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Genre Humor. Page - 30

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We was hot. Jimmy wanted to take some bottles we'd scrounged up outta' the trash cans in the alley up to Mrs. Rashure's little store on the corner. All we wanted to do was cash 'em in and get a cold Coke. But no...who was standin' on the front porch of the store but the president and vice-president of The Skulls. There was gonna' be a fight, I just knew it, and we was gonna' lose.

cjnusydg dhsnd dhadnauhde sdg deghd bedeh dehd egfc edh KICK ROCKSS! KICK ROCKS! KICK ROCKS!

devil likes cupcakes. you like cupcakes. go to helll!fceyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Skip is imprisoned in his basement for an unspecified term following Jimmy's sacrilegious act at church. Jimmy is free on personal recognizance. Mickey and Jimmy show up at Skip's window one evening and try to get the innocent young boy to break out and go with them on a larcenous mission. Dilemma.

#Under140 is a comic tweet, a daily series of tweet following Li. This book is an archive of all the tweets and will also be updating daily.

This book is about relatable comments that I have said through out my life. This book is also for you to REALATE to my comments. I have a second one coming out soon :).