» Juvenile Fiction » Remembering Memories, Her-Majesty [most read book in the world .txt] 📗

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Stories, it would seem, come in many different categories. Those stories that are made up, running fluently on imagination, those that are true stories, and each and every detail has been remembered so that the story is not altered in any way, and our story, which is based on a true story mind you, but after being passed around in so many ears, it may have strayed a bit from the original. However the main points that make up this story are still the same.

People change of course, sometimes for the good, and sometimes not so good. In her case, it wasn’t for good or bad, it was just a change. A change that needed to happen, that often happens when people grow up. Perhaps, this story would not even exist if she had not changed into the person she is today.

It was a quiet evening, and she started to reminisce about all the people in her lives. Those who were still in it, and those who had slowly faded. One particular person brought a smile upon her face. A smile that had not been seen for awhile. She was remembering a boy, she said. Of course she had met many boys over the course of her life. Yet this was a special one. She leaned forward, eager to retell the story, a slight glow on her face. It had been years since this story happened, she related, yet she still remembered as if it had happened yesterday.

Chapter 1

The First Memory

This boy had been a presence in her life for as far as her memory would stretch. But that was all that he was, just a presence. As time went on, they grew out of their elementary “cooties” stage, and reached the middle school awkwardness of discovering that the opposite gender was for more complex and complicated then they had originally thought. As expected, (otherwise there would be no story today) feelings developed, and a new light shone on the way they saw each other. But fate had other things plans that did not include sixth grade romances, and before their very eyes, her family had packed, and they had left, unsure if they were to return.

They completed their last years of middle school, each one quietly wondering what had happened to the other. A few weeks before school was to begin, it spread like wildfire that the girl had returned, no doubt to spend her precious high school years in her old hometown. (when in reality, her dad had received a job offer. But rumors are much easier to believe.)

It had been almost 3 years since their last encounter.They were no longer the little 13 year olds they had been the last time they were together. But they were now 16, an age that everyone agrees is not exactly the best year of our lives.

She wondered, would he remember? Would he recognize her if she were to walk past him? Or had time passed too quickly, had the absence been too long? She would know soon enough, for the high school was having an orientation, registration to get books, and to meet new, and old acquaintances and friends.

She watched as her father skillfully parked the car into a parking spot, she wouldn’t have even dared to try to get into. She glanced up at the old school, and stepped out of the car. As her parents made their way up the front steps, she heard the sound of laughing voices and paused. She turned around, and inhaled sharply.

He had changed. Well of course he had, 3 years is a long time. Yet she would have recognized him if 100 years had passed. He walked by her, surrounded by a group of friends, not even sparing a glance. For if he had, he would have surely recognized her. She watched, from behind her car as he made his way up the steps. He glanced at her parents. Then did a double take. Recognition dawned on his face, and he stepped forward, allowing each of her parents to envelope him in a hug. They chatted briefly for a moment, and all three of them glanced towards her when he no doubt asked about her. She slid down behind the car, half a second before he turned around, for some reason not wanting to be seen by him. Not yet. A few minutes passed before she allowed herself to peek around the side. No one was there. She breathed deeply, and quickly went up the steps, vowing to not bring attention to herself so he would not notice her.

Once again fate had different ideas, and her arrival was announced by yells of delight, and numerous “flying” hugs she received from former classmates, and friends. Over the excitement, she glanced over to the corner of the room where he was standing, openly staring at her. He caught her eye, and smiled, but she looked down, and quickly fled the room.

Later, introductions where made, and everyone was getting along greatly. She stood off to the side, finally allowing herself a break from the false smiling, and fake laughter. She glanced over, and once again saw him staring at her, yet he was addressing those around him.

“It had been awhile since ive seen most of these people here. However they always manage to send a hello, or a message to me to let me know that they still think of me.” He paused, obviously waiting to see if she would add to the conversation. When she did not he said quietly,

“Yet you never said hi.” She glanced over in astonishment, not for a minute doubting that he was addressing someone else.

“You never said hi either.” She silently cursed herself for her “brilliant” remark. He smiled.

“Well ive tried to but you seem to have a knack of disappearing behind cars whenever I try.” She blushed red, realizing that he had indeed seen her hide from him. She opened her mouth to argue when he cut her off.

“Your so mean.” He said, which to her sounded quite immature. Her brilliant response was,

“And your dramatic!” oh MUCH more mature. she thought

“I never want to speak to you again. No!” he shouted putting his hand up as she attempted to comment back to him.
“Ive been back after 3 years of not being here and I get treated like this!” she exclaimed trying to play it off as a joke.

“Well we certainty had no trouble getting along here without you. Its not like you played a big part in our lives.” He stepped forward, unaware of the stares they were getting.

“Oh well im sorry that i wasnt able to be apart of ur life. im sorry i missed such a great oppourtunity. ” He took another step forward.

“No you were apart of it. You were a big part of it..” He paused, and she held her breath, waiting to hear what he would announce to a room full of people. He raised his hand, pointed his finger at her, and said softly,

“You broke my heart.”

Chapter 2

The Second Memory

Our last bit of the story ended with the words “you broke my heart.” Now let’s stop and think. Put yourself in her shoes. You just come back, to your old hometown, being surrounded with familiar faces, yet they are all strange. You are standing there, trying to catch a breath, and trying not to become too overwhelmed, when a boy (well he was really a man now,) who you have known your whole life, yet have not laid eyes on in 3 years, tells you that you broke his heart. What comes to mind? Exactly. Crap!

What is the proper response? How do you even come up with an answer? What did she do? She turned, and walked back inside. Not exactly the best thing to do. The rest of the evening was uneventful, and she sulked around, trying to get up enough nerve to go and talk to him. But she couldn’t, and soon it was time to leave. She fled the school, unable to stand another minute in the same place he was. However she was held up in front of the door, where it seemed a million people wanted to say bye. Finally, when her and her parents were able to escape, there was no one left in the school. As she walked through the parking lot, a car pulled up in front of hers. She turned and glanced through the window.

And he raised his hand, smiled, and waved at her before pulling away.

Oh what games fate loves playing! How four words could cause so many emotions is beyond understanding. Anyway, weeks passed and it was soon time for school. She tried to avoid him at any cost, yet he had seemed to forget what had happened between them. He would go out of his way to talk to her. Smiling, saying hi, and making jokes, flirting, making her blush. A particular situation had her laughing embarrassingly as she recalled it.

It had been after school, and everyone had rushed off for their after school activities, she went for art, and he went to basketball. Afterwards, she was waiting for her father to pick her up, and was walking around the playground. As she approached the basketball court, she saw something glint in the sun, and soon saw it was a watch lying on the floor. She quickly picked it up, put it in her pocket, and rushed out as her father’s car pulled into the parking lot.

The next day, as she approached the school, she saw a strange sight. Five or six boys were crawling around on the basketball court. He was in the middle of the court, searching with the utmost urgency. As she came closer, he glanced up and said frantically,

“Have you seen my watch?!”

Oh my. Oh no. Oh why, why, why, did it have to be his watch?! Why!? WHY?! It would seem the world was out to get her!!!! His watch!

She closed her eyes for a moment, for she suddenly felt that she had a headache. After a couple of seconds, she reached into her backpack.

“Is this your watch?” she asked holding it out. His face registered relief at seeing his watch, and shock in seeing it with her.

“You stole my watch?” he asked loudly, which caused the other boys to look at them. She quickly looked at the others, and lowered her voice.

“No I didn’t steal it!” she pleaded, holding out her hand closer to him. He grabbed the watch from her, and leaned back against the wall.

“Thank you thief!”

“Omg I am not a thief!”

“Then how did my MISSING watch end up with YOU?!” he demanded, a hint of a smile on his face.

“Ugh YOU left it on the basketball court, and I picked it up cause I didn’t want it to get stolen!”

“How ironic considering YOU stole it!”

“Omg!!!!!! You are just so! ARGH!” she cried out in frustration. At this, he smiled openly.

“Well see you later theif.” He said. He turned towards the door then paused,

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