» Juvenile Fiction » Red Rain, Alandra Webb [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Red Rain, Alandra Webb [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗». Author Alandra Webb

By: Allie Webb
This is my journal, I have experienced so many emotional rollercoaster since I have become a vampire first I felt love, then betrayal, fear, and all at once. I have turned this into a book to let people know, if you ever have a chance to be a vampire do it…

Ch. 1
Oh No! This can’t be happing. Not “The talk”! No I refuse to listen I can’t fall now I’m so high ill hurt myself. Then he said it, “It’s not working out, we should break up.” And that’s when it started, I couldn’t help it. I was angry and his neck was perfectly unguarded. I had to give him one last kiss. ARRRG! He knew! I can’t believe he knew. That’s when he showed his fangs to. “You’re a vampire, what the hell!” my name is Cynthia I have short pink hair and brown eyes, I know you were expecting something different like yellow or blue or green but brown I know it’s crazy I don’t sparkle either. Richard has been my boyfriend for a couple months. I was planning on turning darling Richard into a vampire, after I realized I had fallen in love with him. Now the way I think may bug you a little bit, but later it may make some since.
“Why yes I’m a vampire, you haven’t nosiest?” Richard teased. “You son of a bitch!” I spat loudly, “you know the code, oh my god if I would have bitten you!” Richard’s smile faded. “I know, I know, if you would have bitten me I would have died a slow and painful death in flames from the darkest parts of hell. I know.” “So why did you risk that?” I asked in a tone that would have got me smacked by my mother. “I wanted to see how far you would take it, but I would have never guessed you would have done it in anger!” “I... I …” “So we both broke the code so if you want to report me, you’ll have to report yourself to.”
Yes, if you haven’t caught on yet he’s EVIL! He’s been pretending to love me all this time. And, you know what for? Because he wanted my blood. And you know how I know this? Just listen what happened next.

Ch. 2
“Give it here!” Richard screamed, with a fire in his eyes I had never seen before. “Give you what!” I screamed back. “I want you blood dear, I want that precious blood that will give me the greatest off all powers.” “And what power would that be?” I asked even though I knew exactly what he was talking about. “I want to be immortal, and I need blood from the princess to achieve my goal.” “You’re crazy!” I yelled “plus you’ll have to wait till the rain you know that.” Then he made a face as if he just realized I was right.
Well if he’s a villain then he’s not a good one. It was then that I notest his eyes used to be blue, now their green! “Get out of him!” I screamed. “Why, he spent all his time loving you when he could be using you.” He said.

When I woke up three days had passed! Shit I looked outside. Shit! It was about to happen, the rain was coming! I ran to the living room and checked the calendar, three more days; I have three days to stop this. How am I going to stop it from raining? Okay so I’m going to make a list of things to do.
1. Find a witch
2. Get a spell to stop the rain, and get Richard back
3. Don’t give up
Three steps sound ease? Wrong, I’ll have to do things in three days without whoever is inside Richard finding me. I got in my car, and drove off as fast as I could. I’m a fantastic driver, by the way. I pulled in to the store I knew right away was the right place because off the name, “Spell Book”, I know I thought it was sort of corny too. I tripped a little walking up the steps. As I walked in a voice said, “Come in dear I know why you’re here for and I have both spells but for the second one you’ll have to join me.” I walked over and held her hand she spoke in words I didn’t know, I think Slovak “Tento chudák holka priania a robiť to pravda, zachrániť ju priateľ a dr¸ať ho Nový. Yes it was Slovak i rember she said, take this poor girl's wish and make it true save her boy friend and keep him new. Just then she held a jar up it was big and yellow. And something misty and blue flue into the bottle. “It is done go on home girl and sleep every thing will be normal in the morning.


Publication Date: 01-12-2011

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to richard

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