» Humor » Seven Boys + ME = MESS!!!!, Katy Wong [best ebook reader under 100 txt] 📗

Book online «Seven Boys + ME = MESS!!!!, Katy Wong [best ebook reader under 100 txt] 📗». Author Katy Wong

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go, I am going to buy your ice - cream," Timmy said.
"I don't need it, you say it anyway, that you don't want to waste your money on me, I don't want to talk to you, because you don't want to talk to me."
Timmy sat between me and Carter. I packed my things again and sat down next to Carter again, with Timmy on my left.
I leaned on Carter and I shivered from the coldness. The sky was starting to darken.
"Do you want my sweater?" Carter asked when he saw me shivering.
"Thanks," I said and smiled at him. He gave his brown woolly jacket and it was very comfortable.
I saw into the sky.
"Stacey, can I talk to you?" Timmy asked on my left.
I turned towards him and all of the sudden the firework started.
I saw his lips moving, but I can't make the words out. I can usually read lips, but his lips were barely moving. I only heard the word sorry

and friends

What is he trying to say???

I asked. I stared at his lips, hard.
When he lips stopped moving, I said, "What? I didn't hear a thing, please repeat it."
He looked away and blushed

He is so strange,

I thought.
He looked up at the sky and so did I. It was beautiful. I took out my phone and took some pictures.
When the fireworks ended. I went to the changing room like everyone else and changed. When I came out, I went to look for Carter.
"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.
"Looking for Carter, I need to give him his jacket back," I said.
When I finally spots Carter, I shouted, "CARTER!!!! WAIT!!"
"Yes?" He asked.
"Your sweater," I reminded.
"Oh, you can keep it, you look cute in it," he said and smirked. I blushed.
"Thanks," I said.
"Can I have you number?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said and we exchange numbers.
“Bye," I said.
"Yeah, bye," he said and winked.
I headed towards Nick and we got into the car.
"How come you still have Carter's sweater?" Brandon asked.
I sat on him, "Because he said I can keep it he also said that I was . . ."
I shut my mouth and he raised his eyebrow.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." I made myself comfortable and went to sleep.

I felt someone left in bride style. I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I felt every comfortable. I snuggle. I can feel myself being lowered on the bed.
I wrapped my arms around him and pull him to me, still with my eyes closed.
I heard his sigh and removed my arms. I can feel the bed sink a little and I turned towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and I slept.

The next morning I woke up to see who slept with me, but I didn't see anyone.
I got up and took a shower. I got out and took my clothes. I put it on and dry my hair. I curled it. Cute ;)
I ran downstairs and I grabbed a toast from the kitchen.
"Hey," I said to Timmy.
"Yeah?" he said.
"Did you have something to tell me yesterday?" I asked, looking at him.
"Ummm, that . . ." he said quietly.
"Yeah, so what did you want to tell me?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said and looked away.
"Ok," I said and shrugged.
I ran into the living room and I asked, "Who wants to go to the mall with me?"
"ME!!" everyone shouted.
"Let's go,"
I texted Carter.
Me: Hey, let's go 2 the mall!!! :)
Carter: Yeah, b there with every1, kk?
Me: C ya!! :D Bye

I grabbed my bag with my credit card.
"Let's go!!" I shouted in the car.
When we got there, everyone else was waiting.
"HEY!!" I shouted to the girl and gave a group hug.
"Let's go to salon, I want to get a trim," Mandy said.
"Yeah, I want to get some highlights, I am tired of my blond hair," I complained.
"NO!!! Your hair is beautiful!!!!" Alexie said.
"Whatever, but I think it is kind of plain," I said and shrugged.
We entered the salon and all of the boys followed. A lady was there at the doorway.
"Hi, my name is Teresa," she said and she looked at Timmy, "I like your hair,"
"Thanks, she did it for me," Timmy said and pointed at me. I laughed.
"How many I help you?" Teresa said.
"I want to get the tips of my hair a color of electric blue," I said.
"Ok, sit here," she said and pointed at a seat.
I sat down and Timmy walked over to her and whispered something in Teresa's eyes, but his eyes were looking at me in the mirror.
She giggled and nodded.
"I am going to pay for the highlights, ok?" Timmy asked.
"How nice of you to do that, Timmy," I said and smiled. He smirked.

A hour later, when they were done, I looked in the mirror.
"Yes???" he said.
"How come the tip of my hair are pink!!???" I asked.
"I don't know, how come you are asking me?"
"Well, who was talking to that salon lady??" I asked.
"Not me, that person does not look like me," he said.
I sigh, there was no point in this conversation, I couldn't even change the color anymore.
I walked away.
"Are you mad?" he asked.
"No, I just don't like this color," I complained.
"Oppies daisy," he copied.
"Hummm, try to get me back right?" I asked and smirked.
"Yep," he said.
"Hey, Stacey, you want to go to the amusement park?" Matthew asked.
"Sure!!!!" I said and ran a headed.
"Let's go!! Everyone is heading out!" Rachel exclaimed.
I climbed into the car and sat on top of Timmy.
"You guys looks like a match," Mandy said, "You guys look cute together also!!"
I fell off of Timmy's lap.
"Are you guys dating? You guys have a match and you guys look cute together," Rachel said.
I got up and sat on Alex's lap.
When we go there, it was big.
"You want to be partners?" Carter asked.
"Yeah, sure," I said and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Timmy stared at me.
"You want to be my partner?" Timmy asked Rachel.
"Sure," Rachel blushed. I shrugged.
"Let's go to the Ferris Wheel," Carter said and pulled me.
I gulped. "I can't,"
"Why not?" he said and grinned.
"Because I am afraid of heights," I said slowly, looking up at the Ferris Wheel.
"Just go, if you get scared, just hold on to me," he said and grinned.
"I'll go with you guys," Timmy said.
I continued looking up.
How high is that?? 1,550 feet long?

I gulped.
"Let’s go!!" Carter said and tugged me. I nodded.
We got on the cart and my stomach felt sqeezey.
"How much round is this going to go?" Rachel asked.
"Once," Timmy said and stared at me. I sat with Carter, with Timmy and Rachel in front of me.
The cart begins to lift. I gripped Carter's arm and started to breath loudly.
"I am scared, Carter," I whispered to him.
"Don't worry," he said and patted my hand.
When we were at the top was latterly sitting on carter's lap.
"I AM . . . SO SCARED!!" I said and hugged his neck. My heart was beating against his steady one. My voice was tight and my palm was sweating. I was starting to feel dizzy when we are going down. I squeezed my eyes shut.
"It is almost over," Carter said into my ears.
I thought I was about to pass out, when the Ferris Wheel came to a stop.
"We are at the down, Stacey," Carter said.
I got off of him and started walking. I was swaying from side to side, but Timmy held me. I almost forgot he was there.
When we were sitting on the bench, I breathe deeply.
I rest my head on Carter's shoulder.
"Never do that again, I thought I was about to pass out," I whispered.
"I understand now," he chuckled.
"Don't tell anyone about this," I said to Timmy, Carter and Rachel.
"Ok," Rachel sung.
"Promise," Timmy said and smirked.
I looked at Carter. i raised my eyebrow and he nodded in agreement.
"Let's play one more game," I exclaimed and jumped to my feet.
We walked around, "OOHHHH, I WANT THAT TEDDY BEAR!!" Rachel exclaimed and jumped up and down.
"Let's play it," Timmy said and holds her hand. At the corner of my eyes, he looked at me.
"You want to play this game too?" I asked Carter.
"Ok, gentlemen, welcome," said the clown and he smiled, showing his UGLY, YELLOW teeth,
"Did you brush your teeth before?" Rachel asked and everyone laughed like crazy. The clown looked embarrassed.
"Never mind about that. . ." he said and looked away from Rachel, “The rule for this game is that 2 player will play each other. There have to fill that balloon, over there," he pointed, "with as much water as you can, with the water gun in front of you. BUT it is not easy!! You are going to try to get it in, the ball with move at some point,"
We nodded and Carter looked at Timmy in a challenge way.
"You're on, Carter," Timmy said and Carter smirked.
"READY, SET . . . GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" the clown shouted. The game began!!
Carter was fast!! He was really good at aiming the water gun, into the balloon. he has more water than Timmy!!
"In 5 second the game will end, let's see who got the most!! In 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . AND IT IS . . . CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the clown announced in the microphone.
"YAYYYY!" I shouted.
"What was you like?" the clown asked Carter.
"Let here choose," he said and pointed at me.
"I want a . . . that black teddy bear with pink nose," I said.
He hand it to me. I WAS HARD!!!!
"What kind of teddy bear is this? IT IS SOOO HARD!!" I exclaimed to the clown and everyone laughed.
"Too bad sweetie!" he said and shrugged.

"Give her another one!" Carter demanded.
"Sorry, or you have to play another round!" the clown said.
"You know what Carter, let's go!" I said and pulled him away, "He doesn't even brush his teeth anyways,"
He laughed.
"Let's go eat lunch now, I am hungry," Timmy said.
"I will call everyone to wait at the picnic area." I said.
When everyone was there, we got our lunch.
"Hey guys, guess what?" Carter shouted.
"What?" Jordan shouted.
"Did you know that Stacey was afraid of -" Carter started.
I grabbed the bear and through it at Carter's soda, which was in this hand. It knocked on Carter's shirt and everyone started laughing.
I ran over to Carter and sat on top of him.
"I thought you said that you wouldn't tell," I said.
"I didn't say anything, I just nodded," he said and grinned.
"I am going to kill you!!" I said.
"Not if you can't give me a hug!" He said.
"Ewww!!" I shouted and ran.
"I am going to catch you!," he shouted getting to his feet and chase off me. I putted up the black teddy bear and turned around. I throw the bear at Carter's face.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed. I laughed so heard that I feel to the grass.
"HA, GOTCHA!" Carter jumped in front of me, cutting my laughters off and

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