» Juvenile Fiction » Love is a Rollar Coaster, Rebekah Clair [notion reading list txt] 📗

Book online «Love is a Rollar Coaster, Rebekah Clair [notion reading list txt] 📗». Author Rebekah Clair

We were walking through the hallways, Ryan and I. hand in hand. Ryan was looking straight ahead when I glanced up to see his perfect smile, piercing green eyes, and brown flippy hair. he was five foot eleven inches, nearly towering over me by six inches.
I quickly glanced forward when I caught him looking down at me with my bright green eyes, long wavy auburn hair, and fair complexion. I always wondered what he thought about me.
"I love you," Ryan always said it. I could tell that he truly meant it. There was something about the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at me that made me fall more in love with him all the time.
"I love you too Ryan," His name rolled off my lips so fluently.
Our relationship wasn't perfect and it never would be, but what we had was special.
He pulled me closer to him, such a comforting feeling. I was always comfortable around him.
Boreal high school only had one more period left, for Ryan and I that was study hall. No big deal, i had about four a day.
We continued to walk hand in hand to room 113. I sat down in my normal corner back seat. Period eleven only lasted about thirty minutes. I always sat there and read.
"So Erin, are you going to Zack's party tonight?" Ryan questioned.
"No, I'm going to stay home and catch up on some homework," i replied.
"Oh okay, do you mind if I go?" Ryan replied.
"No, I trust you," It wasn't a lie, I really did.
Time slowly passed, the bell rang, and Ryan kissed me goodbye. I was walking home today, didn't bother driving to school, it was to nice outside.
Time slowly passed, until I got home and went through my usual routine of homework, computer and then the phone with my best friend Zoe.
Time once again slowly passed until i was on the phone with Zoe.
"I don't know! Multiply then divide!" I said helping Zoe with her math.
"Ugh fi-" Zoe's voice was cut off by a beep telling me I had another call.
"Zoe, it's Ryan, I'll call you later," I said quickly.
"Kay love you," She hung up before I could reply.
"Hi Ryan," I said sweetly. I looked at the time and realized it was midnight. Ryan never called this late.
"Erin, we need to talk," Ryan was abrupt.
"About?" I was quick to question.
"I think we should break up," There was a complete silence.
"Oh, okay," Tears were starting to roll down my face.
"Bye Erin,"
There is was a year and six months, ended.
I feel back onto my bed and cried.
After awhile I finally got up and put my favorite movie, The Notebook in. I fell back onto my bed and cried, but right now all I wanted to do was die.
Ryan was sitting on the edge of his bed, his xbox was on, Call of Duty was in, but the controller was on the floor. He was holding his head in his hands, knowing he made a mistake, for no reason.


Publication Date: 10-12-2011

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