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In the beginning there was no communication, only chaos. A swift roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris made order from this chaos and gave us the English language as we know it. Follow the young author as he discovers the awesome power of the legend.

I'm talking to my best friend about my love life.

This is about how a freshman spent her valentines week trying to figure out who the secret valentine not hers but everybody’s one secret valentine. _____________________________ It was not so easy for her but this is how she did it. _____________________________

Well, we all fall once or twice -not exactly true, but you gt the idea. And for me, my first fall was when the first person to came into contact with me accidentally slipped. The lousy nurse name is Tefall. Another fall there. And guess what season my first fall occured -yep, it was fall. Welcome to my life...there'll be a lot more fall. p/s: just make sure you don't fall down while rolling around laughing p/p/s: not that I'm saying you'll laugh while reading this...

A rather far-fetched news article about a VERY unlikely scenario.

Kulula is a low-cost South-African airline that doesn't take itself too seriously. Check out their new livery! And have a read about their Customer Relations.

my life sucks pretty much. this book shows the ups the downs the good the bad and the down right stupid parts of my life that i don't really want to relive.

romance comedy and.......VAMPIRES BABY!!!! >:)

Boynton Beach, Fl. is the fastest growing Jewish community in America, if you don't count Vegas. Norman belongs to William, who is ruled by Sheila. Oy! What a life for a little bit of friday night Ketubah bliss (wink -wink). A humorous look at Jewish life in the deep South where you have to go North to find the South.