» Juvenile Fiction » My Fragile Heart, Selena & Samara [books suggested by elon musk txt] 📗

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Mr. Anderson. The girl who had her back facing toward me turned around. The girl was Zoey.

"Hi." I said. Zoey stared at me with shock.
"What are you doing here?" she said
"I take this class." I smiled at her, but she didn't smile back at me. She looked pissed.
"This can't be happening to me."
"Look for yourself." I gave her my schedule. She took it and read over it.
"My day have gotten worse." She gave me back my schedule. She stared at me. Can you move to another table?"
"No there is nowhere else to sit." Zoey frowned
"Are you trying to ruin my life. First, you take my parking spot. Second, you in my World History class. Now you in my Drama class. Can my day get any worse?"
"Actually it can."
"This is not funny Anthony."
"My name is Adrian."


I was really pissed. I wish someone can just kill me right now. It was hard for me to listen to Mr. Anderson because Adrian keep staring at me. Our arms was almost touching. I was feeling so umcomfortable. I smooth my hair to cover my face for he won't see me blush. Why am I acting this way? When I turned my head to see him for a brief second, Adrian was paying attention to the teacher. I start to get curious. There is something about this guy that seem so familiar. I remeber him from some where, but I can't put my mind to it. Adrian finally looks at me and smiled. I blushed and turned away from him. When the bell rang for lunch, I stood up getting ready to leave, but Adrian stopped me. Adrian stared down at me. He was blocking me from leaving. I felt so vulnerable.

"Can we talk?" he said. My heart was racing.
"For what? I don't have nothing to say to you." I said.
"I guess I have to do it the hard way." Adrian took my hand and pulled me out the classroom.

"Let me go!" I yelleD. I tried to pull my hand free of him, but he held my hand tight. Wow. He was strong. Instead of being angry, it turned me on. When we were out of sight from teachers and students, he pulled me into the auditorium.

"Let me go!" I said. But hw still didn't listen to me. He sat me down on one of the seats. I stared at him in shock. Before I could say anything, he stopped me.

"What is your problem?! Ever sice I got here, you have been rude." he said, Now I was mad. I stood up and glaring at him.
"Rude! You calling me rude. Everywhere I turn around, you always there. Are you stalking me?" I said
"No. I didn't pick those classes. The principal did. You think I want to be in Drama? No! So stop getting on my case about it." Adiran look so hot when he is mad.
"Sorry! That what you was waiting for. Now excuse me." I tried leaving, But he kept getting in my way. I tried kicking him in the groin, but he moved just in time, I tried slapping him, but he caught my hand before it could hit his face. He is so fast. I start to realize that he was still holding my hand. I looked at our hands, then back at him. Adrian finally let go of my hand. Things start to get awkward between us. I blushed. Before we could say anything else, Mr. Chase came in.

"You two suppose to be in lunch." Mr. Chase said
"Sorry. I was just leaving." I said. I stared at Adrian one last time before leaving. I ran to the gurk's restroom. I splashed cold water on my face. I wipped my face with a paper towel. I stared at myself in the mirror and realize that I was still blushing. I need to calm down. When I finally calmed down, I went into the cafeteria. It was full in there. For lunch, I brought me a salad and a Coca Cola Zero. After I paid for my lunch and went outside. I sat at my favorite spot, which is under a oak tree.I pulled out my Ipod Touch to listen to my music. I hope that the music would distract me. But it didn't. Adrian keep showing up in my mind. I need to get out of here. But I can't skip school. Brian and Mitchelle would be so mad at me. The last time I skipped school, Brian almost took away my allowance and my motorcycle. I had to beg him not to take it. That mean I have to stay. This sucks. I ate a little of my salad, but drank my soda. I threw them away in the trash can amd rushed out the cafeteria to the classroom. A few minutes later, everybody came back from lunch. Adrian didn't talk to me for the rest of the class. Instead of feeling relief, I felt disappointed. When the bell rang, I got my stuff and left. I was so hppy that Adrian wasn't in my 4th period class.

The rest of the day was horrible. I didn't plan on hiding from a guy. when the bell rand for dismissal, I went to my locker to get my stuff. When I closed it, I jumped when I see Adrian leaning against a locker giving me a charming smile. I blushed with embarrassment.

"Are you hiding from me?" he said. I frowned. I was so angry.
"No. Why would you say that?" I lied. Why did he have to be right.
"I don't know. Maybe it's because everytime I see you in the hallway, you hiding behind people or your hair." Adrian smooth my hair out my face. I swapped his hand away.
"Don't you dare touch my hair again unless you want to lose a hand." I started walking away but he was following me.
"Chill down. Why are you always so cranky?"
"None of your business. Now can you leave me alone."

As I was walking away from Adrian, I din't notice the wet floor sign, so I kept on walking. Next thing I know, I'm sliding across the floor. I tried keeping my balance, but I started to fall. Before I hit the floor, Adrian catches me. I can't believe Adrian saved me. I looked up into Adiran's eyes. All of a sudden, it was like we were the only two people in the school. I start feeling funny inside. Adrian's green eyes were sparkling. My heart was beating so fast, I bet he could feel it. Adrian start leaning his face in to kiss me. Before he did, a girl cleared her voice. Adrian shot his head up and pushed me away quickly.

"Adrian, there is no time for you to be making out with the girl now. Come on. We have to head home." I felt myself blush when the girl claimed Adrian and I was making out.

"I have to go. Thakns for saving me Adrian." I said. Before he got to say anything, I ran off. How could I be so stupid? I almost let that jerk kiss me. What is wrong wit me? I never let a guy get to me like this the way Adrian did. I can't show myweak side ever again. Once I got to my motorcycle, I drove off.


As I watched Zoey leave, Lily got my attention.

"What?" I said.
"Adrian, how could you? It's our first day of school and you're already making out with a girl, who might be your next dinner." Lily said.
"We didn't even kiss, and you don't have to worry. She's not interested in me. I just saved her from falling."
"You sound upset." Lily start looking at me and smiled. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Mom and Dad."
"Tell them what?"
"That you actually like a girl."
"No I don't."
"Whatever you say."
"Let's just go already."

When we was in the car, we put on our seatbelt and I backed out the parking lot. During the drive home, Lily kept getting on my nerves.

"I can't wait to tell everyone that you have a crush on a human." Lily said.

I got so fed up, so I stopped the car.

"Get out." I said. Lily looked at me with shock.
"No. I'm not leaving this car. We're not even near the house."
"Fine." I kicked Lily out the car drove off. Through telepath, I heasrd Lily.
'I'm telling Mom!!'

As I look through the rear view mirror, Lily was looking smaller and smaller.

I get home and I found Mom in the kitchen sitting at the island in the middle, on her laptop.

"Hey Mom." I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood and drank it. A positive. My favorite. Mom looked up from her laptop.

"Hey Adrian. How was school?" I look nothing like Mom. She has a bleach blonde colored hair with violet colored eyes.
"Same old, same old. Just like the other 243 years I've been going to school."
"You'll be okay. Speaking of okay, where's Lily?"
"Oh, she decided to walk."
"In heels?"
"I guess so." I took another sip of blood

As if on que, Lily comes walking into the house panting.

"Hey sweetie." Mom said. Mom went out of the kitchen and tried hugging Lily, but moved away. "Honey, why are you sweating." I chuckled when Lily laid her emerald eyes on me.

"Adrian kicked me out of his car. He literally kicked me out, Mom. Lily said. Mom turned to me and gave me a cold look.
"What? She was getting on my nerves." I said
"You still shouldn't be kicking your sister out the car." Mom said
"You almost killed me. On my way here, I broke my heels. I just brought these shoes yesterday. Do you know how much I spent on these shoes? Lily said
"No. Stop being a drama queen. Speaking of Drama; Mom. Why did you sign me up for that class? You know I hate Drama." I said

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