» Humor » Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali, Missy [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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you got something on your forehead,” Chris said.
“ When did you get promoted from a first class A observer to president of the fucking obvious?” I snorted. Everyone at the table erupted into laughter’s, and Chris put his hands up in the air pretending to surrender.
“ Cranky butt!” he laughed. I rolled my eyes, and took Zoe’s napkin, and cleaned my forehead off. “ Why didn’t you come over yesterday?” Chris suddenly asked.
“ S- Sorry… something came up,” I said looking at the table. I was a terrible liar towards friends…. Horrid… it was actually pretty depressing.
“ Alrighty,” Chris said and he dug into his lunch. I let out a laugh shaking my head, and I looked up and saw Troy looking at me. I glared at him, and then straightened in my seat, and looked at Zoe and smiled.
“ How is your day going?”
“ it’s going good actually,” she smiled. I smiled, and looked back down at the table and let out a sigh. Today… Today can’t go by any slower can it? I sat there, and then remembered about what had happened last night… is my mom really going to be getting married to jack without even telling me…. I felt anger flow through my body, and I sat up from the table, and Zoe looked up at me confused.
“ Ugh… Im gonna go to the bathroom,” I smiled walking away. she nodded her head looking at me strangely. I gave her another smile, and she raised an eyebrow at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I looked up and swore under my breath… I have to pass Tristan’s table if I wanted to get out of the lunch room. I held my breath, and did a fast walk past his table…. Oh my god I made…
“ Hey Mayella!”
DAMNIT! I turned around and saw Ti looking at me.
“ Oh hey….” I muttered.
“ What’s up?”
“ Ugh… nothing,” I said trying to turn and to leave, but he grabbed my wrist.
“ Wait! What’s the rush? Sit down,” he smiled. I looked at Ti, and saw that Tristan, Jeremy, and Rain was also there. I sighed…. Ti has never really done anything to bad. He has only been nice to me. I sighed, and sat down next to Ti, and did a faint smile. “ Their we go! Not so bad, know is it?” he laughed.
“ it’s killing me….” I grumbled. Ti rolled his eyes at me and laughed.
“ How are you?” he asked.
“ Peachy,” I said. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. I looked around the lunchroom and everyone was watching us. “ Ti,” I whispered.
“ Hmmm?” he asked
“ Why the hell is everyone staring at us?”
“ because the only time you see girls sitting with us is if they are the school whores…” My head shot up and I glared at him.
“ I am not,” I growled.
“ That’s why they are all looking at you,” he laughed. I put my mouth into a O still confused…. I felt a little uncomfortable. “ Don’t worry Mayella,” he laughed.
“ You can call me May,” I smiled. He put his arm around my shoulder, and had me sit closer to him.
“ Your weird,” I grumbled trying to get his arm off me. I heard someone cleared their throats and me and Ti looked up and saw Tristan looking at us, and Rain had a smug face. I raised an eyebrow at him, because he obviously he knew something that I didn’t. Ti brought my closer to him, and then he put his other arm around my waist and he hauled me up onto his lap. “ Ti cut it out!” I hissed. I felt my face getting red because everyone was looking at us. I looked up and Tristan looked completely pissed. He was shooting daggers at Ti. What is up with Tristan? I was still sitting on Ti’s lap and every girl in the lunch room where glaring at me… like I felt scared. “ Ti,” I whispered.
“ Hm?”
“ Let me go!” I hissed. He let out a laugh.
“ you no fun…. Come on let me just try something….”
I turned in his lap, so I was looking at him. I raised an eyebrow.
“ What…?” I asked.
“ Just let me do it…”
“ Do… What?”
“ Put your arms around my neck, and lean into me,” he whispered into my ear. I let out a laugh and looked at him like he was crazy, but I did it, then I felt his lips on my neck, and he whispered into my ear. “ Don’t worry… im just testing my little theory… pretend to giggle,” He whispered.
“ I suck at pretending,” I said into his hair… and I wasn’t lying. I suck at acting. Then I felt his lips on me, and he breathed warm air underneath my ear, and shivers went down my spine, and I let out a little giggle… because I was freaking ticklish! I put my hand on his chest, and tried to push him away, and he continued to blow warm air on my neck. I let out more giggles and when I tried to push him away he would just hold me tighter. Then someone slammed their fist on the table, and me and Ti’s heads shot up, and we both looked at Tristan, and he looked like he was about to kill someone. He got up from the table, and walked away. I sat their gawking at him.
“ What the hell was that?” I mumbled.
“ Oh just my testing….” Ti said. I looked at him completely dumbfounded, and I looked around and noticed everyone was still looking at me, and I got up off his lap, and stood their feeling awqkward. Crap…. I am a freaking loser sophomore, and I was just sitting on a hot seniors lap…. Crap. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and Ti sent me a questioning look.
“ Im gonna go,” I muttered. I turned on my heel and walked out of the lunch room. Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around and saw Ti.
“ Can I get your number so we can chill?”
“ I broke my phone,” I laughed.
“ how?”
“ I threw it against the wall….” I said sheepishly.
“ Wow…”
“ Yeah wow…” I said rolling my eyes.
“ Alright when you get your new phone tell me, and I’ll give you my number.”
“ Alright bye, May,” he said and then he put his hand on my hair, and messed my hair up.
“ cut it out,” I hissed swatting his hand away. he let out a laugh and walked away. I let out a laugh, and made my way to the bathroom. I was looking down and spacing out when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw Tristan. “ Oh hey,” I smiled. He just looked at me, and then walked right past me without even replying to me. I turned around watching him leave. “ Tristan?” I called out to him. He continued to ignore me. I threw my hands up in the air in defeat. Man… I don’t understand him. I made my way into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. What the hell… what did Ti want to test? I shook my head, and let out a sigh. The bathroom door opened and a girl walked in. our eyes met and she sent me the dirtiest look. I did a faint smile, and she flicked me off. I stood the gawking at her.
“ Wha-?”
“ Oh shut up you little whore!” She spat. I turned around and stared at her.
“ Wha- Are you crazy?” I gawked.
“ Why the hell where you on MY boyfriend’s lap?” She hissed.
“ Ugh…. Wait Ti doesn’t have a…” Wait does he? “ Listen I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, but what happened was nothing. Me and Ti are just friends,” I said shaking my head.
“ no you’re not,” She said taking a step closer to me.
“ Excuse me?” I barked taking a step closer to her also.
“ Your just a stupid little sophomore…. You’re a loser, and a freak, and ugly… You’re not nothing, and will not be friends with Ti,” she said.
“ Wow,” I laughed shaking my head.
“ Your laughing at me?!” She squealed.
“ Yes I am,” I said quickly. The next thing I knew, my right side of my face was tingling. I touched my cheek, and looked at her. “ You’re a crazy b*tch!” I yelled pushing her away from me.
“ Don’t touch me!” She cried. I widened my eyes at her, and she brought her hand towards my face this time, but this time she brought her nails down on my cheek. I step back and touched my face, and saw blood on my hand. My jaw dropped and I stared at her.
“ What the hell…” I muttered.
“ you stay away from him!” She said and with that she turned on her heel and walked out of the bathroom. I stood there and turned around and looked at myself in the mirror and dropped my book bag.
“ That crazy witch!” I yelled. I had the nice long scratches across my cheek. They were puffy and red. I went into one of the stalls, and dabbed it onto my face. “ Fudging crazy crack head!” I muttered underneath my breath.
“ Oh my god Mayella!” I heard Zoe scream. I turned around and she ran over to my side and touched my jaw. “ Who did this?”
“ I don’t even know her name…. she just came in here telling me to stay away from Ti, and all of this crap. She hit me… TWICE! And then she walked out of here!” I said shaking my head.
“ Nella?” Zoe asked.
“ Nella? I don’t know…. She was a couple inches taller me, had bright blonde hair, and it looked all frizzy and fake because she straightened way too many times… she had a fake tan that made her look like a oompa loompa.. she was all freaking fake… probably made in china,” I muttered the last part.
“ yep that’s Nella…. She is the school whore. She has slept with half of the school, and when she wants a guy she will get that guy,” Zoe said shaking her head.
“ Is Nella dating Ti?”
“ Of course not,” Zoe laughed. I did a faint smile, and leaned onto the sink.
“ hey Zoe?” I asked.
“ Yeah?” She said looking at my face.
“ How do you know about all this stuff?”
“ Because of Chris’s older brother. Troy…. He might seem like a total jerk, but he does talk to me sometimes, and he can be nice… he just needs to open up to you that’s all…” Zoe said. I stood there and nodded my head, and took a deep breath. “ Mayella,” Zoe whispered. I looked up at her. “ Im here for you if you ever need anyone,” she smiled. I smiled back at her, and wrapped my arms around her.
“ Thank you Zoe…” I whispered. she smiled and wrapped her arms around me.
“ Of course.”
We broke apart from our hug, and I let out a laugh.
“ What’s so funny?” Zoe questioned.
“ I have never had a female friend before…” I said.
“ Really?”
“ Yep,” I said popping the P. “ I never really got along with girls before,” I said shrugging my
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