» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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"The only way to enter the dungeon is through the throne room. Behind the curtains behind the throne is a gate, usually guarded by two Venusians. One of them has the key. Once inside, you continue down a set of stone stairs for nearly a quarter of a mile, with a Venusian guard every six yards of so. Finally, there is one locked gate, and behind that is the prison where each Venusian who refused to serve Syren is bound to the wall. Ever since you, the Queen, Avagone, Leila, and Erwina escaped, Syren has ordered an even greater amount of security. Since there is a festival, though, there may not be so many guards. Shall I come with you, Sister?"

"No. Hide Jezebel in the Queen's chamber, so that everything may seem well. If I fail, I do not want you to pay the price, Sister. Farewell."

Martia nodded as Dulcea hurried down the hall and down the stairs. Every so often, Dulcea encountered Syren's guards, but to her surprise, many of them were unwilling to fight the keeper of the Ninjetti power. By the time she reached the throne room, she had encountered over a dozen soldiers willing to help her save the prisoners. They were all told to stand there ground until the prisoners were freed, and to keep watch on the unconscious Venusians who were faithful to Syren. When Dulcea reached the throne room, she snuck past the guards and entered the gate leading to the rose garden behind the palace. Once she was outside, she quickly ducked behind a bush, so she wouldn't be seen, and cautiously glanced towards the stage. She saw Kimberly and Syren still fighting, and Syren seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

Come on, Princess,

Duclea thought as she watched, Have faith in yourself, and in your animal guide!

Dulcea crept through the rose garden, and soon she encountered Renee, hiding by the gate.

"Renee," she whispered, "I have found the dungeon."

"Great!" said Renee, "I was starting to worry about you. You've been gone for a while."

"Yes. There were many guards stationed inside the palace, but many of them chose to join us in a rebellion. There may be more Venusians we can count as friends, meaning we aren't truly outnumbered."

"Fantastic! Where are they?"

"They are inside the castle, keeping watch. Two women can sneak into the dungeon more effectively than a dozen. Once we free our sisters in the dungeon, we all shall regroup here in the garden and surround the courtyard. Hopefully Kimberly shall win, but I have a feeling Syren will cheat to keep her throne. If Kimberly loses due to an unfair battle, then we must intervene."

"And if Kim loses fair and square?"

"Then there is nothing we can do to save her life. But, we can still take back Venus Island. Follow me."

Renee silently followed Dulcea through the thick garden, tilting her head to see the fight on the stage.

Oh, you better win this one, Girl. We won't be able to help you!

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Upon the stage, Kimberly has reverted to a defensive tactic, trying her best to deflect Syren's powerful blows with her own sword. Syren continues to advance on the young princess, and Kimberly is constantly stepping back, keeping aware of the blazing fire behind her.

"You haven't a chance against me, Hybrid!" declared Syren, "You fight as if you've never held a blade before!"

Well, I really haven't

Kim thought to herself, I always fought with my Power Bow, and occasionally I used the blaster/blade. But I really don't know how to use this sword! It's a wonder I can even keep up with Syren. She may not be much of a fighter in terms of Venusian standards, but she is still way outta my league! I better come up with something fast, or I'm toast!

As Kimberly ducked and dodged, a soft, gentle voice echoed in her mind.

*Kimberly Hart of the tribe of Naya,*

said the voice, *Ninjetti warrior and princess, hear me!*

Who are you,

thought Kim, And why are you in my head?!

*I am the Crane, child, your animal guide. You are fighting a battle that you can only win on your own terms.*

What do you mean?

*You have chosen to fight by Syren's rules. You use a sword, a weapon she is proficient with, that you have never mastered. You cannot beat Syren in a duel of swords. However, you can win a match of wits.*

You're right! I can win this, if I fight with my own tactics!

Kimberly then dropped the cumbersome sword, and leapt high into the air. Syren, who was caught completely unawares by Kim's sudden action, was in the middle of a powerful slice with her sword. Before she could recover her bearings, Kimberly had landed behind her, and delivered a sharp kick to the small of Syren's back. Syren fell forward, dropping her Hyperion blade into the pit of fire, and just missing the pit herself. Syren then rolled quickly to the side, and rose to her feet. However, she wasn't able duck before Kimberly fiercely whip kicked her in the face, and swept her to the ground. Syren fell on her back this time, with a thin stream of blood streaming from her lip. Kimberly then lifted her Hyperion Blade to Syren's throat, and held it on her skin. The blade began to glow with red flames, and Syren could feel its burning touch.

"Well," she said, "what are you waiting for? Kill me already!"

Kimberly continued to stare coldly into Syren's gray eyes, but she didn't deliver the final strike.

"Dulcea told me that Venusian's don't kill their own," Kim said quietly, "Even though you have betrayed us by murdering our sisters and pledging yourself to such an evil being as Lord Zedd, I can't bring myself to kill you in cold blood. Do you yield to me, and surrender your crown and your soldiers?"

"Yes," Syren whispered, "I yield."

Kimberly smiled and withdrew the blade from Syren's neck. She then looked up, and saw most of the Venusians in the crowd cheer her victory. She then looked to the sky, and saw a small white owl flying overhead.

I knew Dulcea was looking over me,

she thought to herself.

Suddenly, Kim felt a sharp blade slice through her back. She fell to her knees, and everyone gasped to see the handle of a small dagger sticking out from her back.

"Nice battle, little girl," said Syren, "Too bad you managed to throw my blade into the fire. That knife in your back won't finish you, but it will certainly slow you down long enough."

Syren bent over and picked up the Hyperion Blade Kimberly had dropped. Syren raised the blade high, but before she could deliver the final blow, the white owl swooped down and grabbed the blade with its claws. Syren gasped as the bird landed on the ground, and transformed into the form of Dulcea.

"Despicable, vile traitor!" cried Dulcea, holding the sword in her hand, "How dare you stab the princess in the back! You lost the fight, and you relinquished your crown!"

Renee ran onto the stage, and helped Kimberly to her feet. Dulcea held the sword to Syren and turned to face the crowds.

"Sisters!" she cried, "You have served this evil being for long enough! Syren has murdered in cold blood, and now she dares stab Kimberly in the back, after she was merciful enough to spare her life! She has gone too far, and now her reign of terror is over!! Now is the day of reckoning! Do you stand beside Syren, or do you stand beside Kimberly, victor of the final battle, and child of Naya?"

To Syren's horror, all of the Venusians in the crowd cried for Kimberly. Syren's eyes flared with rage, and she created a powerful blast, knocking everyone besides herself off the stage. Syren rose to her feet, and ran behind the stage, where Scorpina, her most faithful warrior, waited.

"I have not lost yet!" cried Syren angrily, "Scorpina, you must go to the mirror in my bedchamber, and contact Lord Zedd. Tell him to send a monster, and help me regain my throne! I shall finish off Kimberly, once and for all!"

Scorpina nodded, and Syren snuck around the stage, cloaking herself with a spell of mist. On the ground beside the stage, Renee and Dulcea helped Kim to her feet.

"What happened?" Kim asked drearily.

"You were stabbed, Princess," said Dulcea, "But you shall soon heal. Syren and Scorpina have fled, but the other Venusians support you. Renee and I managed to free the imprisoned Venusians, and they are all here now, for you to command."

"We... we have to find Syren and Scorpina! If they try to get Zedd to help, then we're in real trouble."

Dulcea nodded, and then saw a suspicious flash of golden light. She looked up, and saw a shrouded figure running into the palace.

"Scorpina," she whispered, "She shall not escape me again! Renee, tend to Kimberly. I'll follow Scorpina!"

Dulcea ran after Scorpina, and all the other Venusians searched the grounds for Syren. Little did they know that she hid beneath the stage, waiting for her chance to attack.

"I will have my revenge!" she whispered to herself, watching as Renee removed the knife from Kimberly's back.

"You'll be fine in a few minutes, Kim," said Renee quietly, "The wound is already healing."

Kim smiled, and in the corner of her eye, she saw Syren peaking out from behind a wooden beam. She gasped.

"Renee!" she cried, "Look out!"

Renee turned around just in time to see Syren approaching menacingly. Renee's eyes glowed orange, and a snarl crossed her face.

"Oh, no you don't!" she cried, throwing her hand up, "You're finished, Creep!"

A powerful ball of orange energy flew from Renee's palm, crashing into Syren's stomach and throwing the former queen onto the stage. She rolled back helplessly on the marble, and fell into the pit of flames meant for her enemies. Her cries of agony chilled all those who heard it to the bone.

"I... oh my God!" shrieked Renee, holding her hand to her mouth, "I didn't mean to..."

"Its okay, 'Ne," said Kim quietly, sitting up, "It wasn't your fault. Syren had her chance to surrender, and she didn't take it."

"How do you feel, Kim?" asked Renee, helping the young princess to her feet.

"I'm okay," Kim said, "But I will be better once my family is free, and Scorpina is captured."

Renee and Kim walked over to the cage enclosing Kelly. Kelly was holding her knees to her chin, quaking with fear. Not far away was the larger cage, holding the other part-Venusians. Kim gestured for Renee to free them,

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