» Humor » Seven Boys + ME = MESS!!!!, Katy Wong [best ebook reader under 100 txt] 📗

Book online «Seven Boys + ME = MESS!!!!, Katy Wong [best ebook reader under 100 txt] 📗». Author Katy Wong

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I said and hung up.
A few minutes later, a car honked. Nick, Brandon Will, Alex, Henry and Ray got out.
"Are you ok?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"You are red as a tomato!!" he said and laughed.
"Thanks a lot," I said.
Henry helped me up.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah, it is nothing," I said quickly and went in.
Timmy was sitting in the living room watching TV. He saw me and he smiled at me, I blushed more.
I ran up to my room and locked the door. I opened the balcony door and lay in bed.
I don't feel like facing Timmy anymore.
I took my time to think about my revenge for Timmy and I got it.
I skipped lunch, dinner and when everyone went to sleep, I sneaked out. I went to the kitchen and ate everything in sight.
Boy, am I hungry!!

I said to myself when I am full.
I ran quietly upstairs and grabbed my pink hair dye from my bathroom and opened Timmy's door.
I walked over towards him and saw that he was sleeping.

I said.
I tip - toed to his bathroom and took out his entire hair product.
I pour my pink hair dye and mixed in together.
Hahahahaha, that is what you get!!!

I thought and smirked.
I quietly tip - toed out of Timmy's room and closed the door. I walked into my room and put the dye away.
Can't wait to see his reaction tomorrow morning!!

I laid in bed and went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and ate my breakfast.
"AHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Timmy screamed like a girl.
I fell off of my chair from laughter.
"STACEY!!!!!! COME HERE!!" Timmy shouted from his room.
My laughing stopped and my heart beat faster.
I slowly got up and walked to his room.
"Yes?" I said slowly and widened my eyes innocently.
"This is your revenge?" Timmy asked and pulled off his shower cap that was on his head.
His hair was completely

I burst out laughter immediately, but stopped when his lips meet mine. My eyes closed immediately, something felt wrong, very wrong, like I am kissing a stranger, but I couldn't stop myself. Something that you should know about me is that when it comes to kissing, I can not stop. My brain stops working, until my brain cells realize what just happened.
I broke away trying to catch my breath.
Did it again!! Second kiss on the lips, does it mean something???

"You know you shouldn't kiss me every time you mad, sad, happy. . . We shouldn't kiss anymore," I said softly, almost a whisper to myself.
"Why?" he said softly and I looked at him. He looked hurt

I shrugged, "I just feel like I am not suppose to kiss you, it feel wrong,"
"Because, you did this to my hair," he said angrily and pointed at his pink hair.
Was it because of that???

I asked myself.
"You know that I love my hair," he said.
"You do?? Oppies daisy," I said and felt guilty.
"I don't want to talk to you anymore," he said and pointed to the door.
A ping of something hit my heart.
What is that feeling?

I quietly left the room and sat in the living room.
What is that feeling?

I asked myself again. It was confusing.
"Whoa, you have really gotten him, Stacey!!" Nick laughed as Timmy came into the room.
I shrugged still trying to identify my feeling again.
"That hair color really fit you," Ray said and laughed.
"Whoa!!!" Brandon said and laughed.
I was still deep in thought, but give up.
"Who want to go to the beach?" I said when I see everyone was bored.
"Meeeee!!!" Everyone shouted.
"But look at this, THIS!!! My hair, I can't go out like this!!!" Timmy exclaimed.
I ignored him since he said he does not want to talk to me.
"Ok, guys than let's pack our stuff and we could head off." I said and ran up the stairs.
"You are not going anywhere," Timmy said and gripped my hands.
"WHAT!!??" I screamed at him.
"I CAN'T GO OUT LIKE THIS!!!!" He shouted back.
"Ok, than you

don't go, THAT

SIMPLE!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO GO, WEAR YOUR SHOWER CAP OR WHATEVER, GEEZ!!" I exclaimed and I wiggled my hand lose out of his hand.
I stomped up the stairs, pissed at Timmy.
"Can I help you pick your swimming suit?" Ray asked me.
"Yeah, sure," I said half hearted.
I took out all of my bikinis and model it in front of Ray.
"Which one do you like best?" I asked him and kissed him on the kissed.
"I like that green one," he said, "you look sexy in it and your icy blue eyes stands out more. Your breast also looks bigger too."
"Perverted!!" I said and hugged him.
His beautiful brown eyes stared into mine. He leaned in kissed my lips.
His lips have a little bit of chapped spots, which sent shivers down my body.
It wasn't like Timmy's kiss, but it was pretty good. . . I like it.
I broke away for air.
"Sorry," he said and blushed.
"It's ok," I said and covered my face.
"Can you go out, I want to change," I told him. He got up and headed out of the door.
I stripped and jumped into my bikini and put a short - short over it and a baggy tee shirt.
I grabbed a tote bag and put another set of clothes, a towel, sunscreen and a sunglass.
I ran out my room with a flip flop.
"I AM READY!!!!" I shouted. They all came out of their room and we all headed out.
We got into the car and I sat on top of Alex.
"Can I invite some of my friends?" Nick asked me.
"Yeah, sure, it is a free country after all," I said and lean on Alex and make myself comfortable.
"State you meant," he teased.
"Shut up and call your friend!!" I said.
He made his phone call.
"Hey tonight, there is going to be a firework display," Nick said when he hung up.
"COOOOLLLLLLL!!!" I said, "I can't wait to see it!!"
We out to the beach and I stripped off my short - shorts and tee shirt. I grabbed my bag and stuffed it inside and carried it with me.
"OVER HERE!!!" a girl with wavy black hair and brown eyes waved to my brother.
"HI!!!" my brother shouts back.
All of the boys walked over and sat down next to them. I notice that they were a lot of girls and guys.
"Hey, guys, this is my sister Stacey," Nick introduced.
"Ohhhh, you might be the one he was talking about!!" a girl with blond hair, gray eye said, "Hi, I am Janet."
"Hi," I said and sat down next to her.
"I am Mandy," the girl with the wavy black hair said.
"I am Alexis," said a girl with straight black hair with pit dark eyes.
"I am Matthew," said a guy with brown hair and brown eyes.
"I am Jordan and also Janet's brother" said a guy blond hair with blue highlight with same gray eyes as Janet.
"I am Carter," said a guy with dark hair and eyes.
"I am Rachel and I like Jacob," said a girl with dirty blond hair with green eye and pointed at a guy black hair with blue eyes.
"Hi, everyone," I said.
Whoa, just met 8 people at once!! 16 people at the beach!!! FUN!!

"Hey, who has volleyball?" I asked.
"I DO!!!!!" Mandy said, "I packed one," and grinned taking it out.
"Let's have a game!!" Alexis said.
"Sure thing, I am having my own team," Jordan shouted.
"I am having my team, YOU'RE ON, JORDAN!!" I shouted.
"Deal, who ever loses, pay for the ice - cream, rewarding the winner!!" he shouted.
"Oh, you should know that I am obsessed with ice - cream and do you know who you are battling?? The captain of volleyball!!" I SHOUTED.
"Ok, let's see how good you are," he said and smirked.
"Get on my side if you want to be on my team," I shouted.
Mandy, Janet, Alexis, Rachel, Carter, Ray, and Will got on my team.
"You're on, bro!!" I shouted to Nick and he chuckled.
"You are on, Jacob!" Rachel shouted to him.
"You are on, bro," Janet said to Jordan.
The game began and we were playing like crazy. My team was AWESOME!!!!
"We are winning by 20 points!!" I announced to everyone.
"WE ARE GOING TO WIN YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!" Matthew said. I smirked.
Yeah right!

The game started again and even Timmy seems to be in a lighter mood.
The game was paused again, Alexis announced, "We are winning by 45 points!"
"Give up, would you??" I giggled.
Everyone on Jordan's team groaned and they gave up.
"Guys, line up in two lines. One side is Jordan's line, the other one is Stacey's line!!! Now they will get us the ice - cream!!" Mandy said cheerfully.
I end up next to Timmy.
"You gonna have to get your wallet out. I am going to get the tallest ice - cream ever!!" I said and laughed. He got out his wallet.
"Good, it might

afford it!"
"Hey!!!!! Not too expensive," Timmy said.
"Nuhhhh, I want to enjoy it," I said.
When it was my turn, I said, "Can I have 6 scoops of cookie dough, 3 scoops of chocolate, 5 scoops of vanilla, 5 scoops of mint chocolate chip and 3 scoops of strawberry, please?"
"HEY!!!!!!!!! THAT IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU!!!!!!" Timmy complained.
I turned to look at the ice - cream man. He looked at me like I was STUPID or CRAZY.
"JK," I said, "I want 3 scoops of chocolate, 1 scoop of strawberry and 1 scoop of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles and peanut toppings, please?"
He got the ice - cream and Timmy pay $18.75 on it.

I sat down on my towel and Timmy sat next to me. I licked my ice - cream in front of his face.
"Mmmmm, it is the best ice - cream!!" I teased.
He stared at me.
"It is too bad your team lost so badly," I continued with a smirk on my face.
"Shut up," he said softly.
"Or what?" I dared.
He pinned me down on my towel.
He is going to do it here??? Now??

my heart skipped a beat.
I tilted my ice - cream to make sure it doesn't go on me.
He leaned forward.
A kiss in front of all of them???

I thought.
"Or I am going to eat your ice - cream," he said quickly and took a big, fat, mouthful bite.
"Hey!!!!!!!" I said and blushed.
Why would I think of that?? So stupid!!

He got off of me and sat down my ice - cream in his hand.
"Hey, it is not fair, you're eating my reward!!!" I pouted, "I won that game!!!"
I crossed my arms.
"Sorry," he said not meaning it.
"Give it back!!" I exclaimed.
He took his last, fat - ass bite and put the crumbs in my hand.
HE FINISHED IT!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"You have to buy me another one," I said.
"Nuhhhhh, you waste enough money," he said.
"Fine be like that!!"
I got up and packed my thing. I sat down next to Carter.
"How is it going?" Carter asked.
"Bad, because someone in front of me eat my reward." I said and looked at Timmy who was in front of me.
Carter chuckled.
"Fine, let's

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