» Juvenile Fiction » Famous Last Words, Leanne Yerdon [books to read to increase intelligence .TXT] 📗

Book online «Famous Last Words, Leanne Yerdon [books to read to increase intelligence .TXT] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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Thanks for being so supportive.” I said. Mason and Bryce walking up the steps. They both eyed Zach. I looked at them and nodded reassuringly. There facial expressions then loosened. Zach nodded he then looked at Mason then back at me. Zach then pulled me into him,pressing his lips against mine. I grunted and pushed him back. I wiped my lips.

“What the hell?!” I screamed. I looked over at Mason. His face starting to turn red.
“I deserve you not him. And I don’t care if they kick my ass right now. I know what I want and that’s you.”

"And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,I'm swimming through the ashes of another life,There's no real reason to accept the way things have changed,Staring down the barrel of a 45,Send a message to the unborn child,Keep your eyes open for a while,In a box high up on the shelf, left for you, no one else,There's a piece of a puzzle known as life,Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight,What ever happened to the young man's heart,Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart"

"Step away from my girlfriend. It isn't my fault you lost your chance. You had the best and treated her like shit. Now before I punch you I'll give you one last fucking warning. You ever touch her again you'll regret it." Mason said angrily stepping closer and closer to Zach. He then raised his arm and swung. His fist hitting Zach's jaw. I screamed. I watched as Zach didn't even fight back. He knew I hated fighting and all he did was just take it and fall to the floor of the deck. I then launched myself at Mason. My arms wrapped around his waist as he went to punch again.

"Mason Stop!" I yelled as I held him against me. He pushed me off. I felt the tears coming up to my eyes as he kept punching Zach. What bothered me was that Zach was actually doing something I told him. I always told him no fighting. I hated it. And he just laid there. I went to jump on them when Bryce held me.

"Just let them go.." He mumbled. I started to sob.

"Get off of him..Stop!" I yelled. Mason kept punching Zach's stomach. Zach started to cough. You could see the tears teasing his eyes. He just looked up. Bryce turned.

"Zach fight back!Zach fight back! Stop it Mason!" I screamed. Zach chuckled and shook his head as I continued to scream. We then all heard a crack. And this time it wasn't Zach's bones. It was Masons knuckles. Mason had punched the floor of the deck and stood up and walked inside. Bryce let me go. I cried and slid onto my knees beside Zach.

"Why didn't you fight back?.." I asked. Zach winced and turned to me.

"I broke so many other promises to you. I wasn't going to break any others." He mumbled. He did break almost every promise. He knew he did and at times I wondered if it ever really mattered to him that he did this to me. What he was saying now made me question everything. My face then went cold. I didn't need any guy anymore. No matter who they were no matter what they had done. They all had the same motive..All of them were the same. Even Mason. His perfect exterior and actions through out the beginning. He knew I hated fighting and yet he was hurting Zach,himself and me all at the same time. I loved him but if you truly love someone you'd try your best to protect them from the pains of life.

"Bryce pick Zach up and put him on the couch. I'll get him ice." I said and walked into the house,leaving the door open for Bryce with Zach in his arms. I watched as he laid Zach on the couch and put a pillow under his head. I pulled the lever to the freezer on the bottom of the fridge and then grabbed an icepack. I walked back out and put it on Zach's ribs. I gulped and sat at the edge of the couch. I tensed as Zach moved lightly and winced in pain.

"Here." I turned to see Bryce behind me. He had a cup of some liquid and two pills.

"What is it?" Zach questioned and took them both. The glass in one hand and the pills in the other.

"The drink is vodka to help with the pain and to knock you out and the pills are for the pain and to knock you out as well." Bryce said. Zach cocked an eyebrow.

"If they both give the same effect why do I need both?" He questioned. Bryce smirked.

"If there both pretty powerful with regular pains. Together they should kick ass at the pain your gonna be going through. Now drink up." Bryce said. Zach nodded and did as he was told. Putting the pills on his tongue and then swallowing them with the drink. Bryce took the glass. I then heard pounding from Bryces room. I went to get up but Bryce put me back down.

"I think you should stay out here until I say it's okay..He needs to calm down first." Bryce said. I nodded. Bryce knew me all to well. He knew what my intentions would be if I were to talk to Mason right now.I would scold him and make probably everything ten times worse. But I don't think anyone could blame me. Watching the two people you love fight. I wasn't even sure anymore on if I loved Mason. I went with him right after I lost my first love. I couldn't be sure what was going on with every emotion and or feeling in my body right now. I looked at the injured boy in front of me.

I remembered how much I wished and wanted him to be like this. To be in the riving pain that I had been feeling on the inside for months and days on end. And now I got my wish and I wasn't even satisfied. This boy had taken and hidden me from the world. I was so involved with keeping him and myself happy. Every thought everything I did I did with him. I never noticed how many weekends I had dedicated to him till now. How many things I did that involved him. It was like my whole existance for the time being was all dedicated to his. And I didn't even notice everything around me that was totally falling apart..

"Wow that stuff really works.." I jumped a little as my whole zoning out mode and think mode were interupted. I turned to Zach. His eyes drooped and you could see how hard he was trying to keep them open.

"You need sleep." I said. He nodded. I went to stand up when he laid his hand on mine.

"I'm so sorry for ever hurting you. It was stupid. Because you were the best I could ever have and I know its too late to say sorry now but I need it to be said.. I made all of those promises because I did and do love you. I wouldn't have made them if I didn't.. I just at times questioned my love because of what I was going through and I know you were going through harder things and anything I was couldn't compare but it still hurts me at times...And it hurts me that I ruined something that could have turned into something as beautiful as you.." He said and his eyes just dropped. I pulled away and walked out of the house. I walked and walked down the road. I didn't stop. I didn't want to.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated.." I thought. A crack of thunder then was heard. I groaned as the rain then poured down. I pulled my hood up and ran to the side of the road. On each side was all woods. I hid underneath a tree and watched as the rain poured down and hit the road.

"I'd do anything for you..You knew that...You took advantage..What should I even think of doing now..?" I said and held my knees against my chest and leaned against the tree..


Publication Date: 02-12-2012

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