» Juvenile Fiction » There are mates, and then there are mates ;), JH [novels to read TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

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can shift at birth others not until they mate.”
“Actually we were talking about Damien, he’s part shifter. He doesn’t really fit in with the pack and he hasn’t even met his mum under pack law. There is no one else of his kind and wherever he is he’s pretending. Pretending to be human, or wolf, he can’t just be.”
“I never really thought of that before.”
“Yeah we know, we thought you guys would hit it off when we were little, and you did before he played that practical joke.”
“That practical joke was stupid and an invasion of my privacy.”
“Yeah…well it wasn’t exactly his idea…”
“Well I mean it was just for a laugh, we were gonna give it back we just wanted to know what was there. So we got Damien to fly up there and take it, just when you caught him he took the blame for us…He never wanted to do any of it.”
“Oh…You guys are dicks!”
I was weirdly miffed with my friends, I knew they used to be a little obsessed with me I’ve even kissed both of them before hoping that one of them would be my mate and I could get out of the marriage. To no success. But that’s not the point, when I went through my ’new power’ stage I became perhaps a little too sexually eager and I was willing to give anything with the guarantee of pleasure. I just couldn’t stand the idea that my friends where in a small way taking advantage of that.
I began to feel this swelling in my heart. It was pounding against my ribs causing me to gasp. I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my heart. I could see Freddie and George rush towards me, faces looking concerned and scared. I howled as my bones snapped and mended into my wolf shape, it was almost like my first change feeling a sense of both pain and relief. As soon as I was at home in my wolf I fainted. My world consumed by darkness…I knew what was happening, I’d just gotten a new power and this one was something strong.

When I woke up I wasn’t in my own bed, I wasn’t even in my house or any other place that I could recognise. What I did recognise was the sound of the ocean…we’d made it? They carried on to the sea, so what is this the beach house? The tanned panels on the ceiling and sand painted walls are consistent with the idea of a couples elope.
I couldn’t see Freddie or George anywhere. My body felt almost stiff in its human shape but I was all to tired to shift into wolf form again.
Stepping out of the beach house I became enchanted by the waves. They were crashing down upon the sand and it was both giving and taking material from the shore, the perfect equilibrium. I felt a pull towards them and as I allowed my feet to fall in the sea I realised I was no longer at the edge of the water but now I was waist deep, another blink and I was under. My wolf eyes barley able to make out the light from the surface. I began to panic, a blue light surrounding my body and I made a mistake…I screamed.
It was a mistake but not what you’d expect. Water didn’t rush into my lungs instead I felt it part around me. The shock of what just happened caused me to gasp again, and the waves came crashing down…darkness returned.


“Breath, Come on wolf girl. Breath.” I could feel hands on my chest and I realised what was going on, someone was trying to bring me back to life. But I wasn’t dead…
I decided then would be a good time to open my eyes but when I did I was blinded by the sun. A couple of blinks later and my vision cleared to reveal a boy. Only it wasn’t a boy it was very much a man. Who knew I was a wolf.
“Thanks errr”
“That’s my name.” He was grinning at me, probably laughing on the inside at to how stupid I was acting.
“Oh well it’s nice to meet you Eric.”
“S’alright Tara, I couldn’t very well let you drown now could I?”
I looked out into the waves, they were now gently washing up the beach, almost as if nothing happened. I suppose you’re wondering why I wasn’t shocked that this handsome stranger new my name? Simple. I have changeable tatoos, its one of my powers I can change the appearance of things or myself. All I needed was to go to the tatoo artist and get him to draw a blob of black and my body would change that to whatever I wanted without the pain. Sometimes however my powers get incorporated and shows me one using the other so when I was knocked unconscious in order to survive the black blob turned into my name and ranking in my pack. Once you knew that you’d realise its probably best not to let me die, pretty sure the royals would be pissed off to lose their future daughter in law.
I hmmed at him “So Eric what pack are you from? I’d like to give my thanks to your alpha…”
“The Hungstain pack, just a little north of here, and since my father passed a few months ago I’m alpha”
“I’m sorry I didn’t know Alistar was deceased…How did it occur?”
“Ah don’t worry it wasn’t painful or anything, he just went hunting and when he went to claw a deer a buck came out charging and knocked him into a tree. The tree broke a couple of ribs and broke his spine. He just kind of died after that. Not the heroes death he’d have wanted but y’know…”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’…sorry….I can’t….help…it.” I managed to get out words between spats of laughter. And to my surprise he wasn’t offended he started laughing to.
“I know who’s heard of an alpha werewolf being taken out by a buck and a tree!”
“You can’t make this shit up.” I agreed with him enthusiastically.
At the end of our laughter we were sprawled out on the beach sand pretty much everywhere…and I mean everywhere which prompted my next move.
“Hey, its getting pretty dark and we’re pretty mucky…Come back to the beach house? Meet my friends and grab a shower and we’ll come back out and make a bonfire.”
“Sure, sounds cool.”
We made our way back to the beach house to be greeted with a worried looking Freddie and George.
“Hey guys, this is Eric alpha of Hungstain he saved my life- make him welcome whilst I go shower…”
Leaving them looking a mixture of angry, confused and concerned I left on a hunt for the bathroom and strawberry scented shampoo.
I stripped off my clothes and stood in front of the mirror trying to spot something different about me but I couldn’t. My frame was still slim and muscular, breasts large, hair dark, eyes bright…lips looking slightly chapped but they were mine.
Making a gesture with my hand towards the tap it turned on and water gushed out of the shower head. Out of all my powers I love telekinesis the best, it’s the key to me getting away with being so lazy. Only thing is Freddie and George don’t know about it, neither does my father- when it came into play I decided to keep it to myself as these powers were getting a little bit too much like witchcraft.
The hot water soaked down my body, washing away the sand and muck from it. My hands traced my stomach and over my breasts with the showergel lathering it into bubbles. My hair was knotted and tangled but fell loose under the torrents of water the strawberry scent was delicious and set me off on the cravings. I could still feel a slight tightening in my stomach from the new mystery power but my sex drive wasn’t outa control so I’d live.
I could hear the guys and Eric laughing together in the living room and so decided to stay a little longer in the shower. Whilst in their I started to sing…no song in particular just words that popped out of my mouth.
“Oh strength of fire and flame, from the earth come forth and rise again. The moon shall shine upon your wits until the puzzle pieces fit. Water shall calm your soul the wolf shall hunt out for the truth. Air shall make a heart at home and spirit is for which you are known.” The more I repeated it the more I started to realise.
a) it was really bad lyrics.
b) I didn’t think it was lyrics it sounded to familiar and prophecy like.

I had made prophecies before but my father decided it was again an unfair power to have in the pack and so anything I predict must stay to myself else we may try and divert and change the future. So this just went into that little file marked for whatever apocalypse comes next and I set it away.
I sniffed out my clothes but couldn’t be bothered with wearing anything fancy so just put on a pair of shorts and a ‘sticky tee’ the body clingers tops that show every curve. It’s the comfiest thing to shift from wolf to human and back in so I’ve got maybe a dozen of them at home.
I emerge back into the living room to see the boys playing on xbox. Omg this has got to be the best beach house ever, I wish I could just stay here for the next three months.
“Hey cool can I play?”
The boys looked at me and glared. “You ruin it…you always pull out some sneaky cheat code up and never tell us what it is.”
“Do not!”
“Do too.”
“Do not!” my voice was getting embarrassingly high pitched so I coughed and got it back down to hearing level. I mean human hearing level.
“Here have my remote…” Eric reached out passing me the controller. I took it from him and smiled sending him warm feelings through the omega bond.
“Thank you…Err do you mind if I sit on you? That chairs got odd stuffing in it?”
“Erm I could just go sit on it for you and you could have my seat?”
“But then you’d be uncomfortable too…I promise I don’t weigh that much.” I begged Eric with the puppy dog eyes, the guys aren’t the only ones who can do it.
“Yeah Eric man she doesn’t weigh much at all…its all boob weight any how.” Okay I’m starting to thing Freddie is the doucheir of the two, every time he speaks on his own its about my body. George shot me an apologetic look and both him and Eric hit Freddie around the head.
Eric looked at me and gestured to his lap. Giggling I sat on it and started to wop the boys butts at xbox. Perhaps I should have been more concerned about what I was doing with my butt and not the boys because my thoughts slowly drifted into another’s.
>oh crap, she’s got to stop doing that but I don’t want her to stop…You can’t though man she’s your…<
I then became all too aware of Erics little friend settled right in the curve of my butt. Little friend isn’t really the right term there either as Eric certainly was not little. Of course thinking this was not helping the horny-new power thing and I was beginning to feel a bit hot.
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