» Humor » Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali, Missy [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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arms. Zoe broke out into laughter’s, and I smiled at her. She put her arm around my shoulder, and smiled.
“ Come on you,” she laughed and we walked out of the bathroom. “ hey what was that thing going on with you and Ti today at the lunch room anyway?”
“ I honestly don’t know,” I said shaking my head. “ he said he wanted to test something out, but ugh I never found out what that was…” I shrugged. Zoe let out a laugh, and I looked at her from the corner of my eye, and smiled. Then Zoe suddenly stopped, and she walked away from me, and I looked up confused, and then the next thing I knew Zoe’s fist collided with Nella’s face, and Nella fell to the ground and was knocked out!
“ K.O!” I yelled fist pumping my hand in the air. Zoe turned around with a victory smile on her face, and everyone turned and looked at us, and stopped and ran towards Zoe, and grabbed her arm and we sprinted out of the school.
“ Ah ha! May where are we going?!” She laughed while we were running down the stairs.
“ MY PLACE!” I sung. We sprinted until we got to my place, and that was a LONG run. We walked into my house, and both Zoe, and I fell to our knees panting.
“ Aren’t….” Breath. “ Your.” Breath. “ Parents…” breath. “ Home?” Zoe panted.
“ Nope!” I said popping the P.
“ Where so badass,” She smiled.
“ Hell yeah!” I laughed jumping up and Zoe followed me downstairs to my room, and ran face first into someone I was NOT expecting…. Tristan.
Chapter eight-
“Ugh… Tristan… Hi…” I mumbled.
“ Why is that here?” He asked coldly looking at Zoe. Zoe’s face fell, and I felt anger surge through me.
“ ZOE! Is MY friend, and she is here to hang out with me in OUR house,” I growled glaring at him.
“ Shouldn’t you be at school?”
“ Shouldn’t you?!” I shot back. He looked up at me, and I heard a growl from him. I pushed him aside and grabbed Zoe’s hand and walked into my room, and slammed the door shut, and I looked up and saw Zoe sitting on my bed with her head down. I walked over, and sat down next to her.
“ Zoe,” I whispered. she looked up at me and a faint smile came to her lips. “ Zoe don’t pay attention to what he says,” I said wrapping my arms around her.
“ Thank you Mayella,” she smiled. I pulled back laughing at her.
“ how come yuh don’t call me May?” I laughed.
“ You’re a Mayella in my eyes,” she smiled. I let out a smile, and lightly punched her arm, and she let out a laugh. “ So your mom and his dad huh?” She laughed. I sighed and nodded my head. “ Do you miss your dad?” She asked. I nodded my head.
“ very much…”
“ I know how it feels,” she said very quietly.
“ you do…?” I asked shifting my body so I was sitting crossed legged on my bed looking at her. She nodded her head, and I saw a tear falling out of one of her eyes. I brought my hand up and wiped it away. “ You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to Zoe,” I smiled. She shook her head, and shut her eyes.
“ I- I want to t- though,” She muttered. I sat their looking at her, and she let out a deep breath.
“ About six years ago when I was ten years old… my mom and dad and me we were staying at this real nice hotel out in Florida. It was spring break, and my mom wanted to do something fun,” Zoe smiled, and I saw the pain in her eyes. I put my hand on hers, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “ We went out to the pool area, and it was an inside pool… we were there all day… best time of my life… well I was playing on this rope thing in the kids pool, and I heard these strange cracking noises….. I got out of the pool looking for my parents, and when I saw them… this huge crashing noise came, and the ceiling just collapsed… I tried to get to my parents, and I saw the medal chunk of the ceiling just crush them,” The last part was very hard to understand because Zoe was saying it through sobs. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. “ I- I take medicine b- because I d- d- don’t sleep… every time I close my eyes I relive it again…” She stopped and her cries became louder. “ And again… Mayella it never stops,” She cried into my shoulder. I held her close to me, and ran my hand up and down her back trying to sooth her.
“ Shhh Zoe… Don’t worry it’s going to be okay,” I whispered.
“ I- Im so scared Mayella…”
“ Scared of what?”
“ O- of,” She stopped for a second and her body began to shake. “ Im scared to love….”
“ Zoe…” I muttered.
“ Im so scared to let another person in my life, and love them… and then have them taken away from me… im scared to care Mayella…” She cried. I pulled her away from me, and had her look me dead in the eyes.
“ Zoe… I will ALWAYS be there for you…. You and me,” I pointed to herself, and then at me. “you’re stuck with me, and we will always be friends no matter what.” She tried looking down and I tilted her chin up, and had her look at me. “ Always Zoe…” She smiled and nodded her head.
“ Always…”
I smiled, and I hugged her once again.
“ Don’t you worry no more Zoe…” I whispered to her.
“ Whoa Lesbians!” Someone laughed. I looked up and saw Rain standing there. I growl came out of my lips, and I walked up and slammed the door in his face, and I heard him yelp from the other side of the door.
“ Get out of my house you menace!” I screamed. I heard laughing and I turned around and saw Zoe laying on my bed holding her stomach, and tears coming out of her eyes from laughing. I shook my head, and picked up a pillow and threw it at her. She caught it and threw it back at me. “ Its endless! They are always their!” I screamed.
“ AND ALWAYS WILL BE!” I heard Rain scream from afar. I sent daggers at the wall… maybe I can burn a hole in the wall, and then burn a hole through Rain.
“ I really don’t like that guy,” I muttered getting up.
“ You two are funny though,” Zoe smiled.
“ You want to meet him, and the rest?” I asked. She nodded her head, and followed me out of the room. When we got into the front room Tristan, Ti, Rain, and Jeremy sat on the couch playing video games. They looked up at us when we came in and Tristan seemed to be in a better mood once again… bipolar much?
“ Guys this is Zoe,” I smiled pointing towards her. “ And Zoe,” I pointed towards Tristan, “ This is Dumb,” I then pointed towards Ti, “ Dumber,” and then lastly Rain. “ And Dumbest… the three stooges… and this…” I stopped and pointed to Jeremy. “ He is unknown,” I shrugged. Jeremy gasped trying to pretend to act offended.
“ Me unknown? I am in your photography class!”
“ I know your name, but I don’t know you!” I said shaking my head. He shrugged his shoulders, and jumped up and went to hold out his hand to shake mine, but he tripped over Ti’s foot and stumbled forward, and face implanted into the ground.
“ And this,” I pointed to Jeremy who was still on the ground. “ This is just an Idiot…” I muttered shaking my head. Zoe broke out into laughs, and I smiled, and all the guys were looking at me.
“ Wh- what?” I scoffed.
“ So that’s our names?” Rain smirked. I nodded my head.
“ You sure?” Tristan added in. I raised an eyebrow and they all got up at the same time, and I pulled my eyebrows up in confusion, and took a step back “ Zoe do you agree that’s our names?” Tristan asked.
“ yep,” Zoe said popping the p. all the guys had evil smirks on their faces.
“ ZOE RUN!” I screamed turning on my heel, and Zoe bolted off down the hall, and ran into my room, and bolted through my door and slammed it shut. “ HELP ME!” I screamed pressing myself against the door. Zoe came next to me, and we tried keeping the door shut, and then we were pushed aside, and fell to the ground. There in the door stood Tristan, Rain, Ti, and Jeremy. Tristan started walking towards me, and Jeremy started walking towards Rain. We walked back, and hit the wall. Zoe was thrown over Jeremy’s shoulders, and a scream escaped Zoe’s mouth, and she started kicking her legs, and punching his back trying to get him to let her down. Then I looked in front of me, and Tristan was standing their smirking at me.
“ Don’t yuh dare….!” I gasped. I was thrown over his shoulders, and I tried getting out of his grasp but it was no use… he has done this to me before. We started walking up the stairs, and then the light bulb went off.
“ NO! TRI…” I was cut off when I was thrown into the pool. The water consumed me and it was freezing. I screamed underneath the water, and came back of gasping. Zoe was next to me shivering, and she was muttering curses underneath her breath. “ Y- You g- g- g- guys are j- j- jerks!” I shook pulling myself out of the pool. Zoe followed and we stood before the guys and we were shaking. They were all laughing their heads off.
“ oh ha so funny!” I growled. I started walking towards the house, and Zoe followed behind me.
“ Cya later dork and beans!” Tristan called out. I stopped and turned around squinting my eyes at him and I let out a huff shaking my head and walked back into the house, and went into my rooms.
“ I’ll give you a pair of dry clothes… sorry about what they did,” I grumbled going through my closet.
“ its fine…” She smiled. “ Im having fun,” She finally admitted. I let out a laugh, and I threw her a pair of yoga pants, and a big t-shirt. She walked into the bathroom to get dressed, and I looked at myself in front of the mirror.
“ So am I,” I smiled. I took off my clothes, and put on a pair of leggings, combat boots, and a Skillet shirt. I brushed my hair, and put it up into a messy bun.
“S-exy,” Zoe laughed walking into the room. I let out a laugh shaking my head.
“ Where do you want to go?” I asked flopping down on my bed. Zoe started to brush out her brown hair, and she turned to me and smiled.
“ Want to come over to my place?” She asked looking nervous. I smiled and nodded my head. We headed out of my room, and ran up the stairs. I was about to open the door when to arms wrapped around my
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