friendship with him and uses his demon powers to right the wrongs around her town. That is, until she meets some new people along the way, and realizes having a demon inside her might be more complicated than she had originally thought.

This story is about a group of friends ghost hunting in an abandoned, haunted house.