» Juvenile Fiction » Saved By the Man, Vanessa Lynn Gilbert [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Saved By the Man, Vanessa Lynn Gilbert [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author Vanessa Lynn Gilbert

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be a surprise so…I’m going to ask that you trust me when I say that I’m going to need you to close your eyes and let me drive us there.” “Okay I’ll trust you…for now.” I said. Erik and I shared a laugh before he grabbed my hand and started pulling me downstairs. Why do I have to close my eyes? He could just tell me and we could just borrow the car in the garage instead of risking our laughs with this stunt. Why does he care if I’m surprised or not? I shook away all of the question filling my head and just enjoyed the fact that we were hanging out…just the two of us. We walked out of the house and towards his bike he stopped and said, “Okay I’m going to blindfold you now and then I’ll help you onto the motorcycle, okay?” “Okay but if I get hurt some how I’m going to kill you.” I said. Erik brought his hands up in a casual way and said, “Okay.” He pulled out a red and black plaid decorated cloth and tied it around my eyes. Red and black filled my eyes and got brighter from the sun shining on it. I suddenly felt hands on my hips and moving me forward. “Erik please tell me that’s you holding my hips,” I pleaded. A husky laugh sounded and then I could feel a body press closer to my back and someone leaning closer to my ear. “Don’t worry it’s me, trust me,” Erik whispered in my ear.
I smiled slightly and nodded, “Okay go ahead.” Suddenly I could feel the ground disappear and in its place was now the seat of his Harlie. I let out a held back sigh and then felt a body being place behind me. “Erik, what are you doing,” I asked. “I want you to feel safe and I figured if I’m upfront then you won’t now and you won’t grab on to my waist and if I’m back here you can just relax and I can catch you if you try and fall.” He responded. I smiled and said, “Okay.” Silence followed and then the sound of his Harlie being turned on sounded. “Left up you feet a little,” Erik said. I smiled and did as he asked bringing my feet against the sides of the motorcycle. I could feel the Harlie move and I quickly grabbed on to what felt like metal in front of me. I could hear Erik laugh and say, “Babe, calm down I’ve got you.” I let my death grip on the metal drop and I took deep calming breaths. If it weren’t for the fact that I was freaking out right now I would be overjoyed about Erik calling me babe. I put all of my concentration on that fact and tried to get myself to relax which was a fail.
I could feel my heart beat speed up and could feel my breathing coming faster and heavier. I took in a breath and let it out slowly. I could feel the slight breeze that once was speed up and hit my face. I could hear the bike make the sound that told a blinded person on the front of the bike that the maniac driving is getting faster so you better hang on with all your worth. Erik is a good driver…he only got in one crash and he said that after that crash he would never go that fast again…now I’m not so sure if he meant that.
I could feel the Harlie finally slow to a stop and then I could hear the motors die. “Are we there,” I asked probably for the billionth time. Erik laughed and said, “Yep, I’ll help you get off and then I’ll get us seating and once we are seated I’ll take the blind fold off.” “Okay,” I said. Erik’s hands were on my hips and were lifting me up and moving me. My feet touched the ground and I restrained myself from falling to the ground and saying, “Land! Beautiful land!” Erik’s hand slid into mine (Or so I hoped it was Erik’s hand) and we were moving. “Okay watch out here comes the sidewalk,” Erik said. Where, I thought. His hand disappeared from mine but soon enough I could feel them on my hips lifting me up again as if though I weighed nothing. “Okay you’ve got to be tired from doing that,” I said. “Nah I’m enjoying the workout,” Erik said. Blood raced to my face and I could feel embarrassment wash over me. His hand left my hips once my feet were on the ground and resumed its place in my hand. I heard a bell ring and then the smell of garlic bread and seasoned pasta filled the air. Okay we are either in Olive Garden or we are in some Italian restaurant. “Hello how…may…I…help you? Um…miss are you aware that you have a blind fold on?” A female voice asked. Announce filled me as I said, “No really I thought that it was my sunglasses.” I heard a humph then suddenly Erik was pulling me. I guess the stupid waitress was showing us to our seats. Erik’s hand disappeared from mine and was on my hips pushing me down. When I was finally sitting the red and black plaid blind fold that has been covering my eyes this whole trip was snapped away from my eyes to reveal a nicely decorated restaurant. The table had a red and white square table cloth. There were a ketchup, mustard, and hot sauce containers at the left end of the table near the window and wall. In the middle of the table were two menus and there were red napkins probably containing silverware tied up by a white ribbon. The seats were red leather and we had a nice table that was near an almost private area. The restaurant wasn’t dead but it wasn’t packed it seemed like one of those days were waitresses could take their time and they could get the meals wrong by “accident”. Erik pulled out his seat across from me and said, “So what do you think? Do I know how to pick a restaurant or what?” I smiled at him and said, “I have to say this is a cute little restaurant.” Erik smiled and pulled up his menu so it was in sight and was slowly scanning for what he wanted to eat or maybe what he wanted to drink. I pulled up my menu and began looking at the drinks. Okay I need a drink that has no alcohol and is good with anything and everything… Coca Cola sometimes goes with everything. “I’m going to get Pepsi to drink what about you,” Erik asked. “Probably Coca Cola,” I responded. Erik nodded then looked back down at his menu. I did the same, bringing my attention away from Erik and his perfectly good looks and down to the boring menu with pictures of food that was making me hungry. Let’s see what can I eat, I pondered as I stared down at the menu. There’s Home cooked Lasagna, Momma Mia’s supreme shrimp pasta, and The supreme Italian Pizza. Well, I had pizza yesterday and all though I love pizza I know I couldn’t ever handle the same thing over and over and over again I have to have some quality. So now it was between the pasta and the lasagna. I love pasta but the lasagna sounds good. “Hi sugar I’ll be waiting on your table. So what do you want to drink,” I deep but high pitched female voice asked. “Yea I’d like a Pepsi to drink,” Erik’s voice answered. I looked up to see a big black woman standing near me her midnight black eyes locked on me and a pen and notepad in her hand. She had on a shirt that said, “Momma Mia’s Italian restaurant,” a black apron that had her name on the top right corner, and she had on tight jeans that either she was sucking in to wear or she had a belt that was both keeping her pants up and strangling her to death. “What about you sugar pie,” the woman asked. I starred up at her then back down at my menu trying to remember what I wanted to drink. Damn, I thought, I can’t remember what I wanted to drink. “I believe she wanted a Coca Cola, is that right,” Erik asked looking at me. I nodded dumbstruck for some reason and let him order for me. “Okay, Are you alright sugar pie,” She asked. I nodded, cleared my throat and said, “Yea just lost my voice.” Lie, I thought. The woman nodded, scribbled something down on the notepad and walked off. “Are you really losing your voice,” Erik asked. I shook my head and said, “No I just couldn’t talk for a second there.” Erik laughed at how stupid I was being and said, “Well you probably were surprised by the way she greeted us.” I shook my head and said, “No trust me it’s not that. I get greeted like that by waitresses all the time.” “Do you think it was because she’s black,” He asked. My eyes grew wide and I said, “No, no I’m not like that.” I hope. “Well, anyways um I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we could meet Carter and talk to him about my sister being kidnapped and such,” Erik said. I blushed then said, “That’s impossible.” “Why?” “Well, me and Carter actually met up today at Starbucks to talk about the whole me taking him to court and well he kind of pissed me off so I threw his still extremely hot cup of coffee in his face.” “Wow, that’s kind of hot,” Erik said. I smiled and laughed at his comment.
After we ate and were stuffed to the point of exploding we left the restaurant and returned to the house. Erik pulled us into the driveway, turned the Harlie off, and then got off. Once Erik was off I quickly threw my leg over to the other side of the motorcycle and got off. Dinner was great, well better than great it was perfect. We sat for hours just talking and before we knew it the restaurant was closing and then all the way home we just talked. I found out we had a lot in common. We both hated how people spread rumors just by once glance at a person, we like to watch romantic comedies and sometimes romance, and we both enjoyed drawn it is our main passion. I smiled at Erik and then walked up to the door and right under the porch light. Erik stopped in front of the door and then faced me. "What," I asked. Erik smiled down at me and said, "I'm just starring down at an amazing girl." I looked away quickly and brought my face down so that I was starring down at the concrete and my hair fell around my shoulders the shield my face from Erik's view. Oh my god did he just say what I think he said, I asked myself. I suddenly felt cool fingers under my chin and pulling my face up to look up at Erik. My heart beat sped up and I could feel my breathing coming faster and in sharper gasps. I couldn’t breathe or think when I was or ever am around him. Erik leaned down and I could feel blood race to my face. Erik leaned in closer and with our eyes still locked he kissed me. My eyes slowly closed and as they did I could hear the little voice in the back of my head screaming, "Yes he's finally kissing me!" I've been waiting for this moment for a while now and I've imagined this
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