» Juvenile Fiction » My Fragile Heart, Selena & Samara [books suggested by elon musk txt] 📗

Book online «My Fragile Heart, Selena & Samara [books suggested by elon musk txt] 📗». Author Selena & Samara

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me, so you can stop with all this talking and flirting. There are some other girls you can flirt with."
"I can tell you are a difficult person to handle here."
"I guess so."
"Can you at least take off the helmet, so I can see your face."
I stared at him to make sure he was joking, but he wasn't. 'sigh' "Fine." I took some steps back from him to give us some space between us. My heart was beating so fast. What is wrong with me. I never reacted this way to a guy. I just met this guy. I took off my helmet and smooth my hair back. I can feel the guy staring at me. I finally made eye contact with him. I feel strange. I wanted to break eye contact with him, but I couldn't.

"Hey. There's the witch." Michael said. I frowned and turned away from the guy. Michael is with his girlfriend, Brittany. Brittany is the popular girl in school.

"Shut up!" I said. I put back on my helmet and got on my motorcycle. I drove away without looking at Michael, Brittany or the guy. I don't know what I feel when I am near him, but I didn't care. It has to stop. I found another parking spot and went inside the school.


I watched as the girl drove away. Who is this girl? I shrugged my shoulders and walked toward the main office. When I opened the door, I saw my twin sister, Lily, waiting for me. When she saw me, she got up quickly and walked to me.

“Adrian! Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for 20 minutes!” she said
“Calm down. I was just with a girl.” I said
“Oh no. Where is she? We just got here and you already sucking the life out of a girl.”
“What are you talking about? She is in school. Alive! I didn’t kill her. She didn’t even seem interested in me. She wasn’t charmed by my good looks."
“Oh my gosh. Your right. You seem so upset about it."
“Of course I‘m upset! I tried everything. I tried to flirt with her, but she want to be so difficult.”
“Is she pretty?”
“No.” I realized I said that too quickly.
Lily look at me with suspicion. “If she not pretty, then why are you so mad?”
“Because she turned me down! How many times I have to tell you that? But I’m not worried about her. There some other girls who will want me.”
“Oh brother. You will never change.”
I smiled. “I know, that’s why you love me so much.”
Lily smiled back at me. “Shut up.”

Lily and I went into Principal Jenkins office. When we went into her office I almost screamed with horror. She looked horrible. She has black hair with a mole on her face. She has gray eyes.

“Wow.” I said.
“Don’t say nothing.” Lily said
Lily and I sat down on the two seats in front of the principal’s desk.

“You two must be Lily and Adrian Matthews. My name is Ms. Jenkins, your principal. “
I just nodded and I look at the mole on her face. Lily elbowed me.
“Stop.” Lily whispered to me.
“I’m glad we finally have another set of twins at this school. You two are fraternal twins. Which one of you is older?”
“I am.” Lily said.
“By how many minutes?”
“8 minutes.” I said. I tried very hard not to stare at Ms. Jenkins mole.
“Wonderful. Well, here are ya’ll schedules for school.” I took my schedule and looked at it. I frowned when I saw that they put me in Drama. I hate Drama classes. I stared at Lily and she seemed satisfied with her schedule.

“Is there something wrong with your schedule Mr. Matthews?” Ms. Jenkins asked.
I stared at Ms. Jenkins and smiled. “Yes. You made a mistake on my schedule.” I said.
Ms Jenkins eyebrow rose. “Oh really. What was the mistake?”
“You gave me Drama. I don’t like Drama. So it would be really kind of you if you take Drama class off my schedule.”
“Adrian! Stop!” Lily said
“What I do?” I said
Ms. Jenkins glared at me. “I can tell that you are a guy who get what he want type. Well I don’t go that way Mr. Matthews. If you don’t like Drama, well too bad. I don’t care. All I’m doing is my job. And my job is get you kids out of this school. Don't let me show you my bad side." Ms. Jenkins said.
"I thought I was already looking at it." I said. Ms. Jenkins gasped.
"So you got some jokes. If we going to have some problems, then get out. But if we don’t, then have a nice day. Now you can leave.” she said.

Me and Lily stared at Ms. Jenkins with shock. I wanted to tell Ms. Jenkins something else, but Lily stopped me. She grabbed my hands and pulled me out her office quickly. Me and Lily ran out the main office.

“Adrian! Why you always have to complain when you don’t like something. Now you got the principal yelling at you. When will you ever learn to leave stuff alone.” Lily said
“Lily, you know I hate Drama. It is so boring. All you do is act out all these Shakespeare crap. Who signed me up for this class anyway?”
“Mom did. She thinks you getting better at acting. Come on. Give Mom a break.”
“I’m going to talk to Mom when we get home. Mom know I don’t like Drama, but she still sign me up for that class.”
“Calm down Adrian. Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s finish talking about this at home.”
I smooth my hair out my face. “Fine. What class you got first period?”
“Computer Graphics.” Lily smiled. Lily really love art, so of course she happy. “What do you have?”:
“World History.” I frowned.
“Don’t worry Adrian. You will do fine. Can you at least try to have a good time at school. Make some friends.”
“Make out with girls.” I smiled when I said that.
Lily frowned. “No. Do you always have to make things disgusting to talk about. At least try to get to know the girls.”
I just nodded my head
“I’ll see you later.”
“Ok.” Me and Lily went our separate ways. I still can’t believe Lily convinced me to go to school. I already graduated from High School so many times; I have lost count. I hate high school. I walked into my World History class. All the girls gave me all their attention. Even the girls who already have a boyfriend. The guys were mad and jealous. Some of the girls said “He is so hot.” or “Call me.” But there was one girl who didn’t say anything. It was the girl from the parking lot. She frowned when she saw me.

“You have to be kidding me. I must be dreaming.” she said. The girl start pulling her hair in front of her face to hide it. I smiled and went to the teacher. Her name was Ms. Brown. She checked my schedule. She smiled.

“Welcome Adrian. You can sit at that empty seat by Zoey. Zoey, may you raise your hand.” said Ms. Brown. The girl from the parking lot blushed and raised her hand. I sat down next to her. Ms. Brown came to my desk and handed me a textbook. “We are on page 34 in the book. Follow along.”
“Thanks.” I said. I turned to the page. I looked at Zoey and smiled. She turned to me and frowned.

Before I could say anything, she said “Don’t you dare talk to me. Don’t even think about touching me or I will cut your hands off. Stay away from me.”

“I stared at Zoey in surprise. “What if I needed a pencil or something else?"

Zoey stared at me. She didn’t even giggle. I looked into her eyes and she was mad. "Do you see me smiling? If you want something or a pencil, ask the blonde girl in front of you. She would be so flattered if you ask. She would also be eager to give you something else.” She turned her attention back to the textbook. I was shocked. No girl have ever said that to me before. Usually they would be all over me, but not her. She’s different than any other girl I have ever met. She turned me down. Again! She doesn’t seem interested in me.

"You can have my pencil." said the blonde girl. I stared at her and took the pencil.
"Thanks." I said. I didn't mess with Zoey for the rest of the class. But I couldn't stop staring at her. I don't know why, but she fascinate me. She was different from all the girls I ever met. Someone tapped on my to get my attention. I turned around and a guy passed me a note. He pointed to a girl on the other side of the room. She was pretty. She has black hair with brown eyes. She smiled at me. I stared at the note and open it. It smelled like perfume. The note said:

'Hey new boy. I'm single. Call me. My number is 202-189-6509.


I stared at Abby phone number and smiled. I can still feel her staring at me. I put the note in my pocket. When the bell rang, Zoey stood up, gathered her stuff and left. I tapped the blonde on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled.

"Yes." she said
"Hi. Do you know the girl who was sitting beside me?" I said. The blonde girl smile fade away and she stared at me.
"Yes. But don't worry about her. My name is Chelsae."
"Nice to meet you. Does she always act like this?"
"Yes. When guys ask her out on a date, she always say no. Don't waste yur time on her She's not worth it. We can start worrying about you and me." she smiled. She gave me a note and left. I looked inside and I saw her phone number.

"Wow." I said. I stucked the note in my pocket and left the classroom. During my 2nd period, other girls gave me their number. But the one thing is, I couldn't stop thinking about Zoey. I tried to get her out my mind, but it was hard. WHem 2nd period was over, I went to 3rd period class. My 3rd period class. was Drama. I went to Mr. Anderson for he can check my schedule. After he was done, I sat next to this girl. Her back was faced toward me.

"Let's get class started." said

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