» Juvenile Fiction » Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Ravenhart

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"Don't worry right now Miyu. At the moment, we have to get you out of here" His voice was ferm rather than softHe lifted me off of the bed and on to his back and jumped out of the window in to the dark night with the white haired man close behind. They ran for hours and eventuelly I fell asleep. The sun came up probibly hours after I fell asleep, which woke me up and they were still running.The forest was thicker than I remember "Oh you are awake" Amara looked behind himself, at me as I looked up at him and yawned. "Shit they are faster than I thought, they are here" the white haired man growled. "Are you serious" Amara asked. Then some thing sharp went through my back, right below my left shoulderblade. "Ow that is not comfertable......" I said, it did not hurt as much as I'd thought it would."Miyu, are you okay" the white haired man asked. "I'm fine" I answered.
After a few moments there was unbearable pain, where the bullet hit me. "Eno, go alert the others that we are comming, I'll hold these guys off" Amara ordered him as he set me down at the base of a tree. I was bearly cauncious by then, but some thing happened at that moment. There was an unbelieveable surge of power that went through my entire body. The pain was gone and before I knew it, I was going after those men like a bat out of hell. A few minnutes after I finished them off I heard a female voice "Leon, get her out of here before she destroys the forest" she said. I looked at her ordering Amara very curious about her calling him by a different name. "Miyu, are you okay with this state that you are in" Amara asked.
"She called you Leon....." I tilted my head as I looked at him, my crouched defensive position locked in place. "Yes, that is my name- My first name. Amara ia my second name, humans know my first name as a murderous vampire. That is why I fled the city once you ran off, but you were much faster than I expected to get to Eno's cabbin before I did" he explained to me what made sence in my own not-so-demestic mind. Leon held his hand out to me as if he thought I was going to attack. My position broke and I fell, nearly uncauncious. "You need blood don't you" he smiled at my side gently holding me up with both arms around my waist. Just then I realized than my K-9 teeth were longer and sharper than normal. "Am I a-" He had his wrist slit open and in my mouth before I could finish. All I could do then was drink untill I was asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night in what seemed like an open-faced treehouse, with Leon at the far corner posting as a guard, or at least it seemed like that. My bright red hair was behind me, yet it feld longer than it was before. It was croped short, but now it seemed long. I sat up to get a view of my now long hair-it was lower than my waist no boubt. Then he noticed that I was awake, he went over to me in a flash that I could some how see, it was slightly faster than human speed. He came with a blanked knowing that I was cold and wraped it around me. "What am I" I asked in a gentle suprano voice that suprised me."You are a half blood" he answered. It fell silent for a few seconds then he contenued. "You are half vampire and half...." he trailed off. "Half what" I was curious and anxious to know. "I'm not quite sure, I've never come across a half blood before. They are extremely rare, you could say" he answered. He sounded very tired so I let the silence rise until I fell asleep again. He did as well soon after.
Chapter 3
I woke up the next morning with Leon brhind me, holding me by the waistlind in a soft iron grip. Beside the fortress, near a lake there was a large bonfire. All I could think about at the time was how close he was to me, his warmth seeping through my clothes. He soon woke up and was alert of what I saw of a man near the thicket of the forest. He stood up inedietly and the others near the fire started to approach the man. He had short dark brown hair and a large black trench coat. I looked up t Leon, curious if I should stand up to take guard. Some how he told me to lie down, though he did not speak aloud. He told me through my own thoughts. I obeyed him and layed down to the surface.
He leaped off the tree and was instantly out of sight.
I heard him greet the guy in a formal vampiric matter. The girl from last night apeared above me. Leon told me by thought that her name was Skye, and that she was going to take me some where safe. She grabed my hand and ran with me trailing behind her. We ended up near a large city, but there were guards at a gate that surrounded it. "Leon wanted us to go shopping for those of us who need food" she informed me as we approached the gate. "How will we be able to-" I was cut off by one of the guards:"Hey, you two girls. Do you have a pass to get into this teretory?" Skye took out a card and handed it to him, and he smiled taking it "She needs one too."
"I think he wants to see the card in your wallet, Miyu" Skye told me. I took a black leather wallet out of my pocket and looked at it, then at Skye curiously. She just winked at me. I took a card out that looked like a plastic ticket and gave it to him. He let us in, sliding our cards through a machine, then giving them back to us. We went through the gate. All I could was stores, houses, malls and other city stuff for miles. It seemed like for ever since I last saw the city, although it was really only a couple of days ago.It seemed like yesterday that my mother and the rest of them were killed, though..
People soon started to stare. "Why are-" She covered my mouth and whispered "They know that we are outsiders, that we don't belong here.." Hours passed and we had a lot of food and groceries. Soon there became a large blanket of shadows shrouding at least ten blocks if the city. Soon after I heard a voice and froze."My daughter, it's good to finally see you again" it was the voice of a semi-older man's voice, then there was laughter.It was as if he was planning some thing.. Was it him who had killed my mother? Was that the same man who left her nine years ago?
I suddenly lifted my mind from my thoughts and was on te ground with fire and bodies every where. I sat up slowly, noticed a gouging pain in my head. I winced at the pain, then I groaned as loud as a normal human. Then I noticed that Leon was sitting over me, smiling. "Are you okay" he asked in his usual gentle tone. "I'm fine" I answered trying to get up, but then some thing dragged me from my right arm, away from them, out of the city and through the forest. Soon after hitting trees, shrubs and rocks, I passed out.
Leon Amara Kuhnxaki
As I saw her wake up, she looked as peaceful as ever through all the blood that she was covered in. I could feel the pain in her head from her skull cracking. She soon sat up, all I could do was look at her and smile. Then I found what I was looking for, through the sorrow and pain that I had for her. "Are you okay" I asked her. "I'm fine" she said, it looked as if she was struggling. Then there was a powerful force that riped my heart out and she was being dragged away by it. I ran after her as far and as long as I could, but I soon fell from exaustion. I fell to my knees, and punched the ground as hard as I could.
We were in our hideout. Days, weeks and even months had passed since she was taken from me. All I could do was think and to plan on how I would get her back from her father. She is only fourteen and needs to be eighteen for him to kill her. I knew exactly where he was and mapped out the entire fortress. "Guys, I know how to get her back. I'll need Skye, Tashinu, Eno, Manyi, Nagumeth, Lin and Ryoske. We leave tonight.
Once we got ther, it was heavily guarded. Men and soldiers every where. We already knew that this would happen, since it is the eve of her fifteenth birthday. I signaled them to go in as I explained at the base. They all fanned out, each one covering an erea of the large cement structure. We finnaly got in after a few hours. We weere in the basement, they were mearly a large labrynth of tunnels, one of them leading to the holding cell with her in it.We seperated and I went alone. The others went in groups of two. After a few miles of endless tunnels, I found it. The gate that leads to her, she was hidden behind a brick slab. She was out of sight, I couldn't even smell her. I could just sence her through my heart. The guards in the other corridor sensed me. They went after me. "Damnit" I mumbled loud enough for even a half blood to hear.

The guards were on me like wild dogs on a peace of meat. Soon enough we busted through the wall of her cell, brawling. She looked malnurished, as if she had no human food since I last saw her. She also looked frightened for her life, though I could not blame her. One of the guards were above me, aiming a gun at my chest. I took his loert arm and threw him to the wall at the end of the chamber. Another guard went after me from behind, I lept up above him and slit his throught. Blood went every where, even on Miyu. There was no more... I figured there would be more than just a couple of amiture policemen to guare the princess of which her father wants to kill.

I went up to miyu and kneeled down becide her "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine" she replied, though I knew that she was not.

"Get on my back" I turned around, still kneeling on one knee. She hesitated, but then was on my back, her arms locked around my neck.

Chapter 4

Miyu Kyukie

I looked up from my own dwelling of solitude, when I heard a crash. I saw Leon on the ground, strugling with guards on top of him. I was scared. I was frozen in place, my energy as low as possible. He soon defeated them, but I was still frozen. He was next to me in an instant. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine" I answered, although I was in crucial pain. He made me get on his back through a blur and we were back at the fortress. Leon was giving orders to move out. All I know was that I needed blood and
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