» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗

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want to stay for the celebration, and spend a few days learning about their ancestry. Kim and I would really love it if you'd attend the celebration.^

"We'll be there," said Tommy, "You can count on it."

Chapter Thirty-One

A few days later, the five Zeo Rangers, accompanied by the former Gold Ranger Jason Lee, materialized on the shore of Venus Island. However, the scene was nothing like Tommy or Jason remembered it. The sand was pearly white, reflecting the soft rays of the noon sun. The waters were crystal clear and as blue as the sky, with gentle waves caressing the shore. Beautiful seashells of infinite colors, shapes, and sizes decorated the shore, adding a splash of color to the white sand. The grassline began only a few yards inland, and instead of the deadly venus flytraps that sprouted, there were lovely tropical flowers spotting the lush green grass. The rest of the island was hidden in a dense jungle, all but a magnificent mountain, whose peak reached into the clouds.

"Wow," said Katherine quietly, "This place is magnificent."

"Gorgeous," said Tanya.

"Spectacular," said Adam.

"Cool," said Rocky. The others all stared at him in utter amazement. He only shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. "Okay, I admit it! I'm not a poet, okay? Sue me!"

As the rangers began to laugh, a rustling in the forest could be heard. They turned around, and saw Renee Ryan step out of the dense vegetation. She was wearing a short, silk orange toga, with three fine golden chains as straps, and a golden belt with the image of a tiger on the buckle. Her feet were wrapped in leather sandals, and her long hair tumbled loosely around her face. She smiled cheerily at her guests.

"Hey everyone! How've ya been?"

"Not bad," said Rocky, "Things've been pretty quiet since the Labius monster. I guess Zedd decided to take a break."

"Well, we have final exams in a few weeks, so I hope Zedd keeps quiet for a while," said Tanya.

"Where's Kimberly anyway?" asked Tommy, looking around expectantly, "I mean, I was under the impression that she'd meet us."

"Well, Dulcea's been working our young princess relentlessly," said Renee, gesturing towards the jungle, "So Kim asked me to come down and guide you all to Ambrosia, the city atop the mountain."

"That looks like an awful long hike," said Rocky.

"Well, its a long walk, but the scenery is great. For some reason, the only window for teleportation is the shore. I think Dulcea said something about the altitude of Mount Ambrosia interfering with the teleporter."

The rangers all followed Renee into the jungle, marvelling at the splendid array of exotic plants and animals they saw on their hike. Tommy sped up and walked side by side with Renee as the others trailed behind.

"How's Kim doing?" he asked quietly.

"She's tired, but fine," said Renee, "Dulcea wants to get back to Phaedos ASAP, so she's pushing Kim to the limit. But, Kim's always been capable of dealing with pressure. I guess that's what makes her such a great gymnast."

"Speaking of gymnasts, what's gonna happen to your careers? You and Kim are celebrities, Renee. You can't just disappear without a trace."

"I know, I know. Its probably really tough on my dad and sister, too. Kim said we can tell our loved ones what really happened to us, and maybe the Power Rangers can tell the world that Kim and I were killed in an attempt by Rita and Zedd to sabotage the Pan Global Games, or something creative like that."

"Oh," said Tommy, looking down, "So, you're definitely never coming back?"

"So long as Kim and I live on Venus Island, the magic in the air and earth will keep us immortal. Someone has to rule this island, and Kim really is perfect for the job. I'm taking the place my mother held in Naya's court. I'm the head enchantress--a general."

Tommy nodded mutely, and slowed down, falling into step with his friends. Katherine, Tanya, Adam, and Rocky were all still enthralled by the beauty of Venus Island. Jason walked beside his best friend, studying his face curiously.

Man, I sure hope he gets the nerve to talk to Kim before we leave,

he thought, I haven't seen Tommy this depressed since he lost his Green Ranger power. Losing Kim to that "other guy"

must've really been tough for him, but losing her to fate might be even worse. At least he had hope before, but now it looks like their relationship was just not to be.

"Okay guys!" called Renee, coming to a stop at a curtain of vines, "Welcome to Ambrosia, home of the Venusians!"

Renee smiled widely as she parted the curtain of grapevines, revealing a magnificent city of white pillars, marble statues, flowing fountains, and in the center, a pearly palace, with silver gates. The entire city was surrounded by a fine golden fence. Renee touched her hand to the keyhole at the door of the fence, and it swung open, allowing the seven teens passage into the city of myth. Dozens of beautiful women, all wearing silk gowns similar to Renee's, stopped what they were doing to greet the rangers, ask questions of them, and answer their questions. Tommy couldn't pay attention to them, though. He was too busy gazing up at the palace longingly. Katherine stopped chatting with one Venusian, and turned to follow Tommy's gaze. Her heart fell as she looked at him, and she touched his hand gently. Tommy's hand retracted from her touch, and Kat looked away sadly. Soon, the group was separated, with Tanya and Adam going off with a group of Venusians to explore more of the jungle, Rocky following another group to the kitchens where the feast was being prepared, and Katherine went to examine some of the Venusian sculptures more closely. Renee took Jason for a tour of the entire city, leaving Tommy by the fountain. He sat down on the marble edge of the fountain, staring at the water trickling from the small statue of a woman, holding a bowl of water. Tommy sighed as he stared at the statue, not knowing that a pair of doe-brown eyes was watching him from above.

Chapter Thirty-Two

"Kimberly! Will you please

pay attention to me?!"

Kimberly quickly turned away from the window she was gazing out of, and turned to her mentor in surprise.

"What did you say, Dulcea?" she asked sheepishly. She then felt a sharp prick from a needle. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry, dear," said Caroline Hart, "but I can't sew this gown with you moving so much! Keep still, or we'll never have you ready for the feast tonight!"

Kim sighed quietly and stood up straight, allowing her mother and her aunt Josephine to continue sewing another layer of silver lace over her soft pink silken gown. Not far, Kim's cousin Kelly was busy polishing the jewelry Kimberly was to wear for the occasion--a silver tiara, silver wing earrings, and a choker with the emblem of the Crane skillfully etched in its face. Beside her, Dulcea was standing, holding out her staff.

"Now listen, Kimberly, this is important," said Dulcea, "You know that, as leader of Venus Island, you are in charge of battles as well. You must lead your army into battle. You may someday have to aid the Power Rangers against Lord Zedd, or even face Divatox if she may return. Now, the primary weapon of a Venusian priestess is the staff. You've seen me use it in battle before. You can use it as a shield, a weapon, or you can separate it at the center to create the twin Whistling Sticks."

Dulcea snapped her staff into two pieces, and demonstrated the whistling attack she had used on Ivan Ooze's Tenga Warriors over a year ago. Kim, Caroline, Jo, and Kelly all covered their ears desperately, trying to block out the horrible scratching sound of the sticks.

"Okay, okay!" shrieked Kim, "I get the message!"

Dulcea sighed and stopped twirling the sticks. She snapped her staff back together and approached Kimberly. "What is distracting you so, Kimberly? In only two hours, you shall be crowned queen of Venus Island, and come the dawn, I shall return to Phaedos. We must finish preparations. What could possibly be on your mind now?"

Kim sighed, and blushed a rosy pink. She then gestured out the window. Dulcea peered out the window, and her gaze fell upon Tommy, silently sitting by the fountain. Dulcea sighed loudly.

"The Red Ranger?" she asked, "Child, you have no time to be daydreaming!"

"Give her a break, Dulcea," said Caroline, sewing a silver sash just below Kimberly's waistline, "She's a young girl in love. What's the big deal?"

"The 'big deal' is that there is nothing she can do about it! Kimberly shall soon be crowned queen of Venus Island, and she shall rule this isle forever. The boy is a human, he'll be dead in fifty years or so."

All the women present gasped at the crude statement. Kimberly's eyes glassed over, and she once again lost herself as she gazed upon Tommy's depressed form. "You're right, Duclea. It wouldn't be right. I'm not even human. He deserves someone who can give her life to him, as well as her love. Tommy'll always have my heart, but I can't give him my life. Its just not mine to give."

"Oh, honey," cooed Caroline, hugging her only daughter warmly, "I'm so sorry things didn't work out between you and Tommy. Maybe you should talk to him, and tell him how you feel."

"But why?" she asked her mother, "I can't be with him, anyway! And besides, he's got Katherine now. He's happy with Kat, and so I'm happy."

"Does he look happy to you, Kim?" asked Kelly, pointing out at Tommy, "If you just talk to him, and let everything out in the open, at least you can live with yourself and move on. Who knows, Tommy might just cheer up abit if he knew you still had the hots for him."

"I don't believe this," sighed Kim, "I'm taking love advice from my fourteen year

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