» Humor » Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗

Book online «Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗». Author Zoey.Stark N

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the floors were dark wood, and the walls were this off white. My family is something I usually don't like talking about but to clear things up we aren't poor, we are actually pretty wealthy.
“I thought that since we might not get but like half a date at the skating rink maybe we can have one before then.” I said sitting on the couch.
“I like the way you think.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“So, about the King thing.” He said.
“If you don’t want me to see him……” I was saying before he interrupted me.
“No it’s fine. I just thought you were having second thoughts about us. But then you called and they went away.” He said.
“I wouldn’t have second thoughts about us.” I said. He grabbed my hand and laced them together. He gave me one soft gentle kiss on the lips, which made my heart skip a beat.
“You’re so sweet.” I said.
“What do you mean?” he said.
“I don’t know how to explain it.” I said.
“Well, you’re pretty and I can explain what I mean.” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes, but your actually more than pretty you’re beautiful.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Your very welcome.” He said. I smiled a little and started to get up but then stopped because at that time I remembered what Zleeps told me.
The words played over and over in my head. I had totally forgotten about what I was doing and who I was with.
“You okay?” Chase asked making me snap out of my thoughts.
“Ummmm……yeah I was just thinking.” I said.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
“Your making this so hard.” I said. He looked kind of hurt.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“At the end I will have to choose between you or King. You’re making it a hard decision.” I said.
“I’m sorry if I am doing that. I really didn’t mean to make you mad either.” He said.
“How about we just watch a movie?” I asked then told.
“Yeah, but first. He said before kissing me. Okay so yeah that was great.

We watched a movie, did a little kissing, then at the end he had to go.
Chapter 4: A New Girl And A New Bad Feeling

I got up in the morning and found a note on my bedside table. It was from Zleeps he must have wrote it when I fainted. I opened it and it said:
I’m sorry that I told what I did but you didn’t let me finish. I was going to say at the end that I thought I was still in love you but now I am not so sure. I want you to know that I will always love you and I guess you can be King even if I have no say in it at all.
I wanted to say sorry to him or do something to make it up to him. Instead I texted Chase Good Morning. Then I took a shower and got ready to go to school. I got on a bra and new panties, a pair of white skinny jeans pre ripped/slit, with my rainbow spiked white belt, a neon pink tank top, with a white with black letterings that said “Nirvana Rocks”, and my black converse with neon shoe strings. I put a white, black, neon pink head band on, applied mascara and eyeliner, and then finally a little clear lip gloss. I go to my jewelry box get out all my wrist bands that say random things like ‘Life Can Be Awesome’ to ‘Whatever’ I love them, I got a lot over the years and it takes some time to put them on but it’s worth it. I look at my phone and Chase sent back Good Morning Beautiful and I texted back a smiley face and I miss you Handsome. I wanted to see his reaction to that. I went downstairs to get a water and a granola bar, eating that I went and watched a little soccer before I went to school. When I sat down though somebody was ring my doorbell. I get back up and answer to see that it’s King I start smiling.
“Can’t stay away uh?” I said with a smirk.
“What if I said No?” he said with a smirk.
“Then I would absolutely be right.” I said smiling. That set him on the edge he picked me up bridal style while shutting the door. He took me all the way upstairs to my room and shut my door. I started giggling. He start kissing me all over my face and then he laid me down on my bed and started kissing kissing me. I started kissing back too, he trailed kisses up and down my jawline and neck. And to be honest I was loving every minute of it. I pushed him away first I thought we were going too far and that it was time we went to school. I got up looked at my phone forgetting that I had texted Chase earlier saying something and when I read the text he sent back and it said I miss you too beautiful and a smiley face. He’s so sweet. I sent back Aww. And then went downstairs wondering what is taking King so long. I look at the time and see if we don’t leave soon well be late. He comes down looking like he was mad. We didn’t have time for this, we had to get to school he took his keys off the counter and left out. I got my keys and went to my and drove to school. Walking inside school finding people going insane with gossip more than usual was crazy. I was walking to my locker I saw this girl messing with my locker.
“Excuse me, not to be rude or anything but that’s my locker.” I said.
“Oh my bad.” The girl said. Something about the girl gave me a bad feeling. She had red hair and I really didn’t pay attention so yeah. I open my locker, I look at all the pictures I had in there of me and Zleeps, or me and the group, or just one person in the group. King had snuck up on me and I jumped.
“Well, I got you something. And I was going to give it to you but you left before I could.” He said.
“Thank you, but you really shouldn’t have.” I said.
“Too bad.” He said. Taking out a wrist band saying ‘Fire And Ice’.
“It’s great thank you.” I said. He gave me a hug.
“You’re Welcome.” He said while still hugging me.
“We got to get to class.” I said. We walked to class together. When we got there Chase was there, Zleeps, and more people. I walked in by myself it felt like I was alone now all alone like no one was there for me and then it hit me I am being a serious drama queen so I kind of laugh at myself. When I get to the back (no one can see me and Chase back there) Chase laces our fingers together which makes me want to blush. I know it was too early to say this but I am in love with Chase I think. I was so close to lean and kiss Chase when King walked in and smiled at me. I feel guilty I should have never gotten involved with King. Class went by faster than usual when it was over though I stopped and pulled Zleeps away so we could talk.
“I’m sorry that I fainted last night I just have a lot of things going on right now.” I said truthfully.
“It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m sorry I was judging you I didn’t mean to make it seem like that. I will try to support your decision.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said hugging him.
“Are we going to tell the crew about it during lunch?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said looking behind me with that red headed girl giving me like daggers with her eyes I mean like really someone needs to put this girl in check.
“Hey, that new girl is kind of cute.” King said walking up to me and Zleeps.
“Really now?” I said.
“I’m sorry but she is.” He said.
“I agree with him.” Zleeps said.
“I have a really bad feeling about her.” I said.
“Awhhh that’s too bad I could’ve asked her out.” King said sarcastically.
“You wanna ask her out go ask her out I am not going to stop you, but remember I am not going to give you another chance.” I said. Zleeps had already walked away.
“I was just playing with you, baby.” He said.
“Yeah but you know that I cross the line at acting like you’re going to go ask out some girl who is frankly bad news all we know. I don’t like that crap.” I said.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“Let’s just go to second period so we can hurry up and get over with so we can tell the crew that were dating.” I said.
“Okay.” He said.
Time past by really fast. It was time for lunch I wasn’t really that hungry so I went outside to our usual table and sat on it and waited for everyone else. Two minutes later the first to show up was King then came Jace, then Babble, then Zleeps, and then girl. They all had food they tried to tell me I needed to eat but I didn’t feel like eating but for them I ate a apple. When everyone was done eating I thought it was time to tell them.
“Guys I got to tell you something.” I said.
“What now?” Babble said.
“Yeah what’s going on?” Girl said.
“Go ahead spill it.” Jace said.
“Me and King are dating.” I said.
“What?!?!?!” Babble said. She looked upset.
“I decided to give him a chance.” I said. I didn’t know Babble would react like this yes Babble went out with him before but she broke up with him. Babble ran off.
“I will go talk to her.” Jace said.
“I didn’t know she would react like that. I didn’t want to hurt anybody.” I said.
“It not your fault.” King said. I just got up and went to go find Babble. I had heard Babble and Jace talking, Jace said something like ‘You’ll always have me’ and Babble said ‘I know.’ And that’s when I was fixing to see what they were talking about and then they kissed. I was really confused then. I stopped in my tracks. I started running I didn’t know where I was running to until I got to the football field

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