» Juvenile Fiction » Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Ravenhart

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that I was in his arms.

He set me down, his arms around me. I wanted to bite him, but he was taller than I am. He lowered him self and said "Go ahead, you need to. You are weak from your father keeping you locked up. From not being able to have any" I hesitated, but my natural vampire instincts took over and my fangs were in his throught before I could think. I drank for several minnutes untill I realized that I was stronger. I stoped, afraid to hurt him more than necessary. I looked up at him as he rose to full height, he was still as strong as ever. "Thank you, Leon" I nearly mumbled. "We are going to have to seperate the clan into different cities and maybe even countries if we have to. We have to stay as far away from your father as possible."

We found a large city on the other side of the country, Leon, Tashinu, Manyi, Skye, Nagumeth, Eno, Takumi, Ryoske, and I Spread out to different parts of that city, but will go to the same school district. Leon, Skye and I are to live in the same house. He has enough money to pay for it. We got furnicher and extra stuff that we might not need. A few days later, we got settled in and in school. My first class is Math. I walk into class early and no one is there yet exept for the teacher, Mr. Gogh'n. Hw is writing the morning exorsize on the board, then he turns around to greet me. "Oh hello, are you new here?"

"Yes I am new, and I was told that this was my first class"

"Oh I see... Take a seat and I'll introduce you to the class once the bell rings"

I sit at a window seat on the far right of the room, near the back of the room. A few minnutes later the room was full. The bell rang just moments after that. He starts with a class welcoming and tells me to come to the front, so I do. "This young lady is new to our school." He introduces me. "Tell the class about your self" He tells me "I'm Miyu and umm........" My voice travels off. "Miyu, you are supposed to say your full name and some thing about your self, be a proud person" Mr. Gogh'n says "I'm Miyu Aiko Kyukie and I lost my family.." I say softly, grabbing the ends of my sleves. "You may take a seat now, Miss Kyukie.." Mr. Gogh'n says in disapointment. I take a seat as he begins the lesson. A few long hours later, the bell rings for lunch. I start to pack up my stuff in my bag as a guy walks up to me. He sits in the chair in front of me"Hi" I don't reply, I just get up and start to walk off, but he grabs my arm. "Hey that hurts" I pull away. "It's rude to walk away when some one is talking to you" he still has my arm."Let go" I shout, just as Leon walks in the room. He looks pissed as he walks twards us and grabs his arm "What the hell are you doing" He asks staring at him. "I uh..." he backs up tripping over air. Leon turns his attention to me and his expression soft "Are you okay, Miyu" he asks "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me" Leon looks at the handprint grip mark on my arm "You lie..."

He takes my hand and leads me to the cafateria where there are a lot of people and probably about forty percent of them are looking at us. "Go get your self some food, you need it" He hands me a ten dollar bill. and walks off to a table where our friends are. I walk to the lunch line and grab a few things that look good and a skinny blond lady rang me up for the food I got, I gave her the ten and she gave me my change. I go to sit next to them and start to eat silently. Skye and Ryoske were having a 'conversation' and every one else was just eating, as I was. All of a sudden every one heard a crashing sound, outside. Leon stood up and guarded me just after a shard of glass hits me from the window shatters. There was an SUV half way through the wall-window of the cafateria. I almost caughed up blood from the glass in my side.

Leon looks at me with pain in his eyes "Are you okay, Miyu" he asks. "I'm fine, it's not verry deep" I stand up dumping my trey in a near by garbage can. I started walking back to the half trashed table and I collapsed, in more pain than I have ever been in. I was caughing up blood and it started to get dark. Soon enough I saw floating lights rising up into the darkness. I found my self waking up in the nurs's office covered in bandages. Some one walks in the room and I jump in surprise of the sound. It's a nurse, she is dressed casual as if her shift was over long ago. "Hello, Miyu, your boyfriend is in the hallway, waiting for you" she winks as she shuts down her computer. I get up and slip my shoes on, just as Leon comes in. "Are you okay, Miyu" he asks, verry concerned. "I'm fine" I say, realizing the pain is gone. As we are walking out, the nurse tosses Leon a duffel bag and winks at him. "I'll tell you later" he tells me, we are walkng down the hallway twards the exit.

Once we get home we both drop our bodies into the couch. Leon turns on the TV on a comedy channel and heads to the kitchen, just as my stomach growls. A couple minnutes later he comes back in the room with a plate of food. "Oh, thank you" I start eating, realizing how hungry I am. The food is gone and he takes my plate back into the kitchen. I yawn. Leon is back in the living room and says "C'mon, lets go to bed. It's almost midnight." He picks me up and I basicly fall asleep in his arms, on our way to my room.

I wake up, almost jumping out of bed, there is a lightning storm outside. I look over my bedside at my clock It's three fifteen in the morning. I see a shadow in the doorway. Once I scream Leon runs to the doorway, turning the light on. The figure is gone. "Where'd he... There was a man in the doorway a minnute ago... I swear I saw some one" I burry my face in my arms, my eyes wide. "Just as long as you are safe" leon is at my side, comforting me. "Do you want to sleep in my room, just to be safe? It's the weekend, so we don't have to wake up early." I get up, half naked. I take his hand, him leading me into his room. I lay in his bed, under his warm blankets, him next to me with his arms protectively around my waist.

I woke up the next morning not knowing what happened the night before and when I opened my eyes I saw him staring at him, his gentle eyes peering down at me. I wanted to scream in surprise, but all I could do is blush crimson red. He just smiles at me. "Good morning, Miyu" he says and kisses my forhead. I look down realizing what I'm wearing and I covered my self with the sheets, shuting my eyes tightly. "Don't worry I've seen enough of you for it not to bother" he smiles and gets up, grabbing a white button-up.

I get up and head to my room to get dressed as Leon heads to his balcony. I head downstairs afterwards to make breakfast. It's made and I'm setting the table as Leon gets down stairs, to the dining room. "Smells good" he kisses my neck. "Thanks" I say as we sit down and start eating. Once we finish eating, we head out to see the city. We were in a large shopping district, with a lot of people, stores and restraunts. Miyu started wandering aimlessly around the large district, soon enough she lost sight of Leon and got lost. Se started wandering more, trying to figure out where she was when she ended up in an alley. There was a raggedy old man behind her. She backed into the wall at the end. He looked like a begger, but she could see it in his eyes that he was under his spell. Soon enough an tall girl with long black hair came down between her and the old begger. Miyu knew who the girl was instantly, it was her older sister whom she thought died. It was Kaia.

The begger soon turned into a freakish demon. Miyu went to Kaia's side and was ready to fight. She knew how to kill it, but she didn't know how to access her powers as well as her older sister. She ran twards it, unshiething her katanas."Miyu, don't-" Kais yelled after her, but it was too late. It was a trap that Miyu fell for. The demon held her by the throat as she struggled to breathe. Kaia let go of her shadow, freezing her own body in place. She moved her shadow into the demon's body and stoped it's heart. Miyu droped to the ground unconsious just as Leon came back with a few of their friends, the younger ones were at the near by park. "Damn it. What the hell happened?" He demanded walking twards her limp body. "There was an attack, she was tricked. I'm sorry" Kaia says as he kneels down to pick her up.

Miyu wakes up on a bench, her vision blurry. Her throat was burning. As soon as her vision came to she saw an ice-cream cone from a friendly hand. She took it warily as she sat up. She licked the cold ice-cream a couple of times before smiling up to Leon as he sat next to her. They were next to a playground with childeren every where. It looked as if it were about high noon.


Publication Date: 06-05-2011

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