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Some of the delicate experiences can turn into humorous incidents also. When the conservative mindset be one of the reasons for that they become unforgettable.

This story is for the "Who would you invite?" contest. I know that if these people were real and If they were all invited to christmas dinner at the Crusoe House, that they would probably have a conversations similar to these!

kaito+ice cream= O_O help miku get back her icy cream and send kaito to teh v0c@l0id pickle jail, (kaito HATES pickles so much) MUHAHAHAHAHA

Sab Martin made her twin Sabryna move to Texas when she was two. Now she's moving back in! They go through everyday sibling rivalry.

What will Marsee Blight do when she finds herself in a spotlight she didn't count on?

I'm not a vampire, im not really a stalker, and im not a cliche emo, i just have this obessesion with killing my lovers okay? I liked my life, and i thought it would always be this way, until Conner stepped into my life, and boy did he change me... He tried shedding some light on me, but i hate the sun!

When a person buys or trades fore something " it's a good idea to carefully check out what your trading for before making the deal. Fred Woodward learns his lesion the hard way when he trades for a mule that kicks the boards off his barn and when Fred let's the mule loose to see how he will do being in the field with his cow Fred learns that he is a cow chaser as well. Read to see how Fred handles a bad situation.

An old man in a wheelchair caused an enormous racket yesterday on Chain Lane, Nottinghamshire, England. While he bent down to zip up his fly that had been slipping down like an elevator gone wild, he inevitably leaned forewords and set his wheelchair into motion down the steep Chain Lane.