» Juvenile Fiction » There are mates, and then there are mates ;), JH [novels to read TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

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I could remember small memories of the King visiting me as a child, he was always so friendly towards me, much more so then the Queen however he would never really play properly as if he was afraid. The idea of a transition made it sound all to formal, like it was playing a part in something much bigger then I liked. I mean yeah I was going to become a ‘princess’ but in reality all it was, all I thought it was, is two teenage werewolves who were mates and had to complete the bond perhaps a little too quickly then I’d like.
“It’s not rebellion dad, its Tara. She’s omega and interesting…” Oz seemed to struggle saying the next bit and then I realised why. His eyes had gone black, his neck twisted slightly and he was looking directly at me “And. MINE” The dominance in his voice made even me quiver a little bit, but the level of protectiveness in his wolves voice made me feel happy, aroused almost.


Oz leapt at me, his body suddenly looking all to determined at its target. Wolves sometimes have this overwhelming urge when they find their mates. It’s a way of making sure the bond is created, I’ve already said I’m different but the urges are still there, sensibility and lack of willingness to part with a part of my own soul made sure that I remained unmated for the while. Rupe was unable to respond and for a short while I thought that this was it. Oz was about to rape me, even if he was my mate it would most certainly make me hate him. I shut my eyes ever so briefly unable to move, frozen with fear. When I didn’t feel a bite of pain against my neck, or my clothes ripping I realised he never reached me. Confusion momentarily blinded me as I saw Freddie and George holding back Oz, they wouldn’t last for long against an alpha. Oz was desperately snapping at the two of them, he was on the verge of shifting and ripping apart the guys. Which was why they were screaming at me “RUN, For petes sake Tara. RUN! He’ll calm once you’re gone. JUST RUN AND HIDE. JESUS WOMAN MOVE!”
And so I did, busting open doors a head of me I ran. Trying to find a place where I would feel safe I ran. I could hear Oz howl and it was apparent he wasn’t calming down. I needed a shield, something to mask my scent from him. A pulling in my gut lead me outside and across the courtyard and right to the edge of a small lake. I paused, puzzled, the surface seemed so calm but I could feel a voice. I know you don’t ‘feel’ voices but I wasn’t hearing it, I just knew it was there. ^I’ll take care of you, until you are ready. We’ll protect you Tara elemental, we’ll keep you safe^ I looked back to the main door and saw Oz covered in people trying to hold him back, yet some how still making his way towards me. I took a more elegant leap of faith as I trod into the lake and slowly submerged myself in the water.

It was comfortable here, I couldn’t hear the outside world. I could breath quite easily and I found myself moving to wherever I wanted to go without having to move. Tara elemental is what the water had called me. Elementals had died out centuries ago, sure you had the odd supernatural who could control one or two of them but with water added that made me able to control earth, air and this made it three. I never really paid attention to the elements I controlled, mostly because I never really controlled them I just found they tended to help me out when I needed it. Elements aren’t supposed to be controlled, they’re like people in that sense, you need to treat them with respect and care.
I was scared almost of this new power. I felt like I was ready to burst at the seems of my body, its not ready to cope yet, its not grown enough.
I allowed myself to get lost in the water, slowly I sunk to the bottom of the lake and I stayed there until I felt calm once again.

Something was changing in the outside world, I could feel the water pushing me out whispering to me that it was time. I felt the earth lift me out and something warm embrace me. Something wet kept dripping onto my face and I realised I was being carried, my eyes stayed shut as I was placed onto a bed and then whoever it was left the room leaving me in coldness.

According to Freddie and George I had been out for a week, Oz had been punishing himself by not allowing himself to see me. Even though we barley knew each other he missed me, and I had to admit that I missed him.
The guys stayed with me a little longer, apologised for not telling me where they went every summer and assured me that they honestly loved me, I forgave them and kissed each of them on their cheeks.
I had missed them too, missed the idea of having them in my life. My heart ached and I cried out in pain, I heard a whine correspond to my own and within a matter of moments Oz was in my room.
He looked tired, lips broken and eyes red as if he’d been crying. I knew my face most look similar if not worse. “I…I’m so sorry…We both are…We’d never want to hurt you or scare you…” The we was referring to his human and his wolf. I nodded to him and opened my arms to him. Wishing to comfort my mate and get rid of this terrifying pain from my chest. He smiled at me, it cracked his lip but warmth and love was the only recognisable feature on his face. Lifting the covers of the bed he crawled in with me. As soon as our skin touched fireworks seemed to explode. I realised this was the first time I’d actually touched Oz, I felt lit with glee and bliss and looking at Oz’s face I realise he felt it too. Unable to resist I lent forward. I cupped his face in my hand, fireworks igniting there to, I placed my lips to his and I felt warmth spread further. His body responded and he returned the kiss, moaning as he did displaying incredible restraint. Him and his wolf must truly love me to hold back so far.

I’d always find entertainment.

We laid there for a while and my body felt contempt, it was a simple relationship. I still insisted we waited before we completed the bond and I was desperate to find out more about Oz but there was something else on my mind. I needed to find out more about my powers and the first place I looked wasn’t much good, apparently google isn’t your friend when trying to find out about real werewolf history and not just fictional scribbles.
The second place however I had hope for, the royal library…packed with pack history. Sorry I couldn’t resist. Each book was carefully cased in leather, the fragile paper preserved. All books were hand written and often I’d struggle reading the style of scripture but when that happened Oz or the guys would help out. The librarian I’d only met once, we seemed to continue missing each other in the huge library, but they were very sweet and said that I was allowed to read or take out anything so long as I didn’t spill anything on the paper.
Actually I did spill something once but that was easily fixed with a little ‘magic’.
It wasn’t until shortly before my birthday that I actually had any luck about finding out about these powers and it just kind of appeared. Queenie (as I had taken to calling her) was still avoiding me and Oz and the guys had gone out to hunt, I was a newly discovered vegetarian and refused to go hunting another bambi. Anyhow I was alone, or as alone as I could be in a house full of servants, and bored so I took out Leo. The song that came to mind was a simple one, words sort of blurted out my mouth and something clicked in my brain and I knew what to ask the library.
See that’s the thing with my powers the telekinesis could do what I asked I didn’t necessarily have to know specifically, I’d just been asking things like - omgea powers, wolf history power log, junk like that.
I practically jumped for joy when I realised that in order to find out about my pack, one which was as old as the royal line I needed to look to the beginning of our history and what was the oldest recorded detail of werewolves? The original pact of immortals.

See the pact was basic stuff, it was based around the old religion where we all used to live together. Effectively we still do but we now have fractioned governments of each species, but we’re still y’know ‘best of friends’. Each ‘tribe’ has its own legends of how we came to be but much like mortal religions they all had one common factor of some higher force. The pact derived the idea that mortals were not the same as us and predicted they would be afraid, their own legends distorting the truth around us. It was in effect a pact of secrecy and that no matter how far territorial wars took us we would not wipe out any race as each held a part of a key which, in time of need, will come together and save us all from great evil.
None of us really paid much attention to the pact, so much had changed and vampires were hanging out with humans all the time since they discovered they could live off of tofu. Who’d have known? But yeah, there weren’t really territories either, I mean you had each wolf pack has its hunting grounds and alphas were territorial in a sense but we were all pretty lenient when we needed to be. No one was really itching for a fight to prove their honour as they used to, new territories were all settled through courts.
The book arrived in my hand and it pretty much listed my powers as the powers which were split between all races, and remember each race was a part of a key.
This brought about the question…am I the key? Sounds conceited but I don’t know do I? If so what’s this big threat, and what exactly am I that allows me to be a key of all races? I know somewhere along the line my great something had a fling with a pixie but that never amounted to anything.
I was getting a complete and utter headache and to top it off certain old pack members were coming to the ‘house’ to check up on my development and to tutor me…And to think I’d almost forgotten about Damien.
Oz had never met him but had heard about the incident when I was younger and didn’t think that he sounded like that bader guy and to be quite honest since the guys owned up and pointed out our similarities I didn’t think he was either.
It seemed like I hadn’t seen much of Oz recently and so today he would be taking me on our very first date before he left for ’the conference’. Damien will be arriving the day
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