» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Sports Illustrated chose to be the winners in the all-around, but I'd like to hear your opinions.^

^I'd put my money on Rick for the silver, and that Chung guy from China for the all-around gold. He's really an amazing athlete. Bronze could either be me or Eric, or possibly that guy from Ukraine, but I forgot his name,^

said Dennis, ^As for the girls, there is no doubt in my mind that Renee will get gold and Kim will come in close for silver. The bronze is up for grabs.^

^I think Rick will win gold,^

said Patricia, ^and Kin Chung will come in second. There's also an excellent Romanian gymnast that may just beat Eric to bronze. Renee will win the gold hands down, and Kim will come in either silver or bronze. I really don't know who else will medal, but the Germans had an amazingly strong team this year.^

^I'm not really sure,^

said Richard, scratching his golden blonde hair, ^It's a toss-up between Chung, me, and I think Dennis. I don't know who'll get what. As for the girls, Kim and Renee will definitely come out on top, and I honestly think Pattie has great chance for bronze.^

^I really can't say who'll win,^

said Kimberly with a shrug, ^I mean, this whole team has dedicated a good amount of their lives to these games, and they're all amazing athletes. I honestly think any one of us can get the gold.^

^You're so modest, you make me sick, Kim!^

moaned Renee melodramatically.

^Look who's talking!^

said Kimberly with an smile, ^The only way for you not to get the gold is if you break a leg tonight. And you'd probably still get the gold! I mean, you twisted your ankle only two days ago, and your performance hasn't suffered at all from it!^

^Yes, Renee I was meaning to ask you about that injury. What happened?^

^Well, I was practicing my vault, and I landed wrong. I twisted my left ankle. But I'm okay now. I pushed past the pain, and now it doesn't hurt at all anymore.^

^You're dedication is truly admirable. All of you, congratulations on your gold medals, and good luck this weekend. Now, I'll open the floor to any audience questions.^

^Is it true that you six are the Power Rangers?^

asked one twelve year old boy from the stands, ^Daddy said only the Power Rangers can move like you do!^

^I can safely say that none of us are Power Rangers,^

said Richard with an amused smile, ^They're heroes, we're just athletes.^

^How did it feel to leave your families behind and move to Florida?^

asked an elderly woman, ^You're all so young!^

^I didn't have a very close relationship with my family,^

said Richard, ^so leaving wasn't that hard.^

^It was hard for me at first,^

said Renee, ^But, I talk to my mother and step-sister all the time, and its not so bad.^

^I couldn't wait to get out of my house,^

said Dennis.

^It wasn't leaving behind my family that was hardest,^

said Kim, ^It was leaving behind my closest friends that made me really think about joining Team USA.^

^I was raised with the goal of becoming a world class gymnast,^

said Patricia, ^so my parents prepared me for that kind of life.^

^It was a real challenge for me,^

said Eric, ^Since I'm an only child, my parents were kinda reluctant to let me move to Florida from New Mexico. But we talk on the phone and write each other constantly, and I'll be going home soon.^

^Is there any jealousy on the team?^

asked a teenaged girl, ^Especially between Renee and Kimberly. Both of you have been called the greatest gymnast in history, and you're competing in numerous events for the gold. Is there any animosity between you?^

^Absolutely not^

said Renee, crossing her arms over her chest, ^Kim and I are friends and roommates, and we get along fabulously together. Honestly, I'd be just as happy seeing Kim get the gold than I would being on that podium myself. We're practically sisters.^

^The same with me,^

said Kimberly, ^We're really great friends, and I'd like to think our friendship is strong enough to surmount whatever competition may exist between us. If we work together, we can sweep the medals! All of us. Its Team USA who won those gold medals the other day. It wasn't me, or Renee, Pattie, Rick, Eric, or Dennis. Or any of the other athletes. It was a team effort, and teamwork is really what is necessary for success.^

^Okay everyone,^

said Oprah, ^we have time for one more question, and then it's time for a break. Uh, the young man up front.^

^My question is, what kind of endorsements are you doing?^


said Richard, ^the whole mens and womens teams will be on Wheaties boxes. I think the guys are on the Wheaties Honey Gold, and the girls are on the original. I'm on a Sprite commercial myself. Or at least, I will be. I haven't actually filmed it yet.^

^I'm on a Champion commercial, as well as Gatarade,^

said Kim.

^I'll be on a Pepsi commercial, a Reebok commercial, and I'm going to guest star on a few episodes of Moesha,^ said Renee, ^I'm beyond cyked about that one!^

^I've got a Nike commercial, and a Taco Bell one also,^

said Dennis.

^McDonald's and a cover shot on TV Guide,^

said Eric.

^I'm in a commercial for the Care For Kids fund,^

said Pattie.


said Oprah, ^And it's time for a break. When we get back, we'll speak to Coach Schmidt and his two assistant trainers -- Trevor Monroe and Ashley Stevens.^

When the commercial came on, Ernie turned the volume back down to the normal intensity and went back into the kitchen. The crowd then dispersed, leaving behind Tanya, Adam, Tommy, Jason, and Rocky.

"Hey," said Rocky, "where's Kat anyway? She missed the interview!"

"She has a major Calculus exam on Monday," said Tommy, "and since we're all going to spend the weekend at the Pan-Globals, she won't have time to study then."

"When does the flight leave again?" asked Jason.

"Tonight at ten," said Adam, "We should get to Florida at about six in the morning Eastern Time. Kim said she'd be able to pick us up herself, since she doesn't start practice until noon. Then, she'll introduce us to the team, and we'll get breakfast or something. The guys competition starts at four, and we'll be sitting with Kim and the other gymnasts not competing in the individuals. Sounds like fun, eh?"

"So, is Kimberly coming back to Angel Grove after the Pan-Globals, or is she moving to Paris with her mother?" asked Tanya. Everyone automatically turned to Tommy for the answer.

"I...I don't know," he said, bowing his head, "I haven't spoken to her since...uh..."

"Don't worry, bro," said Jason, patting Tommy on the back, "you'll get a chance to talk to her in Florida. You have some...unfinished business."

"But that's the thing, Jay. She finished it for us. I don't know what I'd tell her. I don't even know how I'll react when I see her again. I doesn't matter anyway. She dumped me for some other guy -- end of story. So, you wanna break more bricks?"

"Yeah!" said Rocky, standing up from the bar, "I believe it's your turn Tommy. I broke ten. How many will you try?"

"Twelve," said Tommy with a sly grin. With that, Tommy, Rocky, and Jason returned to the mat. Tanya returned her attention to her essay, and Adam sat with her, eating a hamburger.

Chapter Two

Meanwhile, on the Moon, Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa watch the Power Rangers relax at the Youth Center. They also witnessed the television interview, and are obviously upset because the rangers are happy.

"We have to ruin the Pan-Global Games!" ranted Rita, stomping around the throne room, "Kimberly can't be allowed to win any more medals!"

"Why do you care so much about Kimberly?" asked Zedd, sitting on his throne, "After all, she isn't even a Power Ranger anymore! Besides, we don't have any spare power to be throwing at the rangers! We have tons of cleaning to do, after that infernal Machine Empire took over my castle. Why should I care about the former Pink Ranger?"

"There's something about her that just rubs me the wrong way," said Rita, "I don't know."

Just then, Goldar and Rito enter the throne room. Finster was right behind them.

"We've searched the entire castle for any signs of the Machines," said Goldar, "I think we've melted every last remnant of them!"

"Excellent!" said Zedd, "Now, I don't have to worry about those overrated tin cans again! Now, we have to rebuild our evil army. Rita, what happened to Scorpina anyway?"

"She took a leave of absence after our wedding," said Rita, "She returned to Venus Island. It was some kind of anniversary or something."

"I didn't know Scorpina lived on Venus Island!" said Rito, "I didn't know anyone lived there except those big man-eating plants."

"That's because you're a moron!" roared Zedd, standing up, "You don't know a thing about this Solar System's history, do you? It doesn't matter, though. Rita, I want you to send for Scorpina. I want her to be here with us. She is one of our greatest warriors, and her aid will be most beneficial. On second thought, perhaps I shall pay her a visit. After all, Venus Island is my island. Perhaps her evil sisters, the Venusians, will help us destroy the rangers!"

Chapter Three

Venus Island is a tropical island of magic and mystery. Every so often, Venus Island appears on the map, usually out in the deep Pacific Ocean, far from any other land mass. Very few humans know of its existence. And even fewer beings know of the creators and inhabitants of the isle. In a flash of lightning, Lord Zedd appears on the sandy shores of the isle, and walks briskly up the tall mountain in the center. As he passes, the deadly venus fly-traps bow before

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