» Humor » Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗

Book online «Slap, Zoey.Stark N [novel24 .txt] 📗». Author Zoey.Stark N

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Chapter 6: All By Myself

 Waking up with Chase next to me I knew that King would be pissed if he found him here. I told Chase that he had to hurry up and get to school so he got up and started to get ready in my bathroom. While he did that, I went downstairs and made some breakfast for him. I got out a skillet and some eggs, bacon, milk, and some cheese. And made me and Chase a nice bacon and cheese omlets. I finished up and got a plate and some orange juice for him set him a place at the table and put everything there. Finishing up Chase comes down the stairs all dressed for school and to be honest just looking at him made me weak in the knees. 

“Can’t you just stay here with me today?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry, honeybun but I have to go to school or you won’t get your school work.” He said kissing my cheek.

"What if I wanted you to lay with me in bed all day?" I asked him.

"As tempting as that is, I can't hun. I'll be back right after school. I promise you." He said smiling at me. After he finished his omelet he thanked me and kissed m y forehead and said goodbye. About 10 minutes after he left and I had just dinished cleaning the dishes King knocked on the front door. The first thing he did when I opened the door is shut the door and locked it. He smiled one of those cocky boyish smiles at me. The next thing I know it he had me up against a wall kissing me deeply. 

"I missed you too." I said to him once he stopped kissing me and I caught my breath again.
"We really need a day where it's just me and you." King said still giving me a cocky boy grin.
"King can we talk." I asked him.
"I don't want to talk about tomorrow or two months from now. I just want to hold you and kiss you while I am able to." He said looking at me with a serious face.
"Okay, but you have to go to school at least by third period, if you miss math more than I know you already are you're going to get kicked out of Advanced Placement." I said to him. His face relaxed and he smiled at me kissing me deeply once again. We watched a movie and cuddled but then he had to go.
The next few days were pretty relaxing I would see Chase every night mostly some nights he would even stay over and King during the day before school and while Chase was at football practice. They didn't have a game this weekend but they were having a party. But I didn't know that yet, because Chase was trying to keep it from me till last minute. It was Wednesday and well I told King that it would be best if he didn't come over at all today because I needed to just be alone tonight. Which was true I did need just alone time. But Chase wouldn't take that message so he came over.
"Chase I really just want to be alone tonight." I said to him.
"Really, because I think King will be here tonight and you just don't want to tell me." He said bluntly looking really pissed off.
"Here..." I said throwing my phone at him to show him the text between me and King.
"I'm so stupid."He said.
"Yeah, well next time how about you just ask King yourself." I said taking my phone from him and going to the couch to lay down.
"I wouldn't have to worry about you lying to me if you weren't with him." He said.
"Well I told you all you have to do is tell me you don't want me to be with him and I won't be." I said honestly, which is true mostly. It would hurt me deeply to hurt him like that but I would do it.
"I'm not going to do that, it'll just make things even worse for us when we finally do have to get married." He said still getting mad at me.
"Whatever just leave!" I yelled at him. He left without saying anything to me.
I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut. I laid on my bed pulled my pillow to me and started to cry. I heard someone come upstairs I was hoping it was a serial killer to just come and kill me. But sadly it wasn't, it was Chase coming to talk to me. He sat next to me on the bed.
"Cecilia, I am so sorry. I'm such a jerk. I hope you can forgive me." He said putting his face in his hands.
"Chase, I just want you to understand that I am trying to make a decision that will effect the rest of my life." I said to him sitting up.
"I've made you cry..." He said wiping the tears from my face. "I really don't deserve you."
"When I sent y'all both those messages it was because I needed time to myself to figure out what I really wanted." I said to him.
"I'm guessing I made that decision for you easy." He said looking down.
"No, but it also showed me I can't keep being with both of y'all." I said to him as he looked at me.
"So, your going to break up with one of us." He said.
"Yeah, but I need time. Can you just come see me Friday? We can talk about it then but for now I just need to be myself for awhile." I said looking at him with my puffy red eyes.
"Yeah, I will. But I have to be at a party that night right afterwards. Still have to keep up the appearance." He said looking away.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"Meaning, I have to act like the person you hate." He said looking at me.
"Just leave." I said turning away from him. And he did, he left for good that night. He tried texting me to say sorry but he had to and I told him whatever. I just didn't have time for it.
The next two days I woke up not being bothered by anyone, I really wasn't eating or sleeping that well. I looked really bad actually, I made sure everyone stayed away from here because I wasn't feeling up to having company.

Chapter 7: Learning That Not Everything Is What It Seems


Chase and I had been texting each other every day for those two days. When friday came around we both knew that he had to go to that party which also meant that would be all over him. He didn't want to talk about it but I did. It wasn't fair to him I was with King during the day and while Chase is at football practice and it's not fair to me he had to keep up his playboy act. He came over before the party like I asked him to. When he got there though the tension between us was just too much.
"We have to talk about this." I said to him.
"Cecilia do you really want to get into this. All it's going to do is start a fight between us." He said getting upset with me.
"I rather fight about then act like it's not going to happen." I said looking at him.
"Fine. I have to be at that party, also I have to dance with probably some slut I have no interest in. And yes she'll porbably throw herself at me, we'll probably make out some and she'll tell everyone we slept together. But at the end of the night I will be going home alone wishing you were there with me." He sat there explaining all this to me. It was honestly making me sick. My tummy was churning with sickness. He shouldn't go to that party and he definitely shouldn't be with any slutty girls.
"You want me to call it off with King I will. I don't want you going to that party." I said to hime tearing up. Thinking that he wants to go to that party and he wants to be with a slutty girl killed me on the inside.
"I know that will hurt you. So, no you don't need to call it off with King. And I can tell it would hurt you because your about to cry over it." He said looking at me.
"I'm not crying over King. I'm hurting because I feel like you want to go to that party and you want to be with a slut." I said turning away from him.
"All I want is you." He said putting his hand on my face turning it to look at me. I didn't want to look at him, I wanted him to realize I just wanted him to stay with me instead of go to that party.
"Then don't go to that party." I said looking at him.
"I have to." He said dropping his hand from my face.
"Fine, then you have to live with the fact that King will be in my bed with me tonight." I blurted this out before I thought about it. I immedately regretted what I said but I knew it effected him the same way him going to that party was effecting me.
"Why would you say that?" He said looking at me hurt.
"Because you want to continue this charade that your some souless douche and I am sick of it. I know me being with King is the source of it all but until you want to be with me infron of everyone you'll have to just deal with it." I said moving away from him.
"You want to be like that fine. Maybe I will sleep with the girl too." He said grabbing his keys off the counter.
"Chase.." I said as he was about to leave out the door.
"What?" He said without turning to face me.
"You sleep with her, we're done." I said without hesitation. He turned around to look at me. I looked a mess I wasn't eating again and with twhat's been going through my mind today I had no appetite. I was pale and kind of sick looking. Sleep was definitely was not coming easy to me thae last two nights.
"Cecilia, you don't mean that." He said looking at me.
"Chase I mean it. You sleep with anyone at that party don't even come see me tomorrow." I said looking at him trying not to cry.
"Cecilia, I will see you tomorrow." He said walking out the door. I went to the living room and called King to see if he wanted to come over. He said he would be over in ten minutes I said okay I would see

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