» Juvenile Fiction » Saved By the Man, Vanessa Lynn Gilbert [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Saved By the Man, Vanessa Lynn Gilbert [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author Vanessa Lynn Gilbert

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Chapter one
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock singing the same old wake up song. I yawned, stretched, and then sat straight up eager to start the day. Hi, I’m Zoe Molson. I’m 16 years old, straight A student, and the weirdest girl you will ever meet. I know most people say that but trust me I’m the weirdest girl on this planet. I looked around my small, messy room searching for my backpack and some clothes.
Unlike most girls I have a sad life. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 3 years old and my dad never really cared for me. Ever since I turned 10 I realized that my dad is a no good piece of shit. My dad got remarried right away then got divorced then remarried again and his new wife is dying of lung cancer. Well enough about my dad. I live with my mom and her new husband Jack in Midson, Florida. Midson, Florida is a small little town not a lot of people and little trouble ever occurs.
I spotted my pink and black stripped side bag in the far right corner by my grey metal desk. I quickly got up grabbed the bag then I threw it on my bed. I searched for the clothes I was going to wear that day. My mother, Allison Manson, works at a well placed job; she works at the new hospital (so do I). With her pay plus mine plus Jacks I have no clue why I’m still going to a public school. I finally spotted my light blue, faded jeans, my white button down top, and my light red, button down light jacket.
I picked up my clothes and carried it across the hall to my bathroom. Another difference between me and every other girl is I’m very close with my mom and her family. Most teenage girls hate their mothers…well most of my friends do. Most of my friends are girls except for Erik, Jason, Mark, Tyler, and Kyle. Erik is my best friend and also my crush. The sadist part about my crush on Erik is I’m not the only one. My best friend Terri Curious and Ella Tory flirt with him. I took a quick shower and then got dressed in my jeans, tank top, and light jacket. I walked back across to my messy room and gathered up my backpack.
My room was small, has brown stained carpet, and boring white walls. I had a small bed on the left wall, a small light brown dresser with my small TV on it on the right wall, and my walls were covered with posters and pictures. The house I live in is a two story house and has a basement and attic. The funny thing about my basement is that it’s where I work out. As I walked down the steps I heard sounds of bacon being cooked and toast about to be burned. I hit the bottom step and threw my backpack of the couch. When my backpack landed I ran back up to my bathroom combed my hair washed my face brushed my teeth put on my makeup and blow dried my hair.
After all of this my face felt clean, my teeth felt clean, and my brown hair was dried and put it in a high ponytail. I usually don’t wear makeup but I hoped that if I wore make up Erik would finally see me, but then again I could also make my ex angry with himself or pick up some other hot 9th grader or even 10th grader. The funny thing about my ex-boyfriend is as soon as we broke up he started dating Melody Serion, the bitch of the school. I hated and still hate Melody, I’ve hated her ever since I meet her and now that we are in 9th grade and still stuck in all of the same classes our relationship had went to enemies all the way up to mortal enemies.
I sighed angrily at the thought of Jake and Melody going out and went on with my morning. My mom was standing at the stove making my breakfast wearing the usual tank top and pajama bottoms. My new dad was sitting in the living room reading the paper. I walked over, grabbed a piece of bacon, then I went to the living room, sat on the couch, and turned the TV on. “Hey honey. Ready for school,” dad asked. My friends never got why I called Jack my dad and not my step dad. It was simple I hate my real dad and my new dad is way cooler. I still talk to my real dad but this dad I’m closer to. “Yea…I Kind of don’t want to go…” I said. “Is it because of Erik and Ella again?” He asked. I nodded. “Princess you need to just focus on school.” I nodded and then turned on the TV. None of my favorite TV shows were on so I switched the channel to CMT and listened to one of my six favorite types of music. The types of music I like to listen to are country, pop, hip hop, metal, rock n roll, and classical.
I laughed under my breath. Erik said that the music I like tell a lot about me, it says I’m hard core and mean but I do have a soft side, Yea, right. “Zoe breakfast is ready.” My mother called. I leaped from my seat, quickly walked over to the kitchen, sat down, and stuffed my face with the 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of toast, and a cup of orange juice. Dad walked over to the table taking his sweet time. “So, how do you feel honey,” mom asked. I shrugged. Besides a bit of irritation and some stomach flu symptoms, I am fine. “I’m fine ma’.”
I answered almost done with my breakfast. “Okay. Grandma and I were talking and we decided that either this month or next month we are going to go camping.” Mom said. I stopped chewing the piece of bacon that was longed in my mouth; I dropped the fork that had Pieces of an egg on it. Mom and dad switched a look of happiness and nodded. “Really,” I said with my mouth full, “oh my god! When? Where? Why can’t we go now?” Mom laughed and so did dad at how enthusiastic I was and said, “Well this is what we are planning. We said that we’d go up to Big Lake and that you’d get to fish, shoot, maybe even write and draw.” I smiled. I can’t wait for the camping trip now! I mean, I get to fish, shoot, draw, and write that’s half of my hobbies. I smiled at my mom, finished chewing my bacon, and said, “Can’t wait.”
I helped mom and dad after breakfast clean up then I went back to watching TV. I can miss the bus, I have transportation. I smiled to myself when I thought about my Decoty. “Zoe don’t get to comfortable, you have to leave soon.” My mom reminded me as she walked in the living room her coffee in hand. I nodded then grabbed my stuff. “Sweetie, you don’t have to leave now.” My mom said. I looked back at her and said, “I know but I have to get to school early.” Mom shrugged and said, “Alright.” I ran back over to my mom hugged her then ran out the door to my Decotey.

Chapter 2
As I walked into Midson High I could hear the buzzing of conversation around me, see everyone being packed together into the commons, and I could feel the excitement in the air. I looked for my friends but only caught sight of two and those two were, Erik and Ella walking towards me each other’s arms wrapped around each other’s body. I closed my eyes for a second then opened them hoping a fake smile was on my face instead of the horror and depression expression that I felt. “Hey, Zoe, What’s up?” Ella said. Ella is 5’6 or 5’9 (around my height), short dark brown hair, pale skin, and silver, pale blue eyes. Ella always flirted with guys even though she had a boyfriend especially Erik. Ella had on a white t-shirt, pale blue, tight jeans, and her boyfriend’s grey hooded jacket on. “Nothing much, what’s up with you two?” I asked hoping, praying that they didn’t answer the same way they always do. Erik looked at me his light blue eyes a sea and me lost in them. Suddenly Ella’s voice brought me to grey colorless land away from Erik’s blue, perfect, ocean eyes. “Well, we are on our way to have sex.” Ella answered. Erik out stretched his arms, bent them, and brought them back as if he had grabbed something, pulled it back, and made it touch his pelvis. “Oh yea,” He exclaimed. Ella laughed and I let a weak unmeaning smile plant itself on my face. Erik playfully punched my arm and said, “Come on Zoe Lighting up.” I smiled weakly then started to walk away until Ella yelled out, “Zoe!” I turned to see what she wanted and was surprised when Ella was in front of me. Both her thin arms were wrapped around my body. I laughed, “Ella, you got to let me go!” “No.” Ella answered. Erik laughed at my failed attempt to escape her strong grip. “Okay Ella what do you want?” I asked starring at the top of her head. Ella stood up straight, let her grip fall, and said absolutely nothing. I starred at her a few seconds before I walked away. The commons were usual, pale white tile, green and white stripped walls, and there were stairs leading up to the other classrooms and offices. I was about down the hall when I heard, “Zoe!” I looked behind me and Erik was walking towards me. My heart jumps every time I see his face. He black hair was parted sideways which made it cover most of his forehead except for a section and most of his right eye, his jaw was sharp, and his skin was pale. Erik walked up in his usual dorky way he walked when he is trying to cheer me up. Erik got close enough for me to smell his musky scent, close enough for me to hug him, close enough to drive me crazy. Erik was wearing his black tight shirt, black tight jeans, sneakers and his new blue and black jacket. Erik looked down at me and said, “Can I…borrow you notes.” I looked up at him and sighed yes then pulled out the notes he wanted. Whenever he said “Can I” I always expect the words date you to come out. I found the notes crumpled up and smashed between two books, I handed it to him then walked down the hall I could feel tears take over my eyes and spill out. I sighed sadly then whipped away the one tear the escaped my eye prison. I walked into the bright classroom and spotted Sara and Lisa. Sara and Lisa were talking as I walked in and kept talking. “I can’t believe you think they look good

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