» Juvenile Fiction » There are mates, and then there are mates ;), JH [novels to read TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

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/> “Hey do you guys want to go back out onto the beach only another 4 hours till sunrise?”
“Yeah..Omg this means marshmellows.” The guys screamed the last part where Eric looked worried. Okay well his little problem can be fixed with a pillow and me moving my butt else where. Concentrating on the controller I shifted it into a cushion, it was pretty and green with a wolf on it. I handed it to Eric and he took it gratefully and confused.
“I’m just gonna grab the snacks and my guitar and we’ll be out in ten…get something warm on guys…”
They sniggered and all three shouted in unison. “We don’t need to we’re woooollvvveeesss” It was a silly joke that somehow leaked from our parents and into us. Plus of parenting a werewolf we don’t get cold very easily meaning we don’t get ill easily so you don’t need to pamper us so much. Negative of being a werewolf, not being able to get ill diminishes your ability to take time off school and watch cheesy daytime tv.

Chapter four- A TASTE OF FREEDOM

Nipping into the kitchen I laid eyes on my baby.
There you are…well don’t you look beautiful…I don’t know what I’d do without you n’aww honey you’re my life, I’ll never find another one like you. I cooed at my guitar. It was my grandfathers, I never met him. Alphas don’t die often they usually retire but from what I can make out from pack history there was a war and my grandfather was one of the casualties. I named the guitar after him though, ‘Leo’ I thought it was a good name for a guitar it was strong, elegant and majestic. I cradled the body of Leo like he really was my baby and I stroke gently across the strings letting them hum with life.
Music is a talent for me, its not like my powers I’m not gifted in them. I worked so hard to play guitar, and then I’ve took singing lessons most of my life. Sure the werewolf thing means I’m ambidextrous but it was me. I was born with the ambition to create music and it took a long time before I could but it’s the only achievement I’ve ever made without any unfair advantage.
Snacks? That’s right I said I was going to get snacks as well…So that’s Doritos for Freddie, popcorn for George and MARSHMELLOWS for me. I don’t know what Eric likes but most people like Doritos so I grab another bag and head back out into the living room.
I skip back and arrive with a flourish “Right so you guys are ready?”
“Yep” they all say and so I grab Freddie and Georges hands and pull them from the couch then I frown at Eric as he remains seated. He looks back at me and I feel my frown lessen and colour flush into my cheeks. ^.^ is there a reason you’re still sitting down? ^.^
I sent him a little telepathic message. I saw him physically jump a little and then reply /I was just thinking about my dad…he would have really liked you/ I blushed again and then seeing as my hands were still occupied I offered him my foot to get up.
“You Tara are bonkers.” He grinned at me as the guys laughed but still took the foot. The full moon would be tomorrow, I think we could all feel the energy seep into our skin.

“Oh to the kings of wolves, I wish you well. I hope that life is fruitful. To thank thee for all I have. Is love of my brother. Oh brother wolf don’t stray to far. Our packs are strong and mighty. We should not fight but to protect our alpha lines live on. Our mates, our soul united again. Our hearts are homes and wolves. A pack is home we share one heart we live our lives as wolves…” that was Freddie he plays guitar beautifully but completely lacks with the voice and choice of words.

He passed the guitar to me with an almost apologetic look on his face and I nodded in return and started to strum along singing a moon lullaby. The boys howled along, their wolves escaping them a little but I didn’t mind, it only added to the power of the song.
Eventually the song finished and both Freddie and George had black eyes, a sign that their wolves were looking out of them begging for release. Placing my guitar onto the sand I trod towards them slowly, allowing my feet to sink into the sand. I shifted my consciousness into my sister wolf, she was me and I was her I hear its different for me than others yet another way to be a freak. I was literally the perfect mixture it’s a different part of myself others have conflicts with their human and wolf sides.
Dispite this I could show more wolfish behaviour then normal to make others more comfortable during the shift. I stroked the boys faces and exhaled a small whimper granting the wolves peace before granting the boys permission to change off of pack ground. You needed a wolf in an official position to determine that it was safe and that you weren’t going against pack law. They yelped at me and shifted, the short squishy noise later and in front of me were two bronze and black patched wolves. Swiping my hand away I let them go and returned to my makeshift seat of the boys jackets and picked up Leo once more.
The next song I played was slow and sad and in all honesty I lost myself in it. I wrote it shortly after my first kill in wolf form, I didn’t mean to kill the deer, it didn’t help that I then watched bambi at school. The song described bambis life, what could have been the dancing movement through the trees and the reality of a cruel ending. I had by this time forgotten about Eric and tears were silently streaming across my face.
He reached forwards his rough hands brushing the tears away /beautiful…/ his hands felt so good against my face, the sent little shivers down and across my skin.
I kissed him.
He gasped and for a second I thought he was going to pull away but it was only a moment before it turned into a growl. His lips crashed against mine and we wrestled for dominance, not always a bad thing and expected with him being an alpha.
He kissed his way down my neck until he tore at my top sucking my nipple into his mouth and rolling it around. I moaned in ecstasy. Pulling him back up to my mouth and bit his lip drawing a little blood. My own hands travelled downwards undoing his belt as he slipped his hands down my shorts. I pushed my hips to meet his hands and I was purring. Yes purring I was ashamed I’m not a lion-shifter. We spent a while like that before he entered me but as he did he roared I moulded my mind with his own so that he could feel the pleasure he was giving me. /mine..mine…mine…mine…I’m sorry./ that was the last thing I heard his mind say before we both fell into a deep slumber.


The next morning I was rudely awoken by Freddie and George pulling me from Erics arms. I struggled furiously before I realised myself the truth of what happened last night.
It sucks to say it because I really liked Eric but he was an alpha and as much as I appreciated the care he took for me I wouldn’t be able to spend any more then this week with him.
I got up on my own and the boys looked at me pointedly slightly gaping but my nakedness didn’t bother me currently. I missed the feeling of Erics arms already, the taste of his tongue and the feel of his breath against my neck.
The beach house didn’t feel as nice as it had previously it felt empty yet disturbed, as if someone had been here. I growled and shifted starting the patrol around the house sniffing out the intruder. I found the source of the scent but it wasn’t a person. It was a letter…bearing the royal seal…

My Dearest Tara,
I apologise any inconvenience this may cause however we require your presence at the palace in 3 days and not 3 months. Unfourtunate circumstances have been sensed by our seers and we must insist that you spend the remaining time before your 18th birthday under the protection of our land and guards. Not to fret, I’m sure you’re capable of fending for yourself but for the safety of our minds and my sons heart we hope you will comply with little resistance.
We have already spoken with your father and he has agreed to the change of terms and has arranged for your possessions to be transferred prior to your arrival.
We look forward to seeing you again Tara, it has been to long…
Yours in loyalty King Rupert and Queen Silver of the werewolf clan.

This sucks utter and complete camel hump! I don’t want to have to go now. I whimpered and crawled underneath the table Freddie and George came along in wolf form and licked my muzzle for comfort. I lay there like that with them for the next few hours.
Eventually I got up and showered once more, I dressed in black ripped skinny jeans and a leather black corset.


I wrote a note of my own to Eric, explaining what happened and where I was going, apologising. I signed it with love Tara and a X. Tears also stained the paper.
I left it there in that house, the house where I had a glimpse of what could have been.
I dropped the car off at my mechanics on the way leaving it with mac and picked out my mustang. I loved this car, its red leather interior hadn’t faded since it had been bought it was perfection.
We drove in silence for a while, the boys insisted on joining me on my last long hall drive saying I’d be bored stiff without them. They didn’t try and stop me though, I knew they couldn’t…No one could deny the royal decree, except me. I knew I had the power in me to turn around and drive back to the beach house but a large part of me knew it was my responsibility who was I to deny that now?
The stereo blared out wheatus, weezer, boyslikegirls and numerous other pop punk bands. I sang along with them for the last hour of the drive. It was supposed to be a three day trip but we made it in a 18 hour straight drive. I don’t need to take breaks and I don’t care for speed limits, sides I could use my powers to ensure that we didn’t get any red lights.
The palace wasn’t as grand as you’d think, its simply the name of the Victorian manor.
Most wolves have large amounts of land and space, it was needed to host pack meetings but this was the house that joined the packs so it was in that respect huge although I reckon it could cram up pretty quickly.
I waved my hand and the gates opened. The boys looked at me shocked but I figured I might as well share my last secret with them…
Driving up the length to the house I
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