» Humor » Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗

Book online «Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗». Author Zoey.Stark N

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him then. After that I laid on the couch and pulled a blanket over me. I laid there thinking what has happened to my life. Everything was going great when I was with Zleeps. Now things are just going downhill and fast. I was with King at school but with Chasse at home behind closed doors where no one could know. But King and Chase both knew they were both daynig me. They were okay with it but I wasn't anymore. Yes, Kind made me feel things but it was excitement and lust that he made me feel. Chase made me feel secured, loved, cared about, and passion.
The door bell ranged through the house. I didn't really want to get up.
"Come in." I yelled.
The door opened and closed. King walked into the living room and took one look at me and was about to flip out.
"I'm calling Zleeps." He said walking out the living room. He called Zleeps I guess to tell him how awful I looked and that he needed to get over here ASAP. King walked back into the living room and sat on the couch next to me. He pulled me into his arms.
"King I am fine." I said.
"No your not. You are really pale and you have bags and dark circles under your eyes." He said this looking at me.
"It's fine, I just didn't sleep well the last two nights." I said to him.
"Where is Chase?" King asked me.
"He had to go to a party." I said.
"He left you like this." He said getting upset.
"We got in a fight." I said looking away from him.
"He shouldn't have left you looking like this. I don't care how bad the fight was." He said. I turned around to look at him.
"I told him 'you have to live with the fact that King will be in bed with me tonight.' So yeah." I said to King.
"Cecilia, what the hell?!" He asked.
"King he flat out told me that he would be at the party dancing with a slut, probably make out with her and she would tell everyone they slep together." I said explaining myself.
"If you said that to me though it would literally kill me." He said looking at me.
"King you do realize this relationship isn't going to end well." I said looking into his eyes.
"I know that's why I want to break up next month." He said looking back into my eyes.
"Seriously?" I asked himm.
"Yeah, I just don't want to keep dating because I know what we have is strictly just lust. I mean I care about you a lot but more as a friend than a girlfriend." He said looking down.
"I feel the same way. I mean I am glad we tried but I am also glad we came to the same conclusion." I said looking away.
"Me too." He said looking up. As he said that the door bell rang and King went to get it. Zleeps came running into the living room.
"Cecilia I am going to murder once you get better." Zleeps said walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said waving my hand at him.
Zleeps went into the kitchen and made some spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad with some chicken bits in it. King sat there in silence.
"King let's just break up." I said to him. Zleeps was still in the kitchen getting the plates set.
"Give me one more night. I want to make sure you sleep well tonight." He said looking at me. I didn't give him an anaswer because Zleeps came into the living room.
"Come on, let's go eat your favorite mean." Zleeps said looking at me.
"Thank you." I said looking at Zleeps.
"You know I think we are forever going to be taking care of each other." He said looking at me smiling.
"Of course we will be." I said smiling. We sat at the table in the kitchen and ate almost every bite of what Zleeps made.
"That was great as alway." I sad to Zleeps.
"Yeah, man you really need to teach me how to cook." King said to Zleeps.
"Well, I could but the best look is actually your girlfriend she just doesn't want to admit it." Zleeps said smiling at me.
"Of course she is." Kind said smiling.
Honestly this was the most normal I have felt around both them then I have in forever. Let me tel you the story King and Zleeps were actually best friends until I dated Zleeps, it messed up there friendship because King liked me at the same time as Zleeps. But see as Babble liked King at the time I didn't even notice him so I had a crush on Zleeps.
"I'm just happy that I have both of my best guy friend in the same room without them trying to kill each other." I said looking at both of them.
"Yeah it has been awhile since all three os us hung out together." Zleeps said.
"You both know I feel like I ruined your friendship. And I really wish I could fix it." I said this before I could stop myself.
"It wasn't your fault." Zleeps said.
"No it wasn't. I was just really jealous of the fact that Zleeps had the courage to ask you out and I didn't. Then when both of you broke up, I didn't even consider Zleeps feelings." King said.
"Yeah." Is all Zleeps could get out.
The table went completely silent after that. Once everything was cleaned and washed up I walked Zleeps to the door by myself.
"Come over tomorrow." I said to Zleeps.
"Why?" He asked me.
"Because we really need to talk."I said to him and it was the truth.
"Okay." He said walking out the door. I shut and locked the door.
"How about we watch a movie in your room?" King asked me.
"Sure." I said.

 We went to my room and laid down on the bed. He put on a movie and I snuggled up close to him as sleep consumed me. 

Chapter 8: My Life Is Going Downhill

 I woke up the next morning feeling much better than the day before I looked over and saw a note from King.
Thank you for the chance. This last week is one I will never forget. Also I made you some breakfast it's in the microwave. EAT IT! I'll see you around school Monday.
It was for the best. I grab my phone off the side of my bed and went straight to Instagram. The pictures were pretty convincing to what happened. Two pictures was Chase looking like he didn't want to be there then the last one was of him and some chick dancing. I locked my phone and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. King made me some eggs and sausage. Once I finished the whole plate and a glass of orange juice I went upstairs and got out some what of a normal outfit. I say somewhat because all week I have worn basically lounge around the house clothes. I got out a black t-shirt that said 'Bite Me' and some dark blue skinny jeans. I went into the bathroom and when I looked into the mirror I couldn't believe my eyes. My skin color wasn't pale like it was last night it looked much better and the bags under my eyes were much better looking then they were the day before. I got undressed turned on the hot water in the shower, grab a towel and rage out the cabinet, put the towel on the hook, and finally got in the shower with the rag. I let the hot water run down my body, I grab my body wash and scrub my whole body. Then I grab my shampoo and washed my hair. And of course conditioned it.
When I got out the shower I felt amazing. I dried completely off before I put some lotion on my body. Then I put some bra and underwear on. I grab my jeans and put them on and then I put my shirt on. I dried my hair with the hair dryer. I went back in my room grab my phone and went downstairs. I checked my Facebook to see that King changed his relationship status to single and not looking for anyone either. Which I couldn't blame people asked him what happened to us and he said none of their business. I text him and told him he could say he broke up with me because we both believed we were better as friends which was mostly true and I could care less if people knew me and King were better as friends. He replied back that's what we will tell the rest of the group anyone else ask it's none of there business. I just texted back okay and thank you for breakfast. I didn't get a reply for awhile not until I go up and was about to text im again the texted back it was no problem with a winky face. I just smiled to myself King was someone who I wouldn't mind being with for the rest of my life but at the same time we would both know it wouldn't end well. Chase...he's someone who I wish would grow up and actually show the person I had known for years. Then there was Zleeps someone who would have been there for me no matter how much I pushed him away. He was and still is the ideal guy and trust me he hasn't always fallen asleep in class we both use to make sure we got to sleep on the week days and no sleep on weekend. I missed him and everyone could tell but him. It was too bite though I have to marry Chase in a year. Things between Zleeps and I would never be the same after that. Chase didn't like Zleeps mainly because he knows that's who I want to be with. But King has told me that Zleeps has been seeing that new girl. The one I do not like. The door bell rang I got up and opened the door to see Zleeps standing there.
"King broke up with you?!" Zleeps asked seeming a little mad.
"Come on in." I said walking back into the living room. Zleeps followed me in there.
"Yes King and I broke up." I said looking at him I sat on the couch watching Zleeps sit next to me.
"Are you okay?" He askeed me.
"I will be. There's just so much happening." I said to him.
"You look great by the way." He said noticing how much better I looked today.
"Thank you." I said.
"Ceecee, why do you fall for all the wrong guys?" He asked me honestly.
"I use to didn't fall for the wrong guys." I said looking into his eyes. He leaned in closer to me.
"No you didn't." He said. I leaned closer to him and when our lips met everything happened so fast. We were in a full on make-out session when we both pulled apart.
"I can't..." We both

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