» Juvenile Fiction » Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Halfblood, Jessica Ravenhart [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Ravenhart

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Chapter 1
As I was running through the thick forest I saw men starting to surround me. They were bad men, they were attacking me from every direction. I tryed to keep them away by attacking them bach but they were too strong and there were too many of them. Then all of a sudden there was a surge of pain in my sholder and my vision went black. When I woke up I was on the ground, though I still could not see. After a moment of comfusing blackness I started to hear a voice.The voice was soft like velvet but ferm, as if the voice was afraid. A few minnutes later I was able to see: there was a dark haired man at my side whispering "Please be okay". I tryed to move but to my suprise I was in too much pain soo I groaned in agoney of pain. He flenched at my sound. All of a sudden I found my self in the strange man's arms. My arms pressed at his chest, he is warm. Then I noticed there was blood every where, my instant reaction was to push the man away and stare with fear and shock. "What is wrong" he asked in a concerned velvet voice, holding my sholders. "Th-the.. Blood..... What happened" I asked with my right hand at the bottom of my chest. "Don't worry about the blood. All that matters is that you are safe" he then picked me up as if i weighed ten pounds.Then it went black again......
I woke up in a strange place layed upon a soft bed across the room is a lit fireplace.In a corner he sat in a small wooden chair. It apeared as if he was asleep. Then some thing crashed through the window at my left. The man lept off his chair and killed it before it was all the way through the window and before i saw it.. He walked dwards me and i backed away curious to meet his eyes.He then looked at me, his eyes cautious but warm. "Are you okay" he asked, his voice gentle like velvet. "I- I'm fine. Thank you..." I answered looking at the bed. Just then i realized that I was in diffrent clothes, my eyes widened."Whats wrong" he asked, this time he was alert. "I'm fine.. It's nothing.."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Oh no my parents must be worried!"
"Do you want me to take you home" he asked.
"Well umm....." He swept me off my feet before I could answer. We were out the window before i could say no. Moments later i was in my own room. The next morning I went down stairs to se boxes and furnicher, my two sisters and my mother loading them out of the house. "What is going on" I asked after a moment of watching them. "Morning Miyu" my younger sister, Siya said. "Oh, mom forgot to tell you we are moving when before you left for camp, didn't she?"
"Where are we moving to" I asked
"To aunt Manoming's house down in..... Well you know, where all those new kids like Kaia and me."
"Ooh, cool I know where that is-" realizing what happened last night, the attacking men and the boy who saved me. "Miyu?" my mom caught me within my thoughts. "Go up stairs and get dressed. We have a lot of work this morning." she ordered me.
"Okay" I answered and went back up stairs.
A we started unloading the truck some one covered my eyes. I heard my aunt's playful voice "You can take her, we will finish unloading" then another some how fimiliar male voice answer "I'll have her back by twilight" in that instand i was off my feet in warm arms, my eyes still covored. Once he was sure he was out of sight of my family, he put me down on my feet and uncovered my eyes. I knew I recognised his voice it was the one who saved me last night. "You-"
"I know what you are about to say and I know" he said before I could finish. "What is your name any ways" I asked conversationaly, hearing my younger sister listening in through the bushed at the corner. "My name is Amara Kuhnxaki" he answered politely. I blushed as he said his name. "And how old are you" I was curious about so many things but I only questioned the basics. "I am fifteen" he was cautious of his answer. I tilted my head to one side. "Oh I see..." That is when his friends showed up and closed the subject. "Hey, Amara. Is that your girlfriend?" the broad male on the far left side asked. Another one choked on their own laughter.I blushed at that thought, emberased. "C'mon guys, I thought I told you already...." he was emberased too. "Where were you going to take me" I asked to change the subject. "Oh right. Sorry I-".
A tree crashed between us and the others making amara pull me back, too bad for me being a klutz. He had me in an iorn grip in half a second. My eyes widened in fear as the tree hit the ground- almost me- and the speed of his reaction. Then there was a band of people with fangs showing, pail enough to be dead and they were all staring at me as if they were hungry. All I wanted to do at that moment was scream but I know that I would die at that moment if I did. Amara jumped with me still in his arms and then we were in a tree. The others were crouching as if they were going to attack or defend agenst those pail ones.
He held my sholders forcing me to face him. "Stay here and be quiet" it sounded more like a warning than any thing else. Then he was gone. I held my breath for a long moment, forgetting how to exhale. A few long minnutes later one of the attackers was in front of me. I tryed to scream but it took my face- covering my mouth- in its hand. Then every thing went black. I woke up in the middle of the street with a voice through the blackness. "Miyu, please wake up" the voice said. It sounded frantic as if the owner of the gentle voice was scared of or for some thing. I was starting to be able to see just then. In my sight I could make out a figure with black hair.
As I looked around I could see blood. Then some thing cold touched my face. I looked up to see Amara looking down at me, his hair as black as onyx though his eyes are blue as the sea.. Just then I realized what had happened but I could not remember what happened after that creature attacked me in the tree. Amara stared at me with caution as I got up. After that he rose as well but more gracefully. "What happened" I wondered aloud. "You don't remember?" he asked me as he helped me up the rest of the way."I really don't" I answered as I stumbled and he caught me in his arms.I pulled away emedietly, blushind as I looked away from him and twards the blood and bodies. "It apeared as if you blacked out when that vampire attacked you...." he trailed off. My younger sister ran up to us at that moment. I looked down at her curious. "Hey, Siya. Whats up?" I asked casuelly."Werent you just-" her eyes were wide and she looked as if she was scared of, or rather for some thing. "I think you were imagening things again" I told her smiling.Just then my aunt called us over to the house to help her finish unpacking. We got mostly the heavy items like furnicher.
I Woke up the next morning with the sun shining in my eyes. I went down stairs, when I looked around all I could see is blood, then I saw the bodies of my family. I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. "It will be okay, I promice" Amara's voice sent tears down my cheeks. "It will be okay..." he let go of my mouth and huged me to comfort me. "Miyu... Will you live with me for the time being" he asked in a worried but gentle tone. I could not answer so I simply nodded.
Chapter 2
After school a few weeks later, I was walking out of the building when Amara tackled me in to the snow. He did not look like his normal self, he looked hungry. Just then he took me in his arms and bit my neck. I was soo scared that I pushes away and ran off, ripping his fangs out of my neck.
I ran as fast and far as I could, pretty soon I was out of town. I found my self surrounded by trees. As nightfall grew, I soon after grew tired, my pace slowed and eventuelly stoped. Sitting on the ground, leaning agenst a large tree I saw a hutch. Not verry modern, but it was cute in a way.
As I walked twards the hutch I saw a guy standing near a river.I walked up to him curiously, but cautiously. He looked at me with his dark lonely eyes, his short white hair wrestling in the wind."What are you doing all the way out here, kid" he asked in a gruff voice.
"I.. Erm..."
"You are Amara's lover arent you?"
"I am not his lover" I abruptly shouted loud enough to scare birds out of the trees surrounding.
"You are Miyu, am I not correct?"
"Yes, you are correct, but how do you know who I am" I asked.
Just then a creature unlike I've ever seen apeared at the end of the dock. It was creepy, almost spirituel. I flenchedd at the sight of it. I don't exactly know how but I some how ended up waking up in a bed."Erm-Mm.."
"Oh. I was begining to think you weren't going to wake up" I heard a gruff voice chuckle. I looked over to see the white-haired guy sitting in a wooden chair a few feet from the bed."Verry funny..." I said sitting up quickly, much too quickly, it made me dizzy. I held my head. "You really must not sit up soo fast." he touched my shoulder much faster than any normal person I have ever seen-he went from the chair which was a few feet away to me-.
All of a sudden some thing sturred in to the window to the left of the bed across the large room. The white-haired one took out a knife imedietly and went after it. A flash of lightning made it possible to see for a moment, which made me able to see what-or wether who- it was.It was Amara. Then all of the growling of the two stoped, and the room went quiet for a long minnute.Then Amara was at my side "I'm soo sorry.. I promice I will never do that to you again. They drove me out of town I-" I stoped him by touching his cold lips with my finger-tip. "It will be okay, I promice... I forgive you." I soothed him, wraping my arms around his neck. The white-haired one walked up to the bed"They are comming"
Amaa's eyes flew open, and he streightened him self, leaving my arms limp in the bed."How soon?" He asked. "I'm not sure but they are close enough to hear our growling"
"God damn it!"
"What's going on" I asked, half scared.

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