» Juvenile Fiction » My Fragile Heart, Selena & Samara [books suggested by elon musk txt] 📗

Book online «My Fragile Heart, Selena & Samara [books suggested by elon musk txt] 📗». Author Selena & Samara

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I said. I stood up.
"Where have you been? We have been waiting for you." he said
"I just went on a walk."
"Did you interact with any humans."
"I smell the scent of one on you."
"Don't worry. I didn't feed off of her if that what you think."
"So that is where you were. With that girl from school."
"We just ran into each other. Nothing happened between us."
"I hope not. We already had to leave the first time we were here because of your uncle."
"Well, it not going to happen again. Now can you leave."
"Fine." Dad left my room without saying nothing else. When Dad was gone, I punched the wall to let out my frustration. It left a huge whole in the wall. Mom comes into the room. She frowned when she saw the wall.

"What in the world is going on? Boy, are you out of your mind. When you angry, don't put all your anger on the wall. That's what the gym is for." Mom said
"Sorry Mom." I said
"It's okay. You will have to fix the wall this time. I'm not fixing it again."
"I know... Why do Dad always treat me like this? He always compare me to Uncle Damien."
"You were with him that night."
"I didn't do anything. Uncle Damien did it."
"But there was a witness. You could have been caught."
"I don't want to talk anymore. Can you leave me alone." Mom sighed and left.

Finally I'm alone. I ran my hand through my hair as I try to figure out what I went through today. Something about Zoey draws me in. After I ran into Zoey in the woods, I followed her home. I was sitting on a tree branch outside her room, watching her. It look like she had a lot on her mind. I wonder if she finally remember me. And when she finally fell asleep, she looked so peaceful. I opened up her window real silently. I entered into her room and went to her bed side. Once I got close to her, I smelled her scent. I smelled her scent. Her blood was rushing through her veins. She still look the same as I remember her. I hear some footsteps, so I jumped out the window and shut it. I climbed down the tree and ran home.

Now, I'm back at the house, still thinking about Zoey and hoping that she will never remember me.


It was night time and I was walking through the woods. I stopped when I see the vampire sucking the blood out of my Dad.

"No!!!" I screamed. The vampire looks up and snarled. I turned around and start running, but the vampire caught up with me and turned me around. He was about to bite me until I woke up screaming and crying. I sat up and tried to calm myself. I smooth my long hair out my face. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I might have a heart attack. But I didn't. I finally calmed down. I wiped my tears out my face and looked around in my room. I saw Michael smiling with a video camera.

"What the hell are you doing in my room Michael!!! Get out!" I yelled. I threw my pillow at him as he ran out my room. I got out my bed, shut the door, and locked it. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 2 am. I got back in bed still frowning. I hope Michael won't show no one the video. He know that I talk in my sleep. 'sigh'. I leaned back in my bed and closed my eyes. My last thoughts before I fell asleep is; I hope I didn't say the word vampire while I was sleeping and I need to get that video.

'Beep.... Beep.... Beep' I sit up groggily as I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I yawned as I got up and went to my closet and pulled out a forest green V- neck shirt that hugged my body and khaki pants. I left out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. This time, Michael wasn't there to mess with me. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. After the nice, hot shower, I got out, dried off, put on my clothes, and brush my teeth. I combed through my hair and put it in a ponytail. Before I could leave the house, Mitchelle calls me back.

'sigh' I turned around and put a fake smile on my face.
"Yes" I said
"You need to eat breakfast. You already skipped dinner. You can't keep skipping meals like this." Mitchelle said
"Fine.' I grabbed a bagel off the plate; on the table. I grabbed my backpack and left out the house. I bit into my bagel and through the rest in the trash can in the garage. I got on my motorcycle and drove off.

I drove into the parking lot of the school and there he was again. In my parking spot. I turned off my motorcycle and got off. Once I start walking to Adrian's car, he got out.

"You jerk!" I said. He caught me before I ran into him. I backed away. He had this grin on his face. "Its not funny. Yesterday, I told you that you were in my parking spot, but you still in it."

"Last time I checked, I didn't see your name on this spot. So that mean this parking spot is free for everyone." he said
"Everyone in this school know its my parking spot."
"Must not be everyone because I'm part of this school too." I scowled and stepped on Adrian's foot real hard. I went to my motorcycle and drove off, leaving behind a bent over Adrian.

The first half of my school day was boring. Of course Adrian was sitting beside me. Even though I was paying attention in class,from the corner of my eye, I could feel Adrian looking at me. Every time he glance at me, I feel shivers go down my spine. Once the bell rang, I tried to act normal, but I practically ran out of the classroom. Second period was fine. For one thing, Adrian wasn't taking my class, so I got to relax a little. Once I got to 3rd period, I was back to trying to ignore Adrian's gaze. Of course he had a seat next to me.Mr. Anderson got up from his desk as the bell rang. He wrote something on the board. I groaned once I saw what was written on the board.

"Class,this semester, we will be working on one of Shakespeare's greatest plays. Romeo and Juliet. You will learn about the fine arts of this play." I pretty much blocked out the rest of what Mr. Anderson said. Shakespeare is just someone who scribble a whole bunch of nothing. "We will be discussing the script and citing them. Look under your desk and you will find your own copy of the script."

I reached under my desk and took out mine. I look over at Adrian and he is already looking through his. As if he feel my eyes on him, he looks at me and winked. I roll my eyes and turned away. i felt myself blush. I looked back at Mr. Anderson.

"Right now, I want two volunteers to cite Act 1, Scene 5 of the play. Mostly known as the first kiss of Romeo and Juliet. Can U get any volunteers?" Mr.Anderson said. Adrian raised his hand and stood up.

"I can play Romeo." Adrian said.
"Okay. Which girl would like to play Juliet?" Automatically, all the girls in the classroom raised their hand. Everyone except me. Adrian looked at me and spoke.

"My friend here, Zoey, keep talking about how much she loves this play. She could be a great Juliet." No he didn't. I know he didn't just do that. I ducked down in my seat as I felt every eye on me. I know he is trying to get me back for what happened in the parking lot. Please, Mr. Anderson. Don't pick me. Mr. Anderson looked at me.

"Zoey barely speaks in this class. I guess this will help her. Zoey, you will be Juliet."

Adrian smiled at me. Oh, I hate him so much right now. I went up to the front of the classroom with Adrian. We start reading our lines, but all I was thinking about was the kiss that was supposed to happen. I was getting really nervous when it came. Adrian is now saying his last line.

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." I put gown my script and Adrian start to lean forward. I could feel him breathing on my face. My heart was beating so fast. Before our lips touched, the bell rang. I backed away in relief and went to my desk. Before I got to leave, Mr. Anderson called me and Adrian over to talk.

"Hey guys. You did great on your parts. It was like there were a real chemistry going on between you too." Mr. Anderson said.
"Thank you Mr. Anderson. Can I leave now?" I said
"Hold up Zoey. I want to ask you guys something. This school year, I was planning on putting on a play, and you guys gave me an idea. I will have a play for Romeo and Juliet."
"And that has to do with me and Adrian because..." I gave Adrian a scowl.
'I would like for you two to be the main characters. Romeo and Juliet." Adrian and I looked at each other and we both start laughing.

Adrian caught his breath and spoke. "You got to be kidding me. I didn't even sign up for this class in the first place. Second, I can't act."
"I can't either. Also, I want to spend as little time as I can with this jerk." I said
"At least think about it" Mr. Anderson said.
"I will. Now can I leave?" I walked out before Mr. Anderson could answer. Adrian has completely humiliated me by volunteering me. I'm so mad right now. I'm just happy that the bell rang before Adrian and I kissed. I get to the lunch room just in time to get something to eat. I brought me a salad and a bottle of water. I was walking across the cafeteria and as soon as I was walking past Brittany's table, hoping she wouldn't call me, She called me out.

"Hey Zoey. Come here." Brittany said. 'sigh' I put a fake smile on my face, and turned around. Of course, Brittany was sitting with her crew. There was only one new person at her table and that was the girl who almost caught me and Adrian as we was

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